Xanadu 2012    
 USA Budget 20130 comments
category picture8 Nov 2012 @ 02:02
re: USA budget 2013
Well if the USA budget per year is $2.6 trillion dollars and the USA has 300 million people or more people and 47% of those live off the gov according to m r. then $1 trillion of that money goes to them then that 47% lives on about $6,700 /year per person
And if they are the more than half of the USA population that is babies. children/ teens/disabled and /housewife's and seniors then they live on about at the most $6,700 month and if they're living off the gov and they are welfare cases and your children and that's why they're called dependents.
The other 53% of American live on the economic activity of about 20 trillion $ dollars for a avg income for the adults of about $100000 / years giving a total USA economy of 22.6 $ trillion dollars a year. With 1/2 of your taxes going to the and your dependents so that accounts for 45% of your taxes right there. not to mention the $700 billion per year of the military in the USA..
. which is another about 30% of your taxes.
So whats the problem ? you don't want to feed and house your kids and dependents or soldiers....????and $2.6 trillion on doctors and health care which accounts for another more than the whole gov budget and tax revenue right there.
So the tax rate has to be a bare min of 1/5 of income or 20% all income earners just to cover the necessaries of civilized society which cost about $5 trillion but the gov only takes in 2.6 Trillion $ from tax not to mention the costs of roads, bridges, bureaucrats, politicians...and interest payments of $15 trillion dollar debt. and some complain the gov budget is $2.6 trillion per year ???? get real and you haven't even included NASA or water.... or farm subsidies or auto sector or manufacturing or energy.... its a wonder it works at all.
ref wikipedia

picture6 Nov 2012 @ 02:26


REF; Metabolism of the Anthroposphere (c) published by MIT
1991/2012 by P Baccini and ?

d. Camelot
(c) Earth 2005/2012  More >

 sandy emergency measures 20122 comments
category picture5 Nov 2012 @ 04:46
4 Nov 2012 Sunday 9:20 pm MST

re: sandy relief
please excuse the intrusion and don't mean to meddle in sovereign affairs but...
seeing as how dead people can't usually legally vote
to whom it does concern then...
If in the event of an national emergency or public welfare emergency,
the gov fails or is failing in its duty to provide its citizens with
the citizens natural rights to the basic necessaries of life ie: food,
heat, shelter etc. then upon the govt behalf a lawful police officer,
judge, doctor, fireman, paramedic or army officer, can authorize 3 dated
notes, with established ph number of authority and lawful signage, stating for the interim of the following 3 days, that the named and printed recipient on the notes, with a few dependents can present and give 1/2 of one note upon request and the other 1/2 upon receipt of goods or service for the day in question, to any legal establishment to obtain the reasonable necessaries required for each day of that 3 day period. This which can and may be renewed upon review and ensuing developments of the acting emergency or circumstance in question. Approx value $75/day per note
Notice: requesting citizen would be required to give one right or left hand or foot digit black ink imprint on paper to the authorize upon this transaction but such can only be used for administrative and accounting purposes and destroyed a year after event.
ref: Can Ency Digest (western) 3rd ed. (c) 1993
Vol 34 Title 148 War and Emergency Part III war and insurrection
number 5 sec 18 to 25 Public welfare emergency
sir ed  More >

 The Lost Path 1962 True Story1 comment
picture4 Nov 2012 @ 15:01

Well, I guess it was about 1962 or so, and we, my family, were in Jasper, Alberta, Canada, and I think it was autumn or thanksgiving cause I remember the leaves sort of being brown and on the ground, and it was a cloudy day, and cool and moist though not too windy, and I was about 5 or 6 years old, or maybe more.

But we kids were out playing around the cabins, as kids then did, but I sort of left the group there at the Tekerra Lodge Cabins and I just kinda wandered off sort of exploring, maybe stretching my wings, or ?, didn't think to much of it, what could go wrong, Kinda just kept going and going and then went off the trail.... cause trails what was the point of them....? not sure why, not that there was much of a trail anyway, as the leaves on the ground were covering pretty much everything and there was sort of wide spaces between the trees and not much undergrowth and it was sort of hilly and I was small and short, so couldn't see very far out.

So I had been wandering out and out and out for about 20 minutes or so, that afternoon, and then just kind of looked up and then casually looked around and then behind me and then yikes, total silence and stillness of the deep bush and then I sort of had this heart stopping realization, "I have totally no clue or idea where I am and nothing looks at all familiar to me and I can't hear anything." and I guess I sort of had to admit and I had now suddenly gained a totally new understanding and experiential appreciation for the word and concept and reality of what being lost was. And lost I was or seemed, cause it was cloudy and quiet and I couldn't see the sun and I wasn't certain which direction was which, and nothing looked familiar and I didn't know to look on the north side of the trees for moss and didn't really understand the concepts of north south etc. Anyway.

So then, after kinda of blacking out and trying to get my heart back in my chest and cleaning the doo doo off my shorts, I don't really remember what i did but I was sort of panicked of course but then a part of me was okay with being lost, as it seemed in a philosophical way that a 5 year old can sometimes conjure and muster, that it was sort of interesting, in a way to be lost, as kinda of another problem or challenge to solve perhaps, and to get on with somewhat pronto, while I still had my wits about me and my belly was somewhat full and bladder okay and somewhat rested and warm.

So thusly equipped and in a quasi panicked calm state, I just sort of casually just turned the exploring around i guess and I guess now instead of exploring and discovering "getting lost" and succeeding beyond my wildest dreams, not though, that that had been my exploratory intentions, so now the game or test changed into sort of doing a 180 degree of it or so I hoped, since I had mostly lost sense of which direction I had come from but then to start exploring none the less, in hopefully the other direction and instead of looking for new interesting things, I was looking for old and human and familiar things and to avoid the bears that were common there and in kind of a rush to do it, as it were, as cold and night was approaching.

Yikes that was too close for terror and comfort, as I eventually came upon what seemed to be a trail amidst the deer droppings and dead fall but my mind sort of played a trick on me and tested me once again, cause I now had to make another choice again, cause it was a trail alright but it seemed to be going in the wrong direction from what i vaguely recalled having come from and was trying to get back to. But it did granted go in two directions itself, so the I had to decide which of its directions to go in and it got a bit maddening but I guess I chose the right or left direction, can't recall and though it seemed to be going the wrong way some of the time, it eventually seemed or did get me back to, joy!!!!, familiar territory. And thus after an hour or two of lostness and no one knowing it, Found!

And that my dears is "THE LOST TRAIL 1962 TRUE STORY"

Odd thing though, about being lost and then finding your own way back, it sort of makes you learn a lot about the world and the bush and yourself and society and people in general and kinda whets the appetite and curiosity even more somewhat, sometimes but I don't advise or recommend or request this to and of anyone cause there are kids and folks who they've found dead, that have died cause they failed at the task or test or terror such as this was. Anyway happy trails to you.

Sir Ed, RD AB CA 4 Nov 2012 Dawn, Autumn 8:00 am mst Sunday  More >

 Hurricane Sandy 20120 comments
category picture31 Oct 2012 @ 01:04
re: hurricane sandy 2012 and the next one

well hopefully this is the worst of the season....
stay well and dry folks and maybe tomorrow the sun will shine...
seeing as how this has been the worst in living memory or so it is said
the odds of another bad one coming are well maybe 1/300.... so not to bad
hang tough.... yikes $50 billion in damages...ouch.... well you might be able to access
the Copenhagen climate change insurance fund but well i think that was only 20 and 100 billion and im not sure everyone ponied up their fair share.....

climate insurance
Munich = [link]
Copenhagen = [link]

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
