19 Jan 2007 @ 14:40
by Bb Astrid Jan 19 -07
On Ming's Blog we were given an opportunity to read about procrastination - and many of us did.
" H18 Jan 2007 @ 22:57 by ming : Abstraction
Dewf, you're right, the general semantics principles plug right into enlightenment. Not that I'm sure Korzybski would have thought of it that way. But if we can just learn to see things as they are, or, rather, at least remain aware that there's reality beyond our shortsighted generalizations, and always seek it. Being conscious of abstraction, and there-through be willing to see what actually is there.
19 Jan 2007 @ 16:54 by blueboy :
I love your kinda philosophical exclamation comment here above; the "Abstraction".
What keeps us stuck in this frozen (; emotional, where energy with high voltage charge freeze and thus remains stuck, without flowing back into the Sun) I believe, is, this structure we call 'Semantics' -and from that ALL procrastination has its origin-,(mostly) due to peer pressure, and this in turn does not promote Reality /seeing Reality AS it IS.
I also believe ALL people can see Reality as it is,( it is called 'conscience' and even those who we think have none, considering their repeated evil, but they too do see Reality of both their own evil actions and the Reality they are violating with those evil actions; why else would they have such a strong need to hide their evil actions -IF they truly believed their actions to be good and life supporting? ) but so many are still scared to death of the oppression that runs forth from the peer pressure; very vengeful and indeed deadly in many instances!
People choose to procrastinate, when they feel threatened to let their own creativity flow; when they feel that being just them is not OK and when they feel that what is expected from them ( on a daily basis) is just too far from their own true Nature and too far away from what they really wish for their life.
Peer pressure is "the Devil" and the root to the fraudulent monetary system as well! "Don't you dare to see Life differently than what I tell you to you to see it as!"
This twisted energy process has now gone on so long that it has taken on this form we call "general (or "sloppy") semantics" - as well as an over all tendency by us to procrastinate when we feel stuck and of course procrastination makes us even more stuck, for real, as it were!
It all boils down to individual psychology. I personally believe that best and quickest Road to Healing is whenever ONE person dares to allow their own creativity to be their guiding Star in their life. That "allows" the people around, who witness this transformation in 'me' to go and do the same thing in their life!
After all; wasn't it the fact that Buddha and Jesus et Al, dared to live on their own Inner -Ethical- terms, that made them "Enlightened" - and never "needed" to procrastinate!... Full circle! : )
Thanks for giving the stimuli and forum to clarify this for myself! I hope this also might be a window for others as well and enable many more to see through the loop of this wicked, vicious, evil circle and free themselves!
ALL people are (made by ) Nature (to be )( Joy-/"fun"-)loving, allowing and creative -if only given the permission without risking life and limb ( by mean spirited peers )!" End Quote
"Abstraction" is an "interesting" word in that it really stands for "Intangible" ("things") like Love, Fear, Beauty, Ugliness, Harmony, Discord etc.
It also can express even "higher" Cosmic Realities; also intangible: Distance, Time, God etc etc.
Humankind has been so wrapped into judging itself/its members
based on TANGIBLE similarities -or differences! These OUTSIDE- of-our-SKIN-things are the outer touchable things and these -we are taught- either make us similar -or different from each other! But this is NOT a Cosmic Truth at all!
The differences we have are ONLY skin deep -literally! And/or "Cultural"; dependent on mostly Physical = outer geographical differences in places for our Home-communities; Greenland vs Timbuktu, for instance.
Of course there must be differences in the life-styles between these people and in their Art and their Literature etc, based on the variables for their geophysical Locations!
Yet Beauty is beauty in both "places" it is indeed in the eye of the Beholder; INSIDE the person, be they judging something as beautiful in Greenland -or in Timbuktu. And more: Beauty is Beauty for the person in question, REGARDLESS of what others think or see or say, eh?
The BIG Question is : does this person's judgment about Beauty affect the OUTER world for the rest of Humankind? If not, then they are free to see beauty where ever they want! In other words: if the Beauty they see doesn't have a destructive quality to Itself or intentions, it should be OK for its "Mom" or "Dad" to see it that way, without having to become the target for and endure peer pressure!
So how about Evil? Is that an Inner or Outer Thing? It is indeed an Inner thing that has serious both Inner AND outer effects on ALL around it!
Double Standard ( = "evil" > Dual moral /ethical Standards ARE destructive and consequently automatically carries destruction with them.
There can never be any Double Standards without IMBALANCE > INJUSTICE; leading to Alienship; the need to see others "lesser than us", and "because of that we now can hurt them as it pleases us" ; a "freebe" to CRUELTY; in its lightest form is called 'PEER PRESSURE'.
