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 The 2nd Millennium Prayer0 comments
category picture29 Nov 2005 @ 02:14
November 28, 2005
7:00 P.M. MST
By an Earthling


Hear yea, hear yea...
From now and henceforth,
Let us be committed and faithful,
To Love, Life, and Now,
And also in deeds and doing,
So towards the manifestation of and to,
The Greatest Good to and for,
The Greatest Number.

Thereby fulfilling and realizing such,
As our True, Honorable and Natural,
Purpose and Reason to be and endure.

So Let It Be...


 Some Questions!13 comments
category picture27 Nov 2005 @ 10:36

NOVEMBER 27,2005

1. Why..., do we humans, try to bite or modify, the planet that feeds and sustains us?

2. Might there be some "consequences" in doing this?

3. Are the problems and challenges we now face the result of doing this?

4. Is the reason for our doing this, that we foolishly want or desire or need to have things both ways at the same time? i.e.: We wish to be masters of our destiny but do not want to acknowledge, face, or take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions and actions.

5. Can we have it both ways at the same time or are we in vicious cycle of denial?

6. Are some, most or a few of us in denial and delusion and if so what will or should
be done about that?

7. What can be done in a concessionary manner to mitigate this unfortunate global condition if we can maybe admit that it even exists?

8. Could or should we do some soul searching perhaps and see how we can live more appreciatively of the planet that is feeding and sustaining us and how and what will we do in that regard?

9. Could we set a time table of goals or targets or plans and actions we should take
before we..... well you know and might this be the intent of say the Kyoto Protocol ?

10. What else should or could we do to show the planet our appreciation and mend our ways and what must we do to prevent this from occurring again i.e.: how and why did we mess up in the first place, not to bear blame but to teach and learn from?

11. Was it possibly our own "human" arrogance that led us to believe that we could do a better job feeding and sustaining ourselves from nothing and of running the planet in and with all it's details than the planet or the Universe from which it came and in hindsight what is with that?

12. How's your day going so far?

A concerned earthling.  More >

 Warm Snowflake?4 comments
picture25 Nov 2005 @ 15:27
Warm snowflake?  More >

 The Global Morning3 comments
category picture25 Nov 2005 @ 13:56

The first snow... this morning in my little town!
How lovely to wake up to a crispy white morning ..
So unexpected..
Take a deep breath..
Tiger, the pussy-cat, doesn't know what to think of it..
She carefully steps outside, then turns her head around and looks at me, looks back at this strange world again, then shakes her paws and takes a running spurt back into the house, and I laugh..

* * *


"How full of the creative genius is the air in which these are generated!
I should hardly admire more if real stars fell and lodged on my coat."
~H.D. Thoreau

* * *

The best snow crystals fall during cold, quiet, light snowfalls, and occasionally you can find some real stunning specimens. Each snowfall has its own character, and each brings its own kind of snowflakes..


Take a look at their beauty.
White magic..

* * *

I wanne go outdoors now..
See ya!


Heh heh. First snow here yesterday, cat tried the "sniff test" three times, running back in, and the third time I threw her out a ways and she took off happily. For her, this is the first snow underfoot.
She's been hunting lately, leaving offerings on the stoop.
She moves to the lake with S and A soon... no traffic. We will miss her.

Cold here. The deep sleep begins...


Ah snow and crystals....
we had really nice and warm stuff here
although they say its to get colder now

now ... Now is approx morning Novem 25 2005
ah it Friday aye? thank G its Friday?

ah maybe.... why? thank G for time?
why? time is all we've got ? for a while?

whatever... but back to the topic

fleeting beauty.... yes beauty is fleeting

the desire to hold on to beauty is proportional
to the appreciation of it...

and some appreciate beauty not or differently

although there is beauty and ugliness together
in most things hard to find beauty sometimes
and when found yes it is often fleeting

hard to find the beauty in ugliness as well

yet in togetherness is their worth
without ugly would there be beauty and without
beauty would there be ugly....

oh.... this is not poetic....
this is anaylsis or overanalysis....
this is trying to finding some underlying meaning or
understanding when all it began as was
the "appreciation" and thanks for a "drop" of beauty
from the heavens.....
why question the gift.....

ah I have lived to long perhaps....

have forgotten how to be simple.....

how to find meaning in the simple appreciation of all
that is.....

I have an interesting place.... and now ....
well now is alright....
the fridge hummminng away..... the birds having
their porridge.... hee hee
the radio and tv off.....
the sounds of silence from the street
the sounds of a city waking and the sun
streaching to the horizon.....
and wondering perhaps what this day holds
or what I choose or wish "to make" of this day....
a day that on the surface seems like so many other days
yet snow has fallen in holland and cats are playing
and cats and snow is falling in the USA and cats are
playing and its dark and cold in alberta but the place is
warm and dark....

Is there beauty here in this silence?.....
I suppose the continuum of life....
the continuum of now......

thankyou you rhea for the crystal
and you have gone out to "experience" and here I experience
it as well so thanks for sharing your beauty with me here
in this silent darkness.....
I can only imagine it though... or?

well.... teatime


Blessed are We and They
That serve Love and Truth
Most of the time.

Alfie  More >

 Warm Architecture10 comments
category picture24 Nov 2005 @ 12:09

The warm light...
The warm love...
The light is true...
that warms.
The Love is true...
that warms.

For lights and loves can deceive ...
But the heart is not fooled...
For it knows that in the warmth...
Therein is love and lights essence.

By Canada
Nov. 24, 2005  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
