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 Control0 comments
category picture22 Sep 2005 @ 11:15
Theres an old show from the seventies (Get Smart) which
stars "maxwell smart" and agent 99 ....
two members of the "good" agency "CONTROL"
who do battle with the "bad" agency "CHAOS"
As much as this in a way was a humorous poke
at the then happening "cold war" I suppose it
has implications to the world that has emerged
of today where we try to make sense and "control"
and ever increasing complexity of life "chaos".

I suppose the difference may be that this "control"
is us vs the "chaos" that is inherantly perhaps the
natural or perhaps one of the natural states of the universe.

Now I suppose it may help to see that some where along
the way I attempted to understand this conundrum and
made distincitons between chaos, complexity, and simplicity
where if you remember I defined chaos as unorderly "motion"
complexity as "orderly motion" and simplicity as "stationary".

Now I think this still applies although it seems the degree
of orderly motion or complexity is a bit of a curve to see
or appreciate at times and we see it as chaos.
I think this inability to see the orderly motion in the complexity is a result perhaps of our not having evolved sufficiently or not having the tools or technology or something.

Okay my point? Yes it may look like total chaos this complexity we see but I sense there is an inherent "order"
therein though obscurded by our unevolved limitations.

 The System1 comment
category picture20 Sep 2005 @ 13:53
Well much as I dislike or question Bush perhaps
maybe he is not entirely at fault
or maybe it is part him and part system

consider the complexity of his position
it would require "superhuman" attributes" to
allow him to function at all even with the
"concessions" and "privileges" his position
affords him.

Maybe the system as well just don't work
anymore in light of the comlexities of the world
so maybe he needs more help than the system allows.

One president did once remark how little power the
president actually has. So I suppose the system
has to be modified perhaps and maybe there should
be "co-presidents" two heads being said to be better
than one.

Anyway would you want his job.....??

Yea maybe since and when these races get so close
it should consitute a "dual win" win win and he should
get on the horn and co run the government with
President II Al Gore ..... power share....
I think between the both of them they could fix this
mess...... maybe......

I mean seriously "really" Bush must have
a zillion things comin at him at once and being
the "dimple" man that he is....
You could divy up the presidential responsibilities
and require unaniminoty on important decisions
that way at least bonehead things would be somewhat
precluded and they should be able to agree on the
no brainers at least....
and then a sort of fuzzy "super majority" would be
somewhat represented....
I suppose they could always flip a coin....

hmmmmmm well maybe not......

but..... food for thought....

maybe the position has grown beyond the one man
or woman concept. Well if not Gore than Gores wife
he has a wife No?

Well I don't know if I like this but I suppose
you could make an arrange to run things with the
UN which is fairly well established and ingrained
in such things. Power sharing with the UN...?????
not sure I terribly like the concept.....
A consultation perhaps between the secretary general
and the president?
a politically elected and appointed body and a publically
elected body

I suppose you could make a rule or a law when
the margin of the vote is 5% or so then it consitutes
a manditory power sharing protocal.
I suppose that means that something psychologically but
hmmmmm interesting that that happened in Canada the US
and now Germany as well
a definate trend it would seem....

Power sharing what a concept is humanity up for it?

Well look at it .....
what is this "trend" of vote splitting really mean
Isn't it saying something like we want "both" or we
want neither.... and since neither is not a viable
option in a modern sense....then youre left with
both yet both is problematic cause nothing much gets done
cause folks can't seem to agree or work together or
Well maybe they're not diameterically opposed per sae
but they're just having trouble being creative
or letting go of their egos
polititions don't seem to be terribly creative no offense
its not on the agenda at times but the people want both
it would seem even though both doesn't work it is probably
still better than one or none ..... why I'm not sure
but at the rare time when they forget their partizanship
then good things can happen.... or when they can balance
things out....
anyway both consider it...... its novel I suppose but its a
evolving world.....

Well look at it again
you didn't really choose bush
it was your supreme court
and hey they aren't no dummies
I can see why they choose bush over
gore ..... gore being somewhat flaky at times
but hey even the supreme court was miffed by this
one.... now if they were the creative types they
might have evoked this power sharing concept
I mean when the diff between the votes is that close
its a fuzzy logical "both" both both I would say
and yes both are probably not just "wanted" but
needed to deal with the complexities of it....
like glen said the magic 7 + 2 one person can only
function so well in a cross fire....
your supreme court as well did the best they could
within the rules of the day but maybe we need a modification
of those rules ..... will it work ..... the people seem
to think so ..... the voters ..... its what they sort of
suggesting and wanting even though its somewhat unspoken and unprecidented
it will have to work won't it..... what are the other options
what we just came through .... gosh spare us the details....
that was a bit of a rite of passage aye?

Alfie  More >

 Nuclear Rights?3 comments
category picture17 Sep 2005 @ 21:31
Since when has "nuclearity" been a right?

Gee and I thought I was paying attention....

I must getting old.... because when I was
a kid nuclear stuff was not a good thing
and now its a right.

Oh this is just in reference by the by
to Iran's demand for nulear capacity.

Now I thought that humanity had agreed that nuclearity
was overall a dumb thing and a affront
even to the rule of law and democracy.

Oh its so hard to keep up.

Well if Iran can have nuclear rights
than surely us old guys can have "tobacco rights"

I mean when it comes right down to it which is
worse aye? Now if people went after the nuclear
folks like they went after us smokers well
geez then humanity might just have a chance at surviving.

yea and what about second hand radiation
why is that never brought up.  More >

 Earthdance Event...6 comments
category picture17 Sep 2005 @ 01:57
Earthdance happens this weekend....


Rejoice and Behold

Unto us global love is born....!

Link = [link]  More >

 A "Call" for an elected Media6 comments
category picture16 Sep 2005 @ 18:49
A Call For An Elected Media

I was just contemplating the world medium and media and realized that the media etc, seems to wield a great deal of power and authority that is invested in a body corporate that is self regulated and unelected. This seems somewhat counterintuitive in a democratic civilization and process.

I wonder then if it might be advisable to consider voting for a media assembly structured somewhat like a government or parliament that could then accurately reflect the kind of information and direction that the democratic peoples desire and prefer and not one under the auspices dictated by government and corporate agendas. There would be limited terms where the public would vote anew.

How would they be financed. Well most people already pay a certain media amount for cable and such and this body could derive its existence in that capacity.
It would also have an opposition perhaps to present alternative views and make it accountable and scrutinized.

Anyway just a thought, as the present media seems to be descending into mixed messages, desperation, sensationalism and irrelevance.

A Global Citizen
2005  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
