13 Dec 2006 @ 14:45
Dec 13, 2006
Earth Council
7:30 AM MST
Air pollution on Earth may be causing the planet to cool by way of dirty clouds
reflecting sunlight back into space, at the same time though Green House Gas Emissions
are causing and overall warming by increasing the Green House Effect, yet if pollution is reduced the aggragate warming would be even greater.
we might call this situation the Global Temperature Paradox.
Why is it occurring though?
I muchly suspect that the global warming and cooling pardox, or the global temperature paradox is largely being influenced mostly by global air traffic but perhaps by additonal factors and forces as well, due mostly and because air planes present and act in micro, macro and medium ways, means and effect.
Earth Council Committee "A" Report
Dec. 13, 2006
Earth Council
What is the commonality of the current global situation?
Why is human activity pollution causing both global warming and cooling,
with an overall trend to warming?
Global Air Traffic
We need to do some testing and experiments.
The paradox I suspect revolves around "human or artificial human flight".
Is human flight natural?
No but it is ethereal.
We take to flight to...?
Yet our flight would seem to be related or connected to the paradox and more.
A Global Air Traffic Study
First we have to get a snapshot of the current flight situation.
We will require:
Number of flights per day.
Flight pollutions and emissions
Flight routes
As well we will require:
current global mean temp
Current global mean solar transmission strength
Current global mean pan evaporation rate
current global mean greenhouse effect
current global mean cloud particle density
Dynamic adjustments for seasonal variables
Unfortuneately we have no control mechanism per sae
so our only real option is the number airplane flights freezing and or reduction
Can we live with fewer air traffic?
Apparently we can't live with more.
So there should be an immediate moritorium on global air flights.
Action Plan
Study Method
We should set up various flight senarios
These may indeed affect climate in the short, medium and long term
1 month to 100 years.
By creating various flights senarios against the various measures
we might be able to detect a global pattern of variables
that effect such.
By studying thus we can attempt to montior and order these against
the current moratorium status.
We should attempt not to exceed the current conditions
so the current global state should reference and rate as a global crisis state.
By careful monitoring then we have to see if various flight scenarios
create specific data sets of the measures, rememembering it is a complex
measure and other factors may factor in such as seasonal variables and solar flaring.
Ideally this should be done off planet, ie a moon base. to give an independant aspect.
It is my premise that it is global air flights that is having the greatest significant
impact at this time.
Eventually or soon we will have to address land and sea transport as well and power plant emmisions.
Global Air Traffic and Disease
In addition the hence forth monitoring of flus, infectious diseases and aids and such
against the global air traffic experiment may show some correlation
as well. This though is another matter but will or may be
effected by this effort. Another committee should be struck to study this.
Global Air Flight
Flight would seem to be the overiding feature and commonality in this situation,
the outstanding commanility effective apparently on a micro, macro and medium dimension,
and consistent with the being of human flight some 100 or so years ago.
By freezing or a moratorium on air flight we may or maynot notice a slight slow down on
global concerns. To effect a greater change or management we will have to study
the global effect of global flight patterns on and against the variables and measures adopted plus perhaps eliminate or adopt more. Global flight management may indeed prove to be the mechansim wherebye we can most influence the current global situation.
Is this conclusion fact?
This cannot be determined due to the complexity and globality of the variables and measures but an open experimental study might lead to indications of this complex mechanism.
As such this then is a theory until further pattern evidence and anaylisis is available.
Given the paradoxal nature involved it is doubtful if a difinative conclusion can
ever be made. Therefore it may not be the total case or cause alone but may be the current strongest contributing influence. It remains to be seen.
Flight afterall is one of humanities greatest achievements but as well an acilles heel?
Earth Council Meeting
Dec 13, 2006
Earth Council
Table Talk
Thanks for this...? I think?
It seems to be a rather high probablity
as the people and institutions seem to check out
on googling...
hmmmm what to do....
It is a paradox of sorts...
If we reduce pollution we increase global warming
what's the next step or is it even more complex and complicated.
A study also confirmed that using airplanes was doing something
drastic to ? hmmm what was it now...????
Something to do with the effect on night and day something or other,
not to mention spreading germs and viruses quickly around the world.
The 911 air grounding reduced the impact on the flu season quite
We have gone past the point of no return I suspect though.
We have made a bed of sort and now will have to sleep in it.
Or are there still a few options?
So okay
Call to order
approve mintutes
approve budget
what budget?
Director Report
Old business
Cold war
Iraq War
Global Warming
UN Reform
New Business
Global Dimming = [link]
Global Warming = http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=ay4LBt_Tlv0Q&refer=latin_america#
Global Air Traffic = Sorry no link?
Library of Alexandra = [link]
Beyond Einstein ( I think its time to put
the egg heads to work)
= [link]
Carbon Neutral = [link]
Next Meeting ?
Well ?
Circulate these mintutes anyway
13 Dec 2006 @ 11:57
Dec. 13, 2006
Earth Council
What is the commonality of the current global situation?
Why is human activity pollution causing both global warming and cooling,
with an overall trend to warming?
Global Air Traffic
We need to do some testing and experiments.
The paradox I suspect revolves around "human or artificial human flight".
