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 The Logical Animal1 comment
category picture17 Sep 2006 @ 20:15

It has been suggested by some, that humanity, has always been hardwired for war and

violence. That the only language that some, by desensitization, nature/nurture or experience,

can understand it seems, is violence. That to deny our aggressive, hostile and competitive

natures, is to go against our very natures and natural programing. That perhaps war and

viloence, in some crude way, serves as some basic survival mechanism, that is more automatic

and unconscious then reasoned or deliberate.

Well perhaps, then also, there is the natural or evolving desire or dream of harmony and

peace as well. Why thus these opposing and conflicting aspects within one species or being. War

and peace, Love and hate, right and wrong and time.

Yet we could not have evolved to where we are today with and through the aggression and

destructiveness of war alone. We perhaps would not be a society or civilizaation at all if we

were just a species or creatures of war. At some point and points, reason, sanity and love

would and have prevailed for lengths of time and some illuminated souls have called upon us to

beat our swords into plowshares.

Perhaps through the years thus we oscillate and vascillate between war and peace, love and

hate, right and wrong, growing bored and weary of each in its turn. "To everything turn turn

turn, there is a season, turn turn turn and a time and purpose to everything under heaven."
(The Bible and the song made popular by the Byrds in the 1960s.)

Yet again, we have arrived here where we have been before perhaps and what of it? Another

performance or charade or amusement for some distance God or the economy perhaps but what has

changed? Can "we" change?

Alas, perhaps not or? So what now? are we at a crossroads perhaps, a jumping point, a

quantum leap towards something new and better? Better than the dogma and career and study of

war and peace?

A new beginning and a reinventing or reprograming of ourselves towards.....???
a more "evolved", wiser and or loving species?

Has humanity finally perhaps or some of humanity finally tired of or overcome a secret

death or suicide wish and are ready to embrace a more benign and more gracious persona or being

or mindfullness?

Are we thus effecting and changing our hard wiring at long last to become true beings and

animals of logic, love and wisdom?

Maybe. There is a slight probability that to some just that is occuring.

By A. G. Jonas
Sept 17, 2006
Sunday  More >

  Fundamentally......5 comments
category picture17 Sep 2006 @ 02:28
Bush Is The Right Man - Part 1

Fundamentally, Bush
Is The Right Man
By Jim Moore

It takes simplicity to pierce obscurity. And so it is that with new psychiatric knowledge we are able to "see through" President Bush's obsession with trying to "change" the whole world.

Bush's "madness" is influenced by two things.

First, Fundamental Christianity---whose adherents believe that the world will surely come to an end because Bible prophesy says so, and that every word in the Bible should be taken literally.

Second, the egophrenic paradigm--- which maintains that Bush is an unwitting victim of a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that is endemic to our culture and our times.

That the Fundamentalists continue to support Bush despite his disastrous policy failures, should come as no surprise. After all, his blatant misstatements, erroneous decisions, and harmful decrees--- which are endangering the world and the citizens of America---can only be inviting the "end times" to arrive earlier. Why wouldn't the Fundamental Christians support that?

Bush's mental illness, however, is a different matter. Journalist Charlie Reese says that Bush has "slipped his moorings", but it is much more serious than that.

Paul Levy a spiritual teacher and healer, whose analysis of Bush's egophrenic sickness (Levy's phrase)---lauded by Dr. Carol S. Wolman, Board Certified in Psychiatry---describes it in a comprehensive manner.

Levy states that Bush is not insane in the clinical sense of the word: he can sound coherent and appear like a "regular" normal guy. But unconscious denial of reality and cover-ups are clear manifestations of the illness, and like a contagious disease, the people who support, or surround Bush, are actually complicit with him, enabling and protecting his pathology.

"Bush, however, doesn't suspect a thing", says Levy. "In his delusion, he imagines that he is divinely inspired. Bush supporters want to believe this to feed their own adolescent fantasy of wanting a divinely inspired leader to care for them and take care of them.

