18 Mar 2007 @ 23:25
The false choice posed between our economy and the environment affects our policies (and our image in the world) in harmful ways.
One example is auto mileage standards.
Japan has cars that are required by law to get more than 45 miles per gallon. Europe is not far behind, and has passed new laws designed to surpass Japanese standards. Our friends in Canada and Australia are moving toward higher requirements of more than 30 miles per gallon.
Yet the United States is dead last.
We're told that we have to protect our automobile companies from competition in places like China where, it is said, their leaders don't care about the environment.
In fact, Chinese emissions standards have been raised and already far exceed our own.
Ironically, we cannot sell cars made in America to China because we don't meet their environmental standards. More >
18 Mar 2007 @ 23:16
Improvements to our technologies and changes to our behavior---all of which are well-within our capabilities---have the potential to make things better. According to Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow we aren't yet facing a world in which doing the very best we can means barely hanging on. Instead, we are in a position now to make resolute and meaningful advances, thereby keeping us from disaster and laying the groundwork for even greater transformations. More >
18 Mar 2007 @ 21:47
Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical, and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problems for the next half century.
The finding counters the common argument that a major new technology needs to be developed before greenhouse gasses can be controlled or that we need to do research for a long time before getting started. More >
18 Mar 2007 @ 12:36
went to church last night.... I was late having forgotten and started wondering why am I doing this.... driving there it finally occurred it was more or less force of habit with not much hope or faith involved....
that seemed okay to me... sometimes force of habit or habit itself can pull you through the times of no hope or faith....
wasn't really expecting much if anything... yet well you go cause you've gone... anyway walked through the doors about 20 minutes late and the sermon hadn't even started which was odd and the sound system wasn't turned on which was odd to... and some of the usual crowd of homeless and ill people weren't there.... there were a few kids and mostly older folks and single males.... any way turns out some one very close to some of the folks had passed on so it was a bit of a wake for some but then the sermon.... the prodical son.... the odd thing then was it was the pastor kind of saying churches sort of fail because they don't want to let the sinners in. Churches he illuded are just sometimes for preaching to the choir and they don't want the deadbeats the prostitutes the paroles the etc.... wow... I thought and there he was ..... there i felt the presences of christ.... it was like ..... christ didn't come into the church till the sinners were allowed in... interesting....yet what was this presence I felt there....
a scientist would say well what ever but it was just a bit of a rush and some emotions I suppose .... are emotions a presence? well lets not look a gift horse in the month....
was christ really there.... funny he rarely can be found in most churches Ive been to.... to many bigots crowd him out....
but well I'll vouch I guess that he was at that church last night if only for a moment or two....
sir ed More >
18 Mar 2007 @ 02:51
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
---Robert Frost, "Mending Wall"
Every wall is a door.
---Ralph Waldo emerson More >
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