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 Revised Woodstock Remembered2 comments
picture11 Nov 2006 @ 20:56
NOV 2006

Happy Remembrance Day all.....

Well I didn't have much planned for remembrance day so I thought I'd revisit an old battle scene on this day so I popped the woodstock 1969 Festival into the dvd.

Watching as I write and I have a whole new perspective on it. I ran across some info that said that whole period was a result of the astrological alignment of the stars and planets so that gave me a whole new perspective as I watched with that in mind.

well the building of the site by the promoters occurs. everything going according to plan but then after 9 months of planning the reality of it begins and then the roads start to get congested as the people start to come and come and they keep coming and the concert is almost ready to start and then it bombs as its announced probably after some discussion of cancellation that the concert is now free and ? Why because probably there weren't supposed to be so many people. So then it seems to become a rather boring display of pretense and disappointment because the promoters and powers that be have just said good bye to about 3 million dollars which in todays terms would be about 30 million or more dollars. The stench of the bombed finances and plan and order fills the concert. This goes on and on and on into a kind of redundancy and naseua until by some stroke of happenstance or whatever the skies open up and pour out upon the scene.

The winds and rain come and people are bored and depressed and now wet, cold and hungry and probably a lot went home because the "escape" they sought wasn't happening and instead they were being asked to participate in the $ ruin of the event as the rain keeps coming. In the ensuing physical discomfort though something mysterious begins to happen as a kind of "bonding' is occurring. A bonding at all levels because the rain seems to serve as a "uniting" factor through shared hardship and in this bonding the people start to relax and loosen up and yes it boring and uncomfortable but what the hey.

This then is like a great group and communal "baptism" of sorts. and then everyone crashes for the night still a bit bummed but warmed by the bonding with total strangers.

Then something seems to be happening behind the scenes. I get a real sense that the the ruined program or plan has been totally abandoned along with its somewhat perhaps typical agenda and now a new plan and program and program content and song choice and list are spontaneously being organized and that is the turn around it seems. The order and program are spontaneously and stigmergicaly "adapting" and an interesting transformation or birth seems to occur. It starts to take on the form of a "jam" rather than a concert

The worst scenario has happened yet instead of canceling or going home people start to "improvise". Spontaneously everyone and I mean everyone starts to relax.
A new atmosphere or even consciousness takes form and hold and you go from a 1/2 million people concert and audience to a 1/2 million people jam session and the distinction between performer and audience sort of is lost and a group consciousness emerges and is formed. The audience and performers are now in sync and free to improvise and create and that I suspect is when something new and powerful is born or begins.

First half of Directors cut DVD

Part 2

Well it is interesting that something that began as kind of the wake and mourning of the loss of millions of dollars can or did so quickly, 1 day or so with rain, cold and wind, turn into one big kind of group hug and jam of sorts. It doesn't seem plausible somehow. So maybe the stars were at work as well as the music, dope and weather.

Somehow, this was no longer just a group of young strangers in a field but as one so aptly put "all family". I say though this was the instigation of an ad hoc "tribe" of sorts. The woodstock tribe, initiated and forever bonded at this the woodstock 69 jam.

So in a big sense it was a coming out jam of young american graduates, facing the decisions and hardships of reality and life but doing it by and through their togetherness, cooperation and wits. They could do it, "they", not me or you but "us", we.
The seed bed of the nominal "Us Festival" that would occur 13 years later in California.

Parents must have secretly smiled to see that the school system of the day and the years of schooling and training were tested and passed though not necessarily "paid off" in financial terms but they did not die or crawl back home with their tails between their legs. The world, their world did not end. Maybe they returned with empty wallets but with hearts and souls full of hope, faith and promise in the future and more importantly, confident of their ability to handle failure. Such that would be needed to endure the depressions caused by the mounting cold war. Such that got them through it until that war ended with the Chernobyl accident in 1986. There is nothing quite like pulling through something with the proverbial gun at your head.

The rest is just gravy and incidental. Woodstock happened because the people there took a hit, fell and picked themselves up and realized that nothing special would happen unless they wanted it to and "they" made it happen. They did it. When the gauntlet was dropped, there was, true, about a day of hesitation perhaps but there in the cold wind and rain in a field in new york state they "grew up" picked the gauntlet up and worked it and the jam was done and a new generation of adults were born and entered the real and uncertain world of the 1970s and 80s. And the rest is history.
End of Story
ed jonas  More >

 Woodstock Remembered0 comments
category picture11 Nov 2006 @ 18:07
NOV 2006

Happy Remembrance Day all.....

Well I didn't have much planned for remembrance day so I thought I'd revisit an old battle scene on this day so I popped the woodstock 1969 Festival into the dvd.

Watching as I write and I have a whole new perspective on it. I ran across some info that said that whole period was a result of the astrological alignment of the stars and planets so that gave me a whole new perspective as I watch with that in mind.

well the building of the site by the promoters occurs. everything going according to plan but then after 9 months of planning the reality of it begins and hen the roads start to jam as the people come and they keep coming and the concert is almost ready to start and then it bombs as its announced probably after some discussion of cancellation that the concert is now free and then becomes a rather boring display of disappointment because the promoters and powers that be have just said good bye to about 3 million dollars which in todays terms would be about 30 million or more dollars. The stench of the bombed finances and plan and order fills the concert. This goes on and on and on into a kind of redundancy and naseua until by some stroke of happenstance or whatever the skies open up on the scene.

