Xanadu 2012    
 The Planetary "Spherstem".1 comment
category picture4 Nov 2006 @ 14:25
Nov. 4, 2006

The Planetary "Spherstems"

Well as you may well know, we live on a planet that is a sphere or

close to it. The planet though has well is a system of sorts or a

variety or series of systems, such as water, air, kingdoms etc..

hence we live on a "spherical system" or spherstem. So instead of just

contemplating say the biosphere, we have to in all fairness address its

system as well at the same time as they are integrally interdependant.

hence again sphere + system = "spherstem"

So essentially a "spherstem" is a "spherical system".

ie: the hydrospherstem or kingdomspherstem or biospherstem etc.

but then what are these spherstems? How are they to be observed and

studied when we are esstentially a subjective aspect of them.
How can we objectively study spherstems while contained within them?

We can't really do this properly from or on the earth so we must study
and observe them in order to understand them from the international

space station.

And I suppose the station would be a good place to study the web or the

new field of web science.

"Art is science made clear"

ed  More >

 New Seven1 comment
picture3 Nov 2006 @ 13:05
Well this is a rendering of a real building but done
in a "group of seven" of canada artistic style.
I did it somewhat as an after thought but somehow
something of it persists on its own.
It has a compelling ? something?
the actual building is a dreadful place...
morose, somber, a tomb of sorts for the living dead,

somehow this rendering of it brings it back to life for me.  More >

 Web Science3 comments
category picture3 Nov 2006 @ 12:29
Web Science?
Link = [link]

I wonder about building things without a design.
This is an organic situation then of sorts...
A "whole system" method of construction...
yet no one seems to understand whole systems...
Yet how can they...
the emmesity of whole systems seems to preclude there
lack of top down control... a good thing
yet the web is intended for democracy...?
another good thing of sorts...
so we have "whole system democracy"
hmmmmm not sure if there is any such "plant" "animal"
or "person"....

swanny  More >

 Economic Conscience0 comments
category picture2 Nov 2006 @ 18:03
Nov 2, 2006

The Web:
The emergence of a Global "economic conscience"?

The events of the tsunami of Dec of 2004 were unprecidented
in a way. Never had the news of such a massive shift or disaster
spread around the globe so quickly perhaps. Why? Mostly because
of the internet. Within minutes calls rang out around the globe
of the scope of the disaster. Continents or least coastlines
had shifted in a matter of moments and the ensuing death tolls
from the resulting tsunami continued to mount by the hour.

The animals seemed somewhat uneffected as they seem to have had
advance notice. Their tolls perhaps a fraction of the human
and structure loss and costs.

Yet within hours relief efforts were on there way... and then it began
to happen. People reached into their hearts and wallets in a "global"

way as itself was unprecidented. Here, was it here that the
"global economic conscience" truly began?

Perhaps but what is clear is that somehow people were "globally united"

as if by magic to reach out and help virtual strangers across the

planet. Not much solicitation seemed needed, the need was obvious and

was addressed and met by and because of the internet and this strange

global economic conscience that mysteriously manifested and somehow as

quickly faded.

We showed though that we could do and that beneath the hard numbers

humanity has a heart.

ed jonas
2006 (C)

 The "Green" Truce...2 comments
category picture2 Nov 2006 @ 11:20
Nov. 1, 2006


Well I'm thinkin as I do that yes we need to focus on the warmth and joy and light and love, but as well, a while back
I discussed the notion of a truce. Well yes humanity?, will we ever have a truce with one and other, well maybe yes, maybe no, but I suppose more pressing for the future, G. bless them, we need a truce with the mother, the planet, this gaia.
We, the people, need a truce, a "green" truce with the planet we which have come to discover, we are most "interdependant" upon. If we are to sustain the so called "civilization" we have derived we must do so in the spirit and acts of cooperation with the planetary conditions.
We must diversify our crop production thus, to reflect the more sustainable benefit and synergy of this symbiosis. We must take from the lead of Cuba which has reduced its energy dependance and reversed the crop production deficite to the point that whence it used to take 17 units of energy to produce one unit of goods it is now taking Cubans 1 unit of energy to produces 10 units of goods.

That is not only remarkable and amazing but the way that it should be.
As well we have to treat the water with the worth that it is and has.
So hence we need this truce, this "green" global consitiution and declaration of planetary interdependance. We need to pay back the ecological deficite and debt and resource the green account.

So then let us come and commit:

To care for the soils...
To care for the air...
To care for the water...
To care for the warmth and joy...
To care for the love and light...
To care for the plants and animals...
To care for our gardens...
and to care for one and other.

So be it....

sir  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