"A person in a position of power, like Bush, who has become dissociated from reality, runs the grave risk of believing he has a Messianic mission, and forces tyrannous doctrines upon his fellow-beings. He believes that any action he takes is justified in the name of God--- as he can rationalize it as being God's will. Being unable to self-reflect, he is convinced of the rightness of his viewpoint, which he considers non-negotiable."

It doesn't take a mensa IQ to see that this is an extremely dangerous situation we are in. Bush's position of power, with the support of the religious right, actually helps create the very Armageddon that the Apocalypse prophesies The more Bush brings death and destruction to the world the more it confirms to his supporters the "truth" that their deluded, end-times scenario is a predestined conclusion.

There are many more bizarre aspects of Bush's "madness" which would take several more pages to explain. Suffice to say that we have a very mentally-ill president who, in his high position, has the power to destroy America, and perhaps much of the world. And unless we confront him with his illness, and demand a change in administration leadership, we are not being true to ourselves, our Constitution, or our country.

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 Dove Day?5 comments
picture16 Sep 2006 @ 19:10
Sept. 17, 2006

Hey there
Need some assistance...
New concept...
Here's what happened...
I, Alfie, on or around hmmmm
well I guess it was Sept. 13, 2006
, cleaned out and trashed the rubish and then piled up the stuff that was sort of good and had value but that I hadn't really been using or was going to use and phoned a
new and used business
and more or less gave it away.
I made a reciept and we exchanged a small sum $5.00
to make it legal on my insistance but I suppose I just let go
of about $1000 or so of stuff.
Well heres the concept sort of you've got to make
room for things or people or feelings to enter your
life. Otherwise they can't if you've got to much clutter.
It doesn't appear to be
working but thats okay. Better to be rid of and "gift it"
now and have someone else enjoy and use it than for it
to sit there and possess me or my space until I die.
what the hey. There was a top hat, some of my artwork,
cds, video tapes, 2 vcrs, a clock radio, 2 bags of clothes,
10 years worth of accumulated books and a bookself, a 16 speed
mountain bike etc. etc. and well I could just sense the glee
in the young business persons persona thinking he'd scored on a senile old man... and well whatever. Its gone and I'm still alive and breathin and happy to make someone happy by takin away my old memories because in a way all that stuff was reminding me of rather bad times and spaces and now its out doin whatever.
Anyway I thought well its not a great concept, not like paying it forward or a potlatch cause I got about 5 cents on the $10.00 or so but... well it has potential. Now maybe he'll have to free up some of his stuff and have a sale that will benefit someone less fortuneate. No sense me having stuff and junk just for the sake of having too much stuff. I know they say the one with the most toys wins but whatever.

Well I suppose you have to be a bit crazy and whatever to do it but it sure has made the place a little more roomier and more friendly somehow. I mean I feel less possessed by the things left and more the possesser.

Anyway a tentative name for this perhaps every 5 year ritual
on Sept 13, might be "Dove Day" or well I thought "redistribution day" not sure or maybe just "Crazy Day" because I suppose it is a bit crazy and doesn't appear to have to much benefit except for $5.00 and a roomier space but there ya go.

Sir Ed

Ps by the way don't contact me if you want some other stuff cause I already "gave at home".  More >

 Architect: Eero Saarinen4 comments
picture15 Sep 2006 @ 17:56
Sept 15, 2006

Apparently this architect had a vision
a sort of union of earth and sky.
In fact he boldly seems to state that architecture
itself is the "union" of earth and sky.
Looking at his works seems to suggest this odd synthesis
yet sadly something is still missing.
The growth aspect or the cycle or regenesis or the natural
or seasonal aspect. Anyway he is remembered as the father
of the tulip chair.

Link = [link]

Image = [link]

ed  More >

 Architect: Eero Saarinen0 comments
category picture15 Sep 2006 @ 17:54
Sept 15, 2006

Apparently this architect had a vision
a sort of union of earth and sky.
In fact he boldly seems to state that architecture
itself is the "union" of earth and sky.
Looking at his works seems to suggest this odd synthesis
yet sadly something is still missing.
The growth aspect or the cycle or regenesis or the natural
or seasonal aspect. Anyway he is remembered as the father
of the tulip chair.

Link = [link]

Link = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Stlouisarchnps.jpg


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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
