Xanadu 2012    
 Health Care Paradigm1 comment
category picture10 Jul 2005 @ 09:10

The available data would seem to suggest that health is not a merely objective or subjective matter but a "correlated" and relative degree of both.
Given this complex nature of health how does a useable and suitable treatment methodology emerge. There are now the public and private systems and then the composites therein but given this complex nature how is care and treatment to be administered in an effective yet fair manner.
Is the dollar, to be the sole determiner of health access, and if so is this fair, or is health perhaps some what more an aspect and degree of need and ability to pay.

Given these considerations I would propose a system which incorporates the financial considerations of both the costs and the ability to pay. Such a system would have your basic health and emergency needs covered as some will probably always be so poor and in dire need or state as to render them priorities and some will always be so rich as to afford their own doctors and hospitals.

For the rest, given the somewhat subjective/objective nature of health I would propose a % based system where premium procedures would incur sufficient prices to cover there costs but allow faster access by payment of a percentage based premium of ones yearly income. Say to access faster hip replacement one would have to pay .3% of income. This would allow all to have faster access but determine need and desire on the basis of the proportion of total assets as a means of determining degree of pain perhaps and etc etc..

No it is perhaps in itself not a perfect system and its administration will probably some what problematic but like democracy ...., it may be a bad system but its the best one we've got at the moment.

July 10, 2005
A. G. Jonas  More >

 Transvergence?3 comments
picture9 Jul 2005 @ 16:44
Future hmmmm sort of.....
quazi futures...

Oh recieving incoming.....

dee dee dee deee.....

Agument .... coordinate incoming

visual coming on screen...

Hmmm interesting is that not cyclic and not linear but transvergent...  More >

 The Measures of Health5 comments
category picture8 Jul 2005 @ 14:02
July 8, 2005


Hey Ho.....

This internet thingy .... I don' t know.....????
Well I suppose one has to "work" with what ones got....
No matter it would seem....
anyway "OFF TOPIC"..... OPPS.....


Is health objective or subjective or both a compound
Is health static or dynamic.....???? or again both.....
and what do you call something that is both static and dynamic
but "life"..... cyclic perhaps....
So then the model of health is ....???
We don't even know....
or is there more than one model....???
Is one persons health perhaps another persons "disease"....


Okay then maybe there are different models of health and different
Who defines them though....
Which ones are "legitimate"....
Does the "market determine" or "need" or compassion or empathy or
Okay again there's at least two models
Men and women....
What is healthy to a man I would quesstimate is not the same
as what is healthy to a woman.... Venus/Mars....

So there's two different yet equally valid models...
Its a start....
So as a male then what is health or healthy to me...???

Good question?


Alfie  More >

 Paul Harvey Riddle7 comments
category picture18 Jun 2005 @ 11:29
Paul Harvey RIDDLE:

When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 17% of Stanford University seniors.

What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?

Press shift and you will get the answer.

P.S. You won't believe this, but this really does give you the answer!!!!

Its a toughy but so simple too.  More >

 Global Rhythm0 comments
category picture17 Jun 2005 @ 23:08
Global Rhythm

The mechanical clock is not of a natural or heart or bio or phi rhythm.
Therefore it puts humanity, who has adopted its (the mechanical clocks)
"straight" time, out of sync with the natural rhythm and rhythms of the earth.
There is a global movement or ground swell emerging out of and around the term "global rhythm."

Now thats interesting ....
I found where they say that the healthy heart rate of
a peaceful disposition is the "phi rhythm"....

A. G. Jonas (c) 2005

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