Here below I will post an Article about how Peer pressure is running USA/Politics today -as it does in most places today, just like it has done all over the world for thousands of years and will continue- UNTIL we see that the similarities are to found INSIDE of us! They are indeed "Abstract/ions"! Yet more real than ANYTHING in Universe!
We all cry in the same language! We all feel sorrow in the same language. We all feel Joy in the same language -even when triggered by different OUTER Things! "Greenland "vs" Timbuktu, remember?)
The Peer pressure has run our world too long already. Or what do you think, when reading the article here below? Do you think there is something else running this?
The Major Control Tool for running your life the way are told to run is Fear for your life -or "you'll get "suicided" (by the BULLIES, because they are always the ones who make up the Rules that then become the Social Memes for each Society; what to follow.) MONEY!!!
The more you follow the Right OUTER Requirements for being /becoming "One of Us" the more money we'll let you have. We'll even hand it to you, just for being (of) "Right"(kind)!
With this kind of pressure, people start procrastinating; it is in so many instances the "natural" reaction to the fact that their own creativity is STIFFLED and NOT ALLOWED and NOT valued, while deception is! -and certainly not really, really profitable, like enough to build a life on! (-ahhh, here comes the deadly tool; the FRAUDULENT Money SYSTEM! )
People live a life they hate by their deepest life preserving Instincts! And rightfully so!
But we can't just go on hating and procrastinating our Life! that way we'll never live it; OUR life!
Who or What dictates YOUR Life??? More >
8 Jan 2007 @ 02:50
The Beatitudes of 2007
Blessed are the goof balls that make us laugh despite our woes.
Blessed are the sunsets and sunrises that warm our hearts.
Blessed is good health.
Blessed is a cold winter day and a birch fire and pipe and such comforting memories.
Blessed are the sparrows and pigeons despite the mess they leave.
Blessed is a warm bath and warm feet.
Blessed are the Robins and Parakeets that indulge our stupidity and blindness.
Blessed is a decent cup of coffee.
Blessed are our 5 or 7 senses.
Blessed is a decent and proper breakfast of fresh bread, ham slices and fresh egg nog.
Blessed are the candle flames and insense.
Blessed is rich and harmonious music.
Blessed is a real good kiss and hug and close dancing.
Blessed is good beer, sparkling wine and port and apricot brandy.
Blessed are my Grandparents who have put up with all of our nonsense.
Blessed are Martin and Katie Luther.
Blessed are the rainbows and soft warm and cold rains.
Blessed are the trees plants and flowers and oceans.
Blessed are the wildlife and wilderness.
Blessed is the bursting spring and harvests of autumn.
Blessed are the mountains, glaciers, rivers, lakes and streams of the Rockies.
Blessed are the farmers fields, and their yields and the beasts of burden.
Blessed are the canoe and sail boat.
Blessed is the Lord of Lords and the HOly Spirit.
Surely and truly we are Blessed by and for all of these.
ed More >
7 Jan 2007 @ 04:23
January 6 2006
National Charge
Court is in session
Citizens Arrest
May it please the court that we stand before you today
upon the merits of prosecution of the USA on 2 counts of the dangerous use of weapons of mass
destruction by the United States of America for the bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 1940s of the twentieth century Earth.
These stand as unnecessary offenses in much of the Nation of Canada.
How pleads you?
Yet given and weighting the constructive merits of the 1969
landing of the NAsA eagle on our moon we must deliberate carefully
IN THE DOINGS AND EXECUTIONS OF THESE TwO ACTS. /was it the crime and guilt of the prior
that instigated prompted and promoted the remorse to attempt the latter?
global citizen More >
5 Jan 2007 @ 22:22
Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists
If western governments were really trying win the "war on terror" they wouldn't give terrorists so much credit
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet /// [link]
Friday, January 5, 2007
Posted by Bb Astrid
The menace of global terrorism has been labeled the greatest threat to western civilization since communism and yet swimming pools, peanuts and lost deer kill more Americans every single year. Why are our governments facilitating the terrorist's agenda by hyping a peril that simply doesn't exist? More >
1 Jan 2007 @ 21:39
I just received this from my gal-friend Jeannette. I had no clue she was so much into Numerology. But I'm glad she is! This essay really says what I have felt/known for some time and workd towards that end : to be able to really be pulling all threads together and finalize the "launching pad for the future, which includes preparing for the Times right ahead.
Hope you all are "with" me on this one!
HAPPY NEW YEAR -to us all! /// Bb Astrid
2007.... it adds up to a number 9-Year. (2+0+0+7 = 9)
In Numerology that signals the end of a full cycle. It is time for people to sort out and discard all the debris of the last 9 years. There will be a reassessment of our values and motives so we make the slate clean and become ready for a new beginning. More >
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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