Xanadu 2012    
 Woman0 comments
category picture6 Sep 2006 @ 11:06

What is Love? Do you know?
Then ain't it time, to let Love show?
Won't be long and we'll be gone,
And all they'll have, is a song.

What is Truth? Do you care?
Say it now, if you dare.
Tell the one, the one you need,
The one for whose, kiss you bleed.

Woman, how I need you,
Woman, How I long,
Woman, can you see me,
Through the mists... of this gray dawn.

Where are you, Lady Sunshine,
Where are you, Lady Fair,
It's been so long, since I held you,
Since your company, I shared.

How I miss, your sweet laughter,
How I miss , your fair smile,
Your bright eyes, eased the hunger,
In my soul, for a while.


First Verse:....

Words and Music
By A. G. Jonas
(c) 2006 Canada

 2006 Earth Dance0 comments
category picture5 Sep 2006 @ 18:07
Sept 5, 2006

Ho all...

This years Earthdance event is coming up
on Sept 16.

Feature: Synchronized global prayer for peace aroung the world.

Earth Dance link = [link]


 Teaching1 comment
category picture4 Sep 2006 @ 14:24
Sept. 4, 2006


Why teach? Why would others want to learn from us?
Why would anyone want to learn say what I could teach?

How to be a ...?
What is the value of that?
It is not necessarily a desirable thing.

I suppose we "teach" in a way, by what we are, by example, but
or and we are "teaching" thus and learning all the time.

But still why then do we "teach" what we do, when it is not say what the world or the powers that be want us or others or the young to learn.

The world or powers that be don't want independant thinkers and doers but pawns that simply follow orders. Pawns that have no moral conscience but abide by the laws and orders and status quo. Pawns that exploit and rape the planet without questioning the reasons or logic or sustainability of that. Pawns that don't seek the truth or understanding or reasoning but just follow the crowd and mindless sensationallism. Pawns that learn principles but then don't observe or practice them but play a narcisstic game of consumption and competition. Pawns that understand the bottom line but not the big picture. Pawns that mimic the sucess and glamor of the illusions around them but do not feel with any depth, sincerity or honesty. Pawns that...
well are facisinated by Human Vanity to the exclusion of the plain but real reality and nature around them. Pawns possessed by human dramas and such that insulate them from the damage and abuse they inflict on the world and others.

But thats my point, its not something one teaches but a code and a burden and conscience that one perhaps reluctantly accepts and commits oneself too because.... ???
Because why
Why accept such... why care??? why be alone???
no not a martyr but a real human heart...

Why would anyone want to learn or embrace being a fool,
uncool and a failure?



why not???

Well I suppose if the shoe fits.

I suppose it depends upon which "yardstick" one measures
their satisfaction and sucess. By the popular and conventional or hmmmm???

now where did I put that "quirky" yardstick.... ah in the yard perhaps?

sir ed  More >

 Moon Crash4 comments
category picture4 Sep 2006 @ 00:57
Sept 3, 2006

Moon Crash

well I was ponderin ...
It's been a pretty nondescript ordinary day...
went out for breakfast...
popped in on some friends...
celebrated the nature center heres 20th aniversary...
tame stuff...
same ol same ol...
so I thought well let it pass...
but I suppose under it all it must be nagging on me...
this crash of an orbiter onto the moon...
now no big deal aye...?
well ... no and yes...
it is unprecidented for one thing...
and it was done somewhat benignly aye?
but then there was this radio program on astrology
"Cosmos and the Pysche" a new world view?
and the meaning of the planetary alignments and such
and the magninmougous intelligence and artistry of the Universe
and I thought well hey no big deal to us
but how would the Universe look upon us delibrately
crashing into its planets and well...

and now I'm not so sure
okay metorites crashes are one thing
but moons and planets...

well probably overreacting as per usual....
still was a "resonance" of some sort effected or "set up" by
this.... for the sake of scientists who did it because
"they can"?

anyone got a read on this?
Not whether its well good or bad but
hmmmmm not sure...?

alfie  More >

 New Red Deer4 comments
picture2 Sep 2006 @ 13:39
I've rendered a mezo amercian design of my city
downtown for a new post mayan city called
New Red Deer .
Have a gander at
Link = [link]  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