Is human flight natural?
No but it is ethereal.
We take to flight to...?
Yet our flight would seem to be related or connected to the paradox and more.
A Global Air Traffic Study
First we have to get a snapshot of the current flight situation.
We will require:
Number of flights per day.
Flight pollutions and emissions
Flight routes
As well we will require:
current global mean temp
Current global mean solar transmission strength
Current global mean pan evaporation rate
current global mean greenhouse effect
current global mean cloud particle density
Dynamic adjustments for seasonal variables
Unfortuneately we have no control mechanism per sae
so our only real option is the number airplane flights freezing and or reduction
Can we live with fewer air traffic?
Apparently we can't live with more.
So there should be an immediate moritorium on global air flights.
Action Plan
Study Method
We should set up various flight senarios
These may indeed affect climate in the short, medium and long term
1 month to 100 years.
By creating various flights senarios against the various measures
we might be able to detect a global pattern of variables
that effect such.
By studying thus we can attempt to montior and order these against
the current moratorium status.
We should attempt not to exceed the current conditions
so the current global state should reference and rate as a global crisis state.
By careful monitoring then we have to see if various flight scenarios
create specific data sets of the measures, rememembering it is a complex
measure and other factors may factor in such as seasonal variables and solar flaring.
Ideally this should be done off planet, ie a moon base. to give an independant aspect.
It is my premise that it is global air flights that is having the greatest significant
impact at this time.
Eventually or soon we will have to address land and sea transport as well and power plant emmisions.
Global Air Traffic and Disease
In addition the hence forth monitoring of flus, infectious diseases and aids and such
against the global air traffic experiment may show some correlation
as well. This though is another matter but will or may be
effected by this effort. Another committee should be struck to study this.
Global Air Flight
Flight would seem to be the overiding feature and commonality in this situation,
the outstanding commanility effective apparently on a micro, macro and medium dimension,
and consistent with the being of human flight some 100 or so years ago.
By freezing or a moratorium on air flight we may or maynot notice a slight slow down on
global concerns. To effect a greater change or management we will have to study
the global effect of global flight patterns on and against the variables and measures adopted plus perhaps eliminate or adopt more. Global flight management may indeed prove to be the mechansim wherebye we can most influence the current global situation.
Is this conclusion fact?
This cannot be determined due to the complexity and globality of the variables and measures but an open experimental study might lead to indications of this complex mechanism.
As such this then is a theory until further pattern evidence and anaylisis is available.
Given the paradoxal nature involved it is doubtful if a difinative conclusion can
ever be made. Therefore it may not be the total case or cause alone but may be the current strongest contributing influence. It remains to be seen.
Flight afterall is one of humanities greatest achievements but as well an acilles heel?
Twokay More >
13 Dec 2006 @ 10:22
Dec 13, 2006
Earth Council
Table Talk
Thanks for this...? I think?
It seems to be a rather high probablity
as the people and institutions seem to check out
on googling...
hmmmm what to do....
It is a paradox of sorts...
If we reduce pollution we increase global warming
what's the next step or is it even more complex and complicated.
A study also confirmed that using airplanes was doing something
drastic to ? hmmm what was it now...????
Something to do with the effect on night and day something or other,
not to mention spreading germs and viruses quickly around the world.
The 911 air grounding reduced the impact on the flu season quite
We have gone past the point of no return I suspect though.
We have made a bed of sort and now will have to sleep in it.
Or are there still a few options?
So okay
Call to order
approve mintutes
approve budget
what budget?
Director Report
Old business
Cold war
Iraq War
Global Warming
UN Reform
New Business
Global Dimming = [link]
Global Warming = http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=ay4LBt_Tlv0Q&refer=latin_america#
Global Air Traffic = Sorry no link?
Library of Alexandra = [link]
Beyond Einstein ( I think its time to put
the egg heads to work)
= [link]
Carbon Neutral = [link]
Next Meeting ?
Well ?
Circulate these mintutes anyway
12 Dec 2006 @ 13:21
Dec. 12, 2006
"Some buildings transcend function"
Elfenz (New Zealand)
Lusana (Hawaii)
Swanlake (Canada)
A true or noble architect has many masters. He must serve his client
and their function/s but also he must serve the community and the
And if thats not enough, he too must serve the dollar, physics, law,
beauty, health, Holy Spirit, and time and ? And then, only then should and will he, if
granted, able and alive, does he serve himself and his heart.
Small wonder transcendent architecture is rare,
but yet in serving all these, he does ironically serve
his heart, himself and joy. The joy of being a "transcendent architect."
12 Dec 2006 @ 13:03
Dec. 12, 2006
"Some buildings transcend function"
Elfenz (New Zealand)
Lusana (Hawaii)
Swanlake (Canada)
A true or noble architect has many masters. He must serve his client
and their function/s but also he must serve the community and the
And if thats not enough, he too must serve the dollar, physics, law,
beauty, health, Holy Spirit, and time and ? And then, only then should and will he, if
granted, able and alive, does he serve himself and his heart.
Small wonder transcendant architecture is rare,
but yet in serving all these, he does ironically serve
his heart, himself and joy. The joy of being a "transcendant architect."
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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