1 Oct 2006 @ 16:28
Oct 1, 2006
Well the sun came up today... hallelujah...
Well the sun came up today... halle lay...
Well the sun came up today... hallelujah...
And even though the skies are grey... halle lay.
Oh one day the sun will shine... hallelujah...
Yea one day the sun will shine... halle lay...
Now one day the sun will shine... hallelujah...
On our hearts and on our minds... halle lay.
Ain't it time... that we loved... a little longer...
Ain't it time... that we loved... for a while...
Ain't it time... that we loved... a little stronger...
Oh and walked ... that extra mile.
Now the fields are turning gold... hallelujah...
Yes the fields are turning gold... halle lay...
Oh the fields are turning gold... hallelujah...
Just to see us through the cold... halle lay...
Just to see us through the cold... halle lay.
Words and Music By
A. G. Jonas
(c) 2006
All Rights Reserved
ed More >
30 Sep 2006 @ 00:53
Sept 29, 2006
Red Deer, AB. Canada
Needed a walk today so went to the solace place.
The lake at Heritage Ranch
the files are quite small and a little dark but
not to bad.
Image Page Link = [link] More >
29 Sep 2006 @ 15:40
Sept. 29, 2006
Have we somehow put the cart before the horse or are we...
hmmmmm? confusing the issue by seeking first a "global consciousness" and forgeting about the need for a "global conscience".
Who or what is humanity or humanities authorities accountable too besides itself and the will of the people perhaps. Yet we are not the only game in town despite our errant assumption of such so the need for a "global conscience" is essential at this time.
But really who or what can rightly serve or act or assume to act as such. Sure we each do a little part and that helps but in this age of globalization and technocracy surely we can do better than that. Yet admist the need for global diversity how can there though even be simply one global conscience. Even the law is not always the conscience and the church is somewhat inadequate and science or such well seems to have a mixed agenda at times.
Okay we identify the need or the missing piece so how do we go about providing the solution or the global conscience. Is there an example we might follow? I suppose identifing the concern is essential but as well there must be something, a start to address such.
Heres what I found but how do we give it teeth or legitimacy I suppose. I suppose we begin by associating with such and discussion and dialogue of what would constitute a healthy global conscience and try to find examples and if none exists try to create a model and means of such. Certainly we have our individual consciences which are problematic enough but hmmmmm???? Okay
Martin Luther of the 1500 century ad faced a similar situation.
His conscience as a lawyer?, priest and human being would not allow to silently abide by some of the practices and ways of the Church or the Authority at the time. In essence he called on the authority to account to itself and not to him but to the doctrines and principles it taught. He perhaps said the "hypocrisy" must stop. Is that what must happen perhaps but some are sadly unaware of their own hypocrisy, myself included. I question my motives and agendas as did perhaps Dr. Luther... yet conscience and truth at times seems to spring forth from something perhaps outside of ourselves. Can we tap into this this hmmmmmmm????
this "Natural" conscience or "natural global conscience."
Okay there it is then... the need for global conscience with the criteria that it spring forth from a "natural" or perhaps "logical" or reasonable source.
Natural Conscience????
Anyway heres a google find...
[i]Astraea is part of the noosphere - the emerging web of global conscience. Astraea is challenged to balance the desire for fairness and equity for all life against the need to consume resources and the desire to control resources. And, having weighed the options of money and ethics, astraea considers that the two are not mutually exclusive, can be achieved and, actually, present a competitive and attractive way of life. In fact, astraea has accidently found itself assured by the forethought of others e.g.: P. Teillard de Chardin, M. Gorbachov, Shell, IMD and Nestle, Body Shop and more ... so, long live life!
Website Link = http://www.astraea.net/[/i] More >
28 Sep 2006 @ 20:19
Sept 28 -06 /// Bb Astrid (" Jo Brown" or Blueboy;Bb)
The other day, "Somebody" thougt that my use of the word "low level" was very dubious, to say the least: "....ALL 'Cancer' really is a low-level (as dwelling-under-the-surface-for-a -long- time-) INFECTION..."
