3 Dec 2006 @ 04:13
Dec 2nd -06
by Bb Astrid
We Spirits, while having this Human Experience, need to come to grips with how this Experience Experiment is playing out Itself through us. While it is important to acknowledge the Spirit/ual aspect of both the Experience and us, ourselves, we have to acknowledge, that that is not enough.
The more accurate we can see through lies fed to us by other humans, the clearer the truth about the interaction becomes.
In this whole Scam -for let's face it; we humans wandered off deep and far into the Weirdfield from our POSSIBLE Experiment field, that we COULD have kept closer to the Cosmically Correct, had there not been this "liiitttle" 'Thing', that has been the determining factor for each and every human, that ever walked this Earth! And most of us, humans didn't get it right! Indeed; very few individuals did so.
Today Humankind as a collective we have to face some serious mistakes to be the dark truth about our trip -and bigger numbers of us are ready -as in 'willing'- today.
Among those dark truths are many things, that we discuss almost on daily basis today is; The Reality/Truth about money.
To have this conversation at our dinner table is a pretty new experiment/ experience though. We even talk today about the Monetary System itself; the fraudulent one, that's been in place for "eons"!
Another aspect that we NEED to start talking about much more, is these two existing Paradigms, that are all about our own psychology / Psyche and still not accepted/understood all too well by most people; yet they are at play every single minute in every single person's life throughout our lives!
These two Paradigms are the so called Old Paradigm and the so called New Paradigm. NOBODY escapes or lives one single minute, not even a milli-second without ONE of these two Paradigms being the System that provides us with our Life- energy.
The minute the life energy source is completely blocked/shut off for five minutes or more we are dead! That is how serious this question about our true source is!
The "Old Paradigm" is the old wiring, that for instance ALL fundamentalist religions promote as well as the GENUINE so called "New Age" Philosophy. Though from the New Age philosphy sprang forth a lot of New Paradigm New Age philosophies; for instance: Sustainable Living, Living Light on the Earth, Voluntary Simplicity, Local Monetary Systems etc.
The one and BIG difference between these two Paradigms is, that the Old, promotes and supports the idea that ALL Outside the Child, is there for his taking; lifeless meaningless,with NO OTHER -as in own; Intrinsic Value- but ONLY for the Child to Play with; to use and abuse only in/for HIS/HER life and nobody else's! Indeed; to hell with the rest; including the first and last Live Supporter/Provider: Nature/The Earth herself!
In other words: the Child is 100% selfish, not understanding that ALL on Earth; indeed all in the Universe are connected and that ALL actions as well as interactions have their LOGICAL -given- consequences! This kind of Child/Psyche/ psychology/"religion" CANNOT handle -or allow for- ANY true Equality to others other than as rhetorics; to cover up some of that totally uncaring selfishness.
Hence the Old Paradigm when made "academic" or to a "religion" /"philosophy" of any kind is always all about ENERGY MANIPULATION ; "A How-To -manual" how to provide the Child with the Energy to live another five minutes or when THAT is secured/guaranteed; for the Goodies the child just plain wants!
To accommodate this energy flow-process to benefit the Child alone, a very intricate Philosophy was created. From that one BASIC "philosophy" a thousand more were derived. They ALL have one thing in common: PUT the BLAME, GUILT, SHAME etc on THE PERSON WHO DARES TO POINT OUT THE IN-EQUALITIES/unfairnesses OR WHO DARES TO COMPLAIN WHEN HIT BY THEM; the Classic 'Blame the Victim' - thing! This system of thinking, acting ALWAYS supports the THIEF, MASS-MURDERER, LIAR; to put it short: the Aggressor/Initiator and Perpetrator of (the ) Evil Act. In many cases big groups of these people came together and created so called 'Dogmas' that remained untouched/unevolved for thousands of years; no new Insights ( = 'Grace'! 'The Fall Out Of Grace) in order to UPDATE/alter these originally written/taught models of/for behaviour/interactions were allowed and organisations of various kinds under various "flags" so to speak, in order to have "some extra leverage" against the victims grew up like mushrooms -as the saying goes. They are all very much and HARD at work today, because too many victims are tired of this nonstop Blame the Victim Syndrome. People like you and me are tired of being sucked dry by these parasitic humans who when stripped naked only hace their own selfishness as their Fig Leaf to hide a wounded Child, made to feel inadequate of /for being "Just Them" and un-accepted if/whenever they dared to (try to )be it; only themselves!
With this in mind, my dear reader, I am sure you can trace a gazillion "Philosophies", and so called psychology (models) who all do this very thing: protect the Aggressor, JUSTIFYING the EVIL at any cost -in any way necessary! "The End Justifies The Means" has been The Be All,End All for ---- how long?!?
The person, who most openly and most vehemntly opposed this Old Paradigm philosophy was Jesus (of Nazareth) who totally understood the what came to be called "the New Paradigm" though it was NOT "birthed" by him, nor was he the first one to promote it. But he did it by showing through his own Cosmic Evolution/Growing into ever higher state of Consciousness what we all could -and indeed should have- as our experience as Humans following the Cosmic Path of Spirit/CO-CREATIVE Beings in a Creative Universe. ( "Things" become so much clearer if/ when we re-place the word "Spiritual"/Spirit with the word "Co-/creative" or "Co/creator". )
The Path out of the quagmire is, has always been, to accept ALL as our Equals, with the same right/s as we want for ourselves. In other words: The Golden Rule in action!
