Xanadu 2012    
 Title0 comments
category picture12 Dec 2006 @ 05:48

There was a boy, that ran wild among the reeds and leaves.
He loved the sting of the wind on his face, as ran like beauty black,
on the palmed beaches of his imagination and across the stolden summer greens.

There to, he would box the red wing black birds that scolded and jabed at his
tortured soul, for coming to close to their nested futures.
Always they would win and he would cower and run away to nowhere, searching,
longing for his dead home that never was.

They said a rogue tornado had stolden him from his heart.
That's what they said anyway.

So he fell in love with the sun cause it would ease and warm the chill and pain
before the dawn, as he would wake each morn from the depths of the cold and dark
nights that drowned him as he slept.

One day, after much betrayal, he sold what was left of his ravaged body
to the money pimps and by chance it bought him a meeting with four small angels.
Fearing they would leave him, he captured and caged their goodness in a gilded cage.

There goodness helped to warm him as he braved the icy hell of his uncertain prison.
Sadly though one by one the angels died, till after the third one his tears had turned
from pain to blood. Swallowing the last bittersweet honey of them, he knew in his silly

pretense that he would set the last angel free. He held it in his hands, sad goodbye and off

it winged to where it would.

The warmth gone he sat as if to die but somewhere, very deep,very very deep,
"crack", a tear moistened seed broke through its husk and began its journey to the sun.

(c) 2006

 The Architectural Divide3 comments
category picture11 Dec 2006 @ 20:00
Dec 11, 2006


I was asked to review a new book on architecture,
" A Theory of Architecture" by Nikos A. Salingaros
I felt it wasn't up to snuff but had potential.

I think I felt that because it seemed to lack a basic premise
or thought. A crutial architectural insight.

Reading the article on open sources cars ming found, brought back the architectural idiom and reference "Form follows Function" that was instilled in me in Arch school and then bingo the insight...

Thats possible but only in egotistical or fashion architecture not natural or sustainable architecture. In truth or maybe not truth but in practice "Function follows Form" Its the building that ultimately determines the function and not the function
that determines the building. It perhaps sematic somewhat but then it isn't. I think Form will alway "over ride" function because forms are more sustainable than functions as form is the noun and function the verb. There is a bit of synthesis between form and function in terms of the architect. The architect is like a form/function anaylist who must take both form and function as equals and create a formal expression or "form" of the conclusion. Different "forms" for different "functions". Effective architecture as it were.
So to the architect form is function and function is form but to the legacy, Function follows the built or expressed form.

I think the closest this has found expression is in the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Conscious architecture of Douglas Cardinal. Closest because neither seemed to have much luck with roofs but achieve a immortal form below the roofs.

alfred  More >

 Joy?12 comments
category picture11 Dec 2006 @ 01:46
Perhaps I should conduct a poll.

A Poll

Is joy the fufillment of the law?

State yes, no or maybe and why?

ed  More >

 The 2006 Red Deer Report0 comments
category picture10 Dec 2006 @ 14:12
Dec. 10, 2006
Alberta, Canada


well figured it was about due for one of these again.
Hmmm when was the last one? Well couple years I guess or not?
Hmmmm when shes right near winter, days short, nights long.
The cold has set in though the weather seems rather flipant.
Although this is Alberta, seems more flipant than usual.
Generally speaking. Overall, its perhaps a mite warmer but
I'm from up North a ways so that may just be latitude or is it
longitude. Yikes (kicks foot to start up memory).

Anyway, seems quiet as it is Sunday, and people have the weekend
off and sleep in and a few trudge on to Church, although some Churches
now offer a Saturday evening service. Not sure what the basis of it is.
Seems more of an accomadation thing of peoples busy lives.

Peoples lives seem busy. Red Deers growing, no rentals, housing start waits,
employee shortages, growing working homeless problems, service sectre closing
because of lack of staff, staff shortages all around though and it seems to be easier
to hire a VP then a secretary. Fast Food places trying to maintain price but giving
premium wages. Trying to attract untypical job sectors, ie: seniors, natives, disabled,
although thats what the media reports, seems that they just are having less luck in
getting the usual sort and are diversying thier standards. Does that translate into jobs
for the jobless though? Seems not exactly just a redistribution or boardening of the
usual pool.

Museum plan got shelved after a couple years of debate. Seemed the plan was somewhat
divisive and political. An emergency housing plan has been revised to accomadate the

changing demographics.
Many people and families who have jobs just can not find places to live
and the cost of rent has gone through the roof, with a vacancy rate of less that 1%.

The birds are awfully quiet. Most migrated on south for the winter. Saw the flocks of
geese and ducks aheaded that way. The magpies and sparrows stick around but the recent
cold spell even had them hiding out. I put out a bit of seed for them but only once a week
so as not to spoil or tame or concede to their whining. Seems if you give them to much
some folks take offense to the "mess" their presence engenders.

Fair amount of snow and rain a happenin. The crops were fair to good this year anyway.
The river didn't flood and the talk of pipin water 90 miles south to calgary
has generated a firestorm of sorts of debate.

A proposed power line also has generated concern as some figure it will only generate

dollars for some and pollution for locals.

The net zero housing market has started with a few folks optin for solar heat and power
although whether the added cost and hence reduced quality will justify remains to be seen.
They are air tight though and efficient though I don't reckon they're really built to last
but to sell at this point. Its a tough and expensive call sometimes doin the right thing.

Art and music scene is ......well we won't go there.

The flowers in city hall park were nice this year again, not overly spectacular but nice.
And the farmers market came and went. They created Alexandar Way, a new showy historic
street to honor something or other.

Did I mention the river didn't flood which is good. Seemed about normal height.

They've put some modern sculptures arounds about and intend more. Somewhat novel and

interesting and they made a nice water fountain pond for looks and some to cool off
on some hot days we get in summer.

Stores are expanding and new construction happenin and I guess they may be plannin a biofuel
plant near abouts although I hear biofuel though good is somewhat over rated and subsitized.

Ozone levels seem a bit high.

The new mayor seems to have a fair handle on things in what is probably a tough job with the
growth and all. Taxes well they'll probably go up as usual although the fed GST went down 1%

although it would be hard to say it was noticed in the pocket book anywhere.

Gas was outrageous at the pumps over a dollar a litre in the summer and what with a station

or two with bad pumps, driving was at a premium.

The cold spell had both a crunch for the homeless and the stray dogs and cats. Everyone

tryin to stay warm in near 40 below weather and there's probably more to come.

Anyway, fruit and vegies seem expensive, though gas has come down but heating gas is goin up

so it will probably square off. Nothing gettin any cheaper though it seems. Haircuts goin

for about 20 bucks and computer repair about $65 an hour.

Anyway thats probably enought till again fingers crossed.

take care

This report brought to as a public service by a memeber of the planet Earth

 Bowel Gate2 comments
category picture3 Dec 2006 @ 17:11
Dec. 3, 2006

Bowel Gate

Well this is somewhat tasteless but given the possibility
and need for address.

Perhaps the world was and is not "designed" to process
7 billion plus bowel movements per day.

Its not that people aren't welcome... but there is that


quirky but possible

sir  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