The winds and rain come and people are bored and depressed and now wet and cold and probably a lot went home because the "escape" they sought wasn't happening and instead they were being asked to participate in the $ ruin of the event but as the rain keeps coming in the ensuing physical discomfort a kind of "bonding' is occurring at all levels because the rain seems to serve as a "uniting" factor through shared hardship and in the bonding people start to relax and loosen up and yes it boring and uncomfortable but what the hey.

This then is like a great group and communal "baptism" of sorts. and then everyone crashes for the night still a bit bummed but warmed by the bonding with total strangers.

Then something seems to be happening behind the scenes. I get a real sense that the the ruined program or plan has been totally abandoned along with its somewhat perhaps typical agenda and now a new plan and program and program content and song choice and list are being spontaneously organized and that is the turn around it seems. The order and program are spontaneously and stigmergicaly "adapting" and a interesting transformation or birth seems to occur. It starts to take on the form of a "jam" rather than a concert

The worst scenario has happened yet instead of canceling or going home people start to "improvise". Spontaneously everyone and I mean everyone starts to relax.
A new atmosphere or even consciousness takes form and you go from a 1/2 million people concert and audience to a 1/2 million people jam and the distinction between performer and audience sort of is lost and a group consciousness is formed. The audience and performers are now in sync and free to improvise and create and that I suspect is when something new and powerful is born or begins.

First half of Directors cut DVD



 Google Moon1 comment
picture11 Nov 2006 @ 14:40
Google Moon

Ah fair mistress...
Waxing aumber in cold and starry sky...
What becomes of lovers and fools...
To sit yon river bank...
with shaggy dog...
and tempt the old trout...
or even the young...
I remember yesterday...
Twas a village in the Rockies...
and an old man and I...
upon dead mans hole lake.
It was cold then too...
More wood on the fire...
If you please...
The winters breath is cool this day.

Sir Ed

Google Moon
Go = [link]

Nov 2006
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 The Lost Child2 comments
category picture10 Nov 2006 @ 01:39
Nov 9 2006

The lost child

Well I "found" a lost child at the superstore just an hour ago.
Well I was in a rush to get home and at the checkout when I heard a somewhat odd cry... Not sure what it was about it. It didn't seem like the normal I want attention cry of a spoiled child so I looked over and there was
this little 2 or 3 year old semi asian girl seemingly wandering about crying and sort not gettin any response from anyone. I remarked to the checkout girl "is she lost?" and she sort of blindly nodded and went on with her work.
and I said "well thats no good". Any way after paying I went up to the little girl and kneeled down and
she seemed somewhat hesitant and scared and continued moving about. I didn't move but asked her if she was "lost". And all of the sudden the dawm burst and she wailed irrecocileably. I let her cry and felt I had comforted
her somehow by "recognizing" her difficult plight. Here she is lost and all alone in busy department store and crying and trying not to attract undue attention
because she was afraid for her situation and I think it was a cry for only her mother but somehow hee hee I was able to translate it. Well anyway soon others gathered around and called the service clerck and they began to ask her her name and her mothers name and I saw that I was no longer
needed and patted her gently on the shoulder and said
"it will be okay" and said thanks to the others and left.
I wondered why no one helped her but then being lost is a tricky situtation especially if your well... anyway it seemed that she may decide to stick closer to her folks from now on . It is a most horrible feeling to be lost and especially when you're a somewhat powerless child. I hope it didn't damage her to much.

Ps I guess the strange thing was shes was sort of in denial that she was lost and when I found her she couldn't deny it any more
and was overcome with a kind of terror and comforted at the same time that someone had found her lostness. I think at one point she even mumbled out while crying "my mommies lost." well I wonder if I should have helped but I was afraid that its a rather big store and she might have wandered outside in the snow dark and cold.
Not a good thing so... I felt it was nesessary to intervene.
Its odd that her parents hadn't noticed her missing. I don't think
though that she was abandoned cause she seemed well taken
care of and loved. I suppose I should have stuck around to see
that she was safe but I felt the others who had gathered around
appeared more comforting to her than I and plus I was sort of in
a rush and the service clerk should have training in that area.
Yea and it is a big store probably half a city block or so.

any who

ed  More >

 A Global Memo0 comments
category picture9 Nov 2006 @ 12:53
Nov 9, 2006

A Global Memo


Well is the sun rising yet?
yes I guess in Eurpoe it would be rising
you could check it out at the observatory
if you have doubts.
I trust it will rise here in its on good time.

Well as far as the answer goes, the problem it fufills
goes back perhaps some 500 to 700 years.
Then it happened a mass extinction of "conscience".
For whatever reason the majority of society lost its
conscience or not lost but simply relegated it to only
being there one day of the week instead of constantly.

Yes it was the start of the middle class and separtation
of church and state and the reformation and the rise of democracy and mass education and the printing press
and I guess you could throw in the renaissance as well.
It sparked waves of inovation, progress and development. Heck without the need for a constant conscience anything goes and well I guess the rest is history.

Alas though its not working out for the planet. The mass of humanity only having a conscience one day of the week spells
doom for humanity, and much of the planet as well. Why? Well I'm not totally sure, but it seems more conscience is needed to aid "reason" in making more sustainable, better and
ecofriendly decisions, choices and preferences. Not sure of the math or stats on that, as it is just a general guess and observation of 50 or so years of study.

So listen up. There is a ecological deficit occurring largely
attributeable in my opinion to insufficient levels of human conscience so can we bump up the conscience rate to at least 2 days out of the week if not more.

Thank you for your indulgence

a g j

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