Whenever -and to whatever amount- we open up to this kind of behaviour, we now access Life Energy straight from the Source: Universe -"God" - if you wish! On the other hand: By CHOOSING TO BELIEVE our tormentors more than our own Inner Guidance can keep us to stick to HUMAN PREJUDICE, hence keeping us AWAY from this realization and our Only True Energy Source and that is then when and where put and end to this Natural Progression Back To Our Origin(al Home): The so called "Kingdom Of God"; our own and by us chosen and acknowledged God-Consciousness!
With all these Insights now in place, so to speak, let's look at some parts of this sick game we've been forced to live for far too long already... and everyone of us can now start thinking a little harder how we can affect our own Journey Back Home by applying our new Understanding in our own Everyday life in and by the way we treat ALL around us: Do we do it via the Old Paradigm or through the New: "Do Unto Others ..." by truly feeling and treating ALL as our EQUALS, worthy, of all WE want to be, deserving all the same as us!
More >
30 Nov 2006 @ 02:47
The Grail Quest!
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27 Nov 2006 @ 22:23
http://freeamerica.ws/why-not-ballots.html /// Article posted by Bb Astrid
The most common strategy employed by Americans seeking more freedom is to try to reform the government through electoral politics. I consider this to be an almost complete waste of time and effort. Here are some of my reasons:
* If you don't get over 50% of the vote in an election, you get nothing. Nada. Zip. Even if your candidate does get elected, you again have to get over 50% of the vote in the legislature / Congress, or again you get nothing.
* Even if you manage to generate a lot of support and enthusiasm for your cause during an election campaign, all of your momentum dissipates in the off years between elections.
* The game is rigged against us. Our rulers use vote fraud, byzantine election regulations, and onerous ballot access requirements to suppress any serious electoral challenge.
* Any candidate you manage to get elected immediately faces strong pressure to compromise his or her principles in order to get anything accomplished. City Hall, the state Capitol, and especially Washington, D.C., are environments that are morally corrosive in the extreme, and few have the strength to withstand their corruptive forces.
* Democracy is anathema to freedom. One wag described democracy as "two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." Socrates was put to death by democratic vote because a majority of his fellow Athenians didn't like what he taught. Minorities are forever at the mercy of the majority in any true democracy. And few notions are as morally repulsive as the idea that your neighbors have a right to strip you of your property (taxation, eminent domain) or even turn you into a slave (conscription) just because a majority of them vote in favor of it.
* Voting serves only to lend a patina of legitimacy to tyranny. People ruled by a democracy will put up with abuses they would never tolerate from a dictator, because they labor under the false beliefs that "we are the government" and that the mere fact of being allowed to vote for new rulers every few years means they are free.
* The bottom line: in all of human history, no people has ever voted themselves free.
The one case where an election campaign might be useful to freedom seekers is when the campaign is used as a platform to publicize the philosophy of freedom and the government's crimes... as long as the candidate doesn't get distracted by trying to get elected.
**************** More >
27 Nov 2006 @ 01:33
Nov 26, 2006
The say the numbers don't lie, so people, and the polititions mostly go for stats and numbers.
Okay so you want numbers aye...
well heres some...
Studies indicate that the global value of "wild nature" in goods and services rendered free of charge? to the world or humanity is over 20 Trillion Dollars US? a year....
Where and to whom do I send the bill?
It appears humanity has run up quite an ecodebt or deficite.
As this bill is about 10,000 years in arrears....
well maybe we can work out some kind of payment plan?
I mean nature must have an awfully big heart to let a bill go unpaid for 10,000 years....
but hey shes not stupid...
I mean you knew one day... the collector would be coming...
I wonder if I should tell her about "interest" oh and compound interest.
Hold on thats 10,000 x 20 Trillion....$
hmmmm I need a bigger calculator
at what interest rate?... oh say prime so about 2% per year
well hey... lets just say its a lot....
link = [link]
will that be cash or charge?
sir More >
26 Nov 2006 @ 19:23
Nov. 26, 2006
Hello, and good Sunday to you.
Taking responsibility? Now what does that mean. Being accountable to the authorites?
Being accountable to the Truth? Being accountable to one self? Yes all these things
and acknowledging ones power in fact. Taking responsibility is in a sense at times
enpowering ones self and acknowledging ones power. But also realizing that one of power can
make mistakes to and that even though one in power does not necessarilly have to take
responsibility yet they should should'nt they? because if power equals irresponsibleness
then that is a recipe for, well apparently the situation we have upon.
But there is "to much" to take responsibility for is there not. Yes for the minions of
society. It doesn't do much or make much sense for the have nots to take responsibility as
it has no effect or means to make right. Yet the have nots I don't think unless they arise
in revolt are not as responsible for situations as the haves or not as much. It is just that
those without means can hardly afflict damage or even do much good for that matter, sorry
but this is in terms of real action in the modern world. Face it the havenots are not a
factor or as much a factor. Yet they should continue to do what they can as small actions
done by many can give global dividends.
The big problem seems to be the "gains" obtained by irresponsible methods. Somehow
irresponsible gains are the problem. And yet those who obtained such gains by irresponsible
and tarty means are hardly about to relinquish such. Why should they? They simply don't seem
to care about the damage their means and methods have caused so yet look at the result of
such behaviour and philosophy. The ends are the means. Irresonsible means equal
irresponsible and anarchistic ends. Yet how can those irresponsibles be made to become
Hmmmmmm who will hold thyself to account?
Well unfortuneately that is the question. Until those of power deem themselves more
responsible and thus acknowledge and attempt to make reparation and repair, the current
reality will continue. We I suppose can't instill responsiblity in others or each other,
even, it seems, by example so I don't know how to make the irresponsible responsible. To some then it seems "ill gotten" goods are no different than well gotten goods.
alfred More >
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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