11 May 2006 @ 11:26
May 11, 2006
The Optiverse
Link = [link]
10 May 2006 @ 00:05
Nature Vs Money
Interesting insight today. That the battle lines are being drawn
and yet the adversaries remain shrouded in darkness and confusion. No nature is not all good and no money is not all bad, just perhaps the love of it, money, above ? ones fellow human or a sustainable environment? Yes the love of money above ones fellow beings and a sustainable environment, that might be said to be the root of all or most evil, but in a condition of dynamic and perpetual change we often lose sight of this and we often make choices that reflect poorly on the understanding of this.
We are creatures of habit and addiction and as such we often make poor choices in terms of how we spend our time, moneys, energy and love. It is difficult even after decades to find a mutual balance. Difficult too when popularity and celebrity and success and material gain are the yardsticks by which the value of our lives are measured against by ourselves and society as a whole. No again, it is not all bad and it is difficult in the global perspective not to harden ourselves against the plights of those around us and we are drawn like moths to the light of transient human glories and gain.
Christ was not rich, not in the human sense. In the spiritual sense maybe but what of it, he died like the thief and murder at his sides. Yet he perhaps measured himself on his own or another kind of yardstick. Natures yardstick perhaps?
Natures yardstick, now what would that be? What is the value of an icy glacier, or a rose in bloom, or the scent of lilac on the wind? 10 million? Priceless?
Not sure what I'm saying here mostly a lot of nothing I suppose.
Nature vs Money. Somedays perhaps money dominates some years nature.
Money is short term mostly, and nature like the truth, in it for the long haul.
A. Jonas
May 9, 2006 More >
9 May 2006 @ 11:22
Gaiaville Update
May 9, 2006
A. Jonas
The Gaianthroposphere or Gaiaville
The attempts to realize the "Gaia Concept" seem to be somewhat futile, not because Gaia does not exist but more so because Gaia has seemingly or has evolved or changed or happened.
In as much as Gaia in inception is a Earth or Earth/Moon Entity or synthesis, it now would appear that it has perhaps, due to the architectural abilities of humans trans-systhesisied or evolved or co-evolved into a Structure we could call Gaiaville.
Given the sentience of Gaia and perhaps the sentience attributed by some to the very stones and rock of the Earth, structures or "composite structures" contrived by humans and ?, would constitute a new "form" or expression of the totality of Gaia.
This Gaia/Human synthesis or composite structure though not actually intended or ? by either Gaia or Humanity, (such be the some what subconscious nature of stigmergy and autopoiesis,) but none the less realized but undiscovered till recent, creates or realizes an entirely new entity or sentient being perhaps. A Gaiaville of human and Gaian conception and synthesis and apparent synergy and symbiosis, that while perhaps not necessarily a dominating factor on the planet as yet but visible and viable and persistent and influential. (Note pyramids age of 6000 years and the effect of pyramid power, also perhaps apparent in mountains)
This Gaia/Human Structure thus or Gaiaville exerts then perhaps a sentient influence on the global or holistic whole.
What though, is the essence or basis though of Gaiaville? For if we are to accept its existence and effect it would be useful to somehow best understand its apparent will or intent.
Certainly its effect and relics and artifacts lie scattered above and below the ground around the entire planet exerting some kind of conscious or unconscious effect or influence or purpose but it is not entirely "clear" as to how we are to understand this sentient influence. How are we to decipher the "Gaiaville Consciousness", as it were or is, however complex or simple?
GAIAVILLE: A HARMONIOUS INTERSYSTEM? Research into the philosophical disposition of humanity, seems to suggest and indicate, that the apparent dichotomy or divergence between nature and humanity may have its beginnings before the birth of Christ, with the ideas and theories of the early Greek philosophers. The terms "physis" and "nomos" seem to be terms that the Greeks used to mark the distinction or difference between man and nature, and so it was or became. These terms physis, which came to epitomize "nature" and nomos, which came to epitomize man or law, seem to be the onset of the man vs nature or law vs nature struggle, which has continued for many centuries. Sometime around 1450 AD or so, during the time of the Renaissance, this battle seemed to come to a lull of sorts and a truce or reconciliation between man and nature occurred. This was perhaps precipitated or influenced by the discovery of the Americas and the roundness of the world and the realizations that man and the Earth, were not the center of the Universe. Humbled perhaps by such findings by such as Galelieo and Columbus , it seems the realization of an antinomy occurred and climaxed around 1592 AD. It was short lived though, as once again with the findings of Sir Isaac Newton and calculus and such, the old struggle of the superiority of man was once again asserted and has continued pretty much unabated until modern times. Modern physics though now suggests some non-Newtonian aspects and as well with the discoveries of Einstein, along with the development and progress of computers and such, we now seem to be in the midst of another reconciliation or Renaissance. Another stage of antinomy, that while similar, the contradictory or opposing elements or principles are more established or defined in their own right and identity. It is as it seems a second honeymoon, between the physis or feminine or nature aspects and terms and the nomos or law or masculine aspects or terms. Now, if we then, look at each of these aspects i.e.: physis and nomos, or law and nature, in their own right as established systems, then something interesting happens, as each seems to constitute a sphere of influence or existence in our current understanding i.e.; the biosphere (physis) and the anthroposphere (nomos) This then gives us the opportunity to act or endeavor perhaps to coordinate or harmonize this duality into a unified "INTERSYSTEM" or "Gaiaville" in deference to the work of Lovelock and Macluan. Gaiaville, what will these harmonized natural and human systems look like? This perhaps remains to be seen and the challenge that we now face. This resulting "intersystem" will or could be a sight to behold though for in many ways it will constitute a marriage, mutuality or relationality of and from what has gone on before and what is now developing. The union of man and nature thus can begin to be regarded as the new antinomy with each having an equal and valid value/worth and truth, but each not being the same and uniquely distinct in their own being. A. G. Jonas Canada June 24, 2004 Summer More >
9 May 2006 @ 02:35
May 8, 2006
Green Companys link 1 = [link]
Green Cars link 2 = [link]
Any one know anything about these ...???
8 May 2006 @ 12:39
May 8, 2006
The Cause (of Global Warming)
The cause of global warming is perhaps that humanity is "taxing" too many of Gaia's (The Earth, A sentinent super organism or being) "fixed" resources and thereby hampering or complicating Gaia's "ability" to function normally in this dynamic Galaxy. We in a sense thus are "bankrupting" ourselves and the Earth through our overindulgence and living beyond ours and the planets means to function normally and "sustainabily." The planet is afterall on a fixed income and fixed capital base.
ed More >
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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