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 Community5 comments
category picture26 Jan 2005 @ 14:41
01-26-05, 07:39 am (PDT)
In response to message #54
I think the idea of "community" is somewhat timely
and perhaps "relates" to that fellows
"inclusionism"..theory... The problem is that some people
don't want to be in community not that thats particularily
realistic or doable but they want a sort of minimal degree
of community kind of like a self imposed leper or hermit
yet we are all connected at some level though some
refuse to admit it..... and yes again we are connected to to the pigs
and chickens and mad cows and the Universe
It is a growth of personhood that needs to happen though as
one "globalizes" from self and selfishness to "couple", to family
then neighbourhood then territiory and nation and globe
yet we tend to be "selective" and exclusive in such
which I suppose is normal...and basic human nature. but not necessarily like I say realistic..or sustainable...
Sometimes the very diversity of a community is its
essential strength.... some things are degrees true
but at the base level there is a intangible perhaps
connection.... how it plays out is often quite dramatic
and deadly true to..... but in a global sphere and global
understanding there is no difference at that base level
We often can not appreciate the constructive qualities
of the lepers and hermits..and criminally insane or lawyers
hee hee.. maybe we don't try hard enough
or maybe we try to hard...or maybe its to heavy and dangerous an undertaking to empathize with such..
but some realize the union though sparse as it may be at times.
We at times then have to find the beauty in ugly and the ugly
in beauty and realize the greater esstential transcendent
"grace" that exists in the diverse whole with all of it benefits and pitfalls. A hard pill and task to achieve..... but well old age
ain't for chickens....or ????  More >

 Remembering Gandhi1 comment
category picture26 Jan 2005 @ 03:58
 •  Women's Issues Remembering Bapu
Those of us who take Gandhi seriously with all his limitations ought not to use him for partisan purposes. Instead we should focus on imbibing in our own lives the basic principles that would show that we respect Gandhi's message and methods. Let us practice, not preach him, says Madhu Purnima Kishwar.

More Link = [link]  More >

 First Memories2 comments
category picture25 Jan 2005 @ 11:04
Ah synchronicity at work I see
I was just having an inquiry into the same topic as
Hoodgame in its only words
I was just wonderin about the phenomenum itself
How and why perhaps it occurs and around what?
Anyway heres what I writ.


An Inquiry into the dawning of ones primal or "first" consciousness or awareness.

When......... when does first awareness occur and how is it that it becomes
a memory and why and how does it become a memory.

I suppose in my own regard my first memory seems to be at the age of
3 years and 8 months. A vague realization of the birth of a younger brother.

I suppose "birth" is a "significant" enough event in the human experience to
denote it for recall or such yet how, why and when does and "can" first memory
occur. What is required to make as it were the connection to self, other and world.

Is some sort of cognitive global mechanism or data schemata or rudimentary
apparatus require a certain set of parameters to be met before first memories can
occur and if so can that shape us for the rest of life.

Are our lives somewhat dependent and shaped by our first memory experience?

That memory stands out but I have seen evidence of that time. What is the effect of that? What is the effect of "seeing" pictures of times we don't really recall yet
"knowing" somehow that they did occur because of the evidence and "hard" evidence of there existence. Does this evidence though "taint" or interrupt the memory process.

I suppose another memory is around the time of the age of six years and a mentioning of first grade and the "Beatles" somehow. Interesting the impact
of a mere "musical" group to pervade the awareness so all consumingly of not only
myself but of the planet it would seem.

Do you have any awareness or input into these matters and does it have a real or
physical connection somehow to the now?  More >

 Star Pooptrek10 comments
category picture24 Jan 2005 @ 00:59
"Star Pooptrek"
01-23-05, 05:57 pm (PDT)
In response to message #0
Captain Captain.....

What is it Scotty...
says Captain Male Chicken

The poop is hitting the warp coils...
and the warp coils are have lost their
The ship will keep increasing
endlessly in speed forever...
*spock gasps*

Captain Kock
swivels his chair
*hmmm this is serious
he thinks to himself*

Is this poop gravity fed mr spook

*spook is having an emotional
Not now Captain my mother never hugged me

*captain reaches into bag of tricks*

Here this is jojo my favorite teddy bear that
I never had..... hold and hug once an hour

*spock tears streamin*
Mama mama

so spook is this poop gravity fed

well my calculations on my amiga
computer game....
oh the computers are down by the way
Indicate it is partially gravity fed.....

hmmm only paritally....
well we'll have to scoop then....

man the shovels men if we feed enough
poop into the warp drives we should
be able to slow them down
and then maybe Scotty could jury rig some
kind of automated system that regulates
the drives with poop injection....

Captain *smiles scotty* it may just work


who wrote this....
this has got to be wierd

theres a brandy a comin your way captain

now now scotty you know I don't touch the stuff
anymore not since the pregancy .....

say no more captain

perhaps a little port though.....

With grace, peace, and
May we be Blessed.....

Amen  More >

 Sermon on the Easel2 comments
category picture21 Jan 2005 @ 03:30
Hey ho....

The Church of Art sermon
for winter is here
Link = [link]  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