So, I decided to explain by giving one excample of low level inf. from my own experiences from my RN years: "... This 'case' is just one example of how persistent low-level (" just below the surface" of well being-) infections many times can be PART of/indicates a much bigger problem, that still is totally un-detected -deep as it is!..." - knowing full well that there are other fields in Life where "low level" -something could be sucking Life out of us.
Here is the most common (besides "Medical conditions" , which, on the other hand, usually are but a result of this more Mental/Emotional/ Spiritual one) : Stress.
Stress, most often is a result of not living one's own life, on one's own terms, but having been conditioned, and indeed trained to give our life away to dubious uses of others, with "more authority"
As far as I understand; the popular word "Stress" comes from: "disstress", wich is a result of a/n (over-all) feeling of in-adequacy and/or in-sufficiency.
Low-level indicators such as infections and stress fulfill their missions as the Alarm Bells or "Wake-Up-CAlls for us. Persistent low-level( "just below the surface" of well being-) infections /life- energy-depleters most often times are PART of a much bigger problem, that still is totally un-detected -deep as it is!
"Low-level"- issues (almost) never are the culprit of the true evil going on, nor are they ever the original source to discomfort, nor the most dangerous ones, but they sure are the thee thing, that EVENTUALLY makes us heed their subtle alerting to our every consciousness that "Something isn't just quite right".
" What better way to habituate kids to abandoning trust in their peers (and themselves) than to create an atmosphere of constant low-level stress and danger, relief from which is only available by appeal to authority? And many times not even then!...." from a link, given by Vax in his latest article: "American Education?!"
This Lowlevel Stress that is discussed in "American Education" is about the PERVERSION of Transformation, made to "education" to support those who cannot for their life understand that Transformation is something real.
In our Modern world, we know how to transfrom Electric Direct Current "DC" to Alternating Current; AC"( -which is slightly easire process than AC to DC. But both ways are possible). We don't educate DC to behave as if it was AC!.... We TRANSFORM it ( in order for it) to BE/come AC! This is the difference between "Education" and "Transformation"!!!
For those Humans who truly cherish Life, understand that educating oneself in 'Spiritual Matters' ( so that they can behave as if they truly were 'Spiritual') is not "the Thing To Do" but to do the REAL thing: TRANSFORM our Being (back) to what It was intended to be/come : A Cosmic Being -of a very different vibration/"current" than the Mortal Man's Mind can concieve of, and ( their ) Body as well. ("Where your Mind goes, your Body will follow" )
Since we ARE Cosmic Spiritual ETERNAL Beings, we all will sooner -or later have this Question to answer to ourselves and to Univerese (via our actions) whether we want consciously participate in our Transformation how-ever slow or rapid we can make it, but with our own Me-Identity ever stronger or if we rather lose (ever more ) of our own (Authentic) Me, till it merges with what is called Un-qualified Energy. That is energy waiting to be manifest to something specific, but isn't yet. In other words; no consciousness vortex is attached to it; no Identity given yet to it.
Our choise depends on what our Life -REALLY- is worth to us. More >
28 Sep 2006 @ 12:09
Sept 28, 2006
Sorry to ramble on here this morning but had
a rather odd dream.
I seemed to be in a parallel universe of somekind.
It was kind of like Don Juans finding ones hands
in their dream. I was simulataneously awake
and dreaming at virtually the same time or dead
and alive sort of simulaneously and I was getting
"married" or graduating or something...
at one point I roused up and if I open my eyes
I was in one place and closing my eyes I was somewhere
I could seem thus to change dimensions or universes
at will or as Don Juan illuded be in the dreaming body
and the real body at will.
well eventually I just got up and closing my eyes now gives
the normal state but I don't know ....this was about
2 or 3 this morning...
can't recall much else although there seemed to be a lot
more to it at the time.
sir ed More >
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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