10 Aug 2006 @ 16:09
August 10, 2006
Ah, that is a deep, powerful and comforting memory, about my dear departed parakeet "Grassy".
You see, some six months before he passed on, I was having some troubles with the new owner of my apartment building in around the end of 2005. It was regarding my lease and pets. I feared he was going to evict my beloved companion birds or have them confiscated by trickery.
So after much heartache and despair, I secreted them some ninty miles north, to my parents place for safe keeping and there they stayed , we apart for some 2 to 3 months. I quite missed them but also I guess it was a good and needed break for me after some 5 years of constant company. I got a lot more done. Well, eventually, after the 3 month break, things quieted down and sorted themselves out and I arranged for some friends to bring them back down to me. I guess they had been well behaved under my parents keeping and care and my neice also had looked in on them too.
Well they arrived safely back to me in my friends with his girlfriends truck and as we were getting them out of the truck, Grassy, sweet grassy heard my voice after 3 months absence and let out such a cheerful sound or chirp of absolute glee and joy that even my friends were astounded.
And over and over would he chrip at the top of his lungs that I thought ? well not sure what I thought. I hadn't thought that they, animals nor birds no less were capable of "missing" some one and now the full realization dawns on me how amazing that scenario really was.
Here this bird I had never dared to touch out of respect, touched me in such a deep and profound way, with a cry as to recognize and "miss" me. A spontaneous cry of joy, of heart unbroken and with absolutely no pretense. A companions cry of love. Wow... well it was wow for me.
I hadn't realized how close we had bonded in those 5 years together. How treating a fellow creature as a person of equal rights and status formed such a deep strong yet not physical bond.
I can hear that cry now and I think it not only warms a heart but somehow brings something good to the entire world or perhaps universe akin to setting the female Angel free this year. Something innocent, spontaneous and unpretencious and unjaded happened. Something pure and true. A true ? expression?
Well anyway tis a deep marvelous mysterious and unfathomable universe aye?
Oh grassy my dear friend where ever you are, thankyou
Thankyou for the sheer agony and pain of your loss and this.
It could not have meant so much without it.
I guess we did finally touch then, on some distant, deep and perhaps sacred level, where few have gone before.
My my, that such a small, seemingly insignificant creature can wield such a might. Amazing simply amazing
Sadly it is a sound I will probably never have the honor to hear again but perhaps it was eonough to have heard, once upon a time, the chrip heard round the world.
Did you hear it?
A. G. Jonas More >
3 Aug 2006 @ 15:41
August 3, 2006
Judge not that yea be judged...
Yet without justice where are we
yet when is there the season of justice
as opposed to the season of forgiveness?
What determines whether to ajudge or when
to forgive....
can one forgive to much?
can one judge to much?
carry on
Alfie More >
22 Jul 2006 @ 16:10
July 22, 2006
To Hot
The Bird Report (Animal Democracy?)
Well every year, about this time, it seems about 100-200 crows get together for a few conventions on one of the taller buildings in downtown and seem to debate or vote a "new" leadership? The racket and commotion is reminisant of the debates and votes in the House of Commons in Ottawa.
Then there are the magpies. They it would seem are the thugs and ruffians of the kingdom. The raven, very few, are here but not to sure how they fit in. They are sort of a lone wolf around here, causing extreme concernations of the crows.
Back to the crows. It seems crow "office fitness" is determined not by words but actions, as a fly around the assembly of these conventions and a vote is had, perhaps in a determinination of health or fitness or such ? Whether this leadership is hereditary or democratic is unclear. It almost seems a combo of both off hand.
The pigeons here seem like your average everyday citizen being harassed at times by both the crows and magpies.
The sparrows are the cute urchens or street children of the senario avoiding both the crows and the magpies but at times annoying the "without a clue" pigeons. Now the robins are a magnificent addition to this kingdom. A noble breed gracing the community affairs with a sense of honor and dignity.
Further out from the downtown, the pelicans, mallards, seagulls and canada geese can be found mostly hanging around the river, although the seagulls tend to frequent the landfills and fast food places. Ocassionally a troop or family of ducks will make an attempt to cross a major street in an effort to get to the river. Successful mostly if drivers give them the right of way.
Other smaller "foreign" birds like, blue birds and blue jays, and wrens and finches tend to frequent the parks and river areas.
Crows and magpies again, have met their demise when getting to friendly with the local cannies. A lesson to late for the learning it seems.
I've seen a few hawks and such around the river or near the large field, hunting for mice no doubt and maybe there's an odd eagle about but they tend to favour the high and wilderness areas.
I haven't as yet had the honor to see a hummingbird although I'm told they are around gracing the various floral arrangements. I have though seen a white parakeet in a tree that most likely must have escapet the bondage of some local home.
Back to reality though, I hear that many of our bird species are or will soon be in danger because of environmental degradation. A disquieting commentary on the human families impact on some of its neighbouring fellows.
I haven't seen any peasants or partriges around, except at Christmas and in a pear tree and in my ten years here I have yet to hear a peep of mention of the dodo bird which causes me to concur with its reputed extinction.
At any rate this has been a update of the bird report from Central Alberta Canada.
Ed Jonas More >
13 Jul 2006 @ 18:10
July 13, 2006
I am wondering why it seems there is something about
the subconscious involved here. Somewhat that aspects of
the subconscious have evolved or been made manifest in
conscious reality or that the subconscious is different
than it was. Not sure what would be a example though???
Sort of a merger of conscious and subconscious to yield
a synergistic consciousness or noetic consciousness.
and that "this" or "this reality" is the "effect" of the merger.
Well take this incongruency...
the landing on the moon and the woodstock 69 art festival...
What kind of conscious or subconscious can mitigate that
Well anyway More >
11 Jul 2006 @ 19:20
July 11, 2006
Hi all...
at the lib...
well we've spoke of leadership before...
and heart or conscience is a fair good leader
as Martin Luther was bent to....
but then there is the evolution of democracy
which some still say is only majority rules
but in truth or intent was the greatest good
for the greatest number....
and yet how do we determine greatest good?
Which makes the question on the ballot a 2 parter
so Natural global leadership is needed to balance the
long term aspirations and needs with the short term
and restore some honesty and honor to the equation
and institutions.... so
forming a Natural global Democracy....
tough job....
a take on the United Democracies of Earth but
still what is the greatest good....
and then still what is the greatest good for the greatest
well these things I have been pondering
but we have achieved this....
look around.... still a bit rocky and sucky
but this is somewhat more sustainable than before
though a little taken for granted but
look around , we have achieved "this"....
and for that we should give thanks
ed More >
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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