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 G L O B A L G R A C E5 comments
picture4 Nov 2004 @ 10:11
What is global grace?  More >

 I quit20 comments
category picture30 Oct 2004 @ 09:13
I am angry and I quit....
Find someone else to
cuddle and hold you for nothing.

sir  More >

 A New Cycle? (Mobility)0 comments
category picture29 Oct 2004 @ 10:29

swanny:. . . 2004-10-29 10:28:11   [Edit] [Delete]
Interesting.... no well its more than merely interesting
its most significant and worse most "effective".....
we must at this point recommend care, caution and impecability
as the very thoughts we are thinking can influence the results
Apparently then the galacxy is "mimicing" what is occuring
or occurs here on Earth to some degree.
It seems to have to do with "motion or mobility" and cycles.
What seems apparent is that humanity has accomplished
something quite remarkable in that it seems now in a position to
be accepted or ushered into a new kind of realm or cycle.
This cycle seems to be more complex in nature and a natural one
more than anything
we have been able to fathom prior to on
a global scale so it suggests that we have
acquired some new trait or ability whether internal or external
though it is not clear which.
A fundemental Earth cycle is the hydrological cycle or pattern which
tends to follow gravity at some points but then experiences
evaporation etc etc.... this is a relatively simple cycle though not
necessarily as it is occuring all the time and all at once on a global
scale..... Much is bound and influenced by this cycle certainly
biotic forms such as humans..... then there is the seasonal cycle
which also appears relatively simple and beign..... this is sort
effects biological based forms but I'm wondering if there is
some chemistry involved here to.
Now in that mammals have reached a sufficient sustainable critical
mass we are now in a position to effect some of the cycles and mobilities
of the natural order but this must be done in a "mutual" manner with
the intent and preferences of those cycles
....... the problem seems to be
a certain "incompadibility" or "cross purposes" in the cycles. We have
in a sense the "lower" human or mammalian cycles coming up into
effect the more complex natural cycles such as the complex ones
of weather and such..... We have then two or more cycle or mobilities
undergoing a "collision" of sorts..... obviously this result in a somewhat
chaotic condition that is neither one nor the other.....
It may be that some new kind of mammalian/nature cycle is
sycretizing..... it is difficult to say.... I would say the more complex
natural cycles have the upperhand though in that they are based
on the far reaching solar and galactic cycles or mobilities..... so..... what might
or could this cycle be..... but a biotic one of sorts based on not water or food or
hmmmmm or seasons.... is it punictary or temporal? What is
the motivation or intention here of the two or more elements... mammals and nature....
Sex? Love? Time? Money? Jobs? Power? Death?......War? Terror?
I think "grace" and "faith" are playing a certain part here.......
oh and perhaps the nature of time.....???
Hmmm well thats all for the moments oh yes and Now
the Global now is a most complex thing it would seem....
Try wrapping your heads around that one.

 The Now Vision2 comments
category picture26 Oct 2004 @ 21:57
The Now Vision

I have just had a vision of sorts as to the direction
for the planet.
I was sitting here thinking that the way we are
treating ourselves and the planet seems somewhat
criminal and vainglorious. We are a species
obsessed and preoccupied with ourselves and
our own cleverness yet we are not clever at all
but petty and cruel. We do not live in harmony and
quality with one and other but make it an occupation
to cheat and outdo one and other. We are vain, petty, obsessed,
excessive, one big new Roman orgy it seems.

So in this vision I was casting out for the purpose
and point of life. It occurred to me that we have got
it all wrong. Nature is not base and simple, Nature
is complex.and diverse... We are the simple and mechanical
ones because we call the kettle gray and do not
see our own blackness and speed is not better
speed is speed. We say nature is ignorant
and useless yet it seems the truth is that whatever
nature is we are part of it and we in my estimation
are a lesser part because we do not understand
nature in its complexity and therefore pooh pah it.
Yet I suspect we would gain a greater insight into
our true potential if we were to understand and follow
the ways of nature for we are nature in many ways.
We are the simpletons. All our cleverness is no
match for nature and our obsessions with ourselves
is proof of that. Nature gives us the Grand Canyon
and we give us..... the daytime soap operas.
There is something very wrong with that picture
because one is real and the other a clever deversion
and illusion that we eagerly and carelessly
buy into hook line and sinker. Yes we have made some progress
and yes we are certainly somewhat clever yet
it occurred to me that for all our savy ..... the truly superior
humans we have had a tendancy to wipe off the face
of the planet..... the Gandis, the Lincolns, the Jesus's
the Native populations, the indegionous people, yet to
me they are the superior races and humans, I know it may be difficult
to understand how a race or person we have vanquished
can be superior but it is somewhat egnigmatic in its understanding
There lack of resistance of evil and acceptance of the process of death is
what essentially makes them superior not because they have
died but they have lived and continue to live somehow
true to their nature and nature
herself.... We may defeat them.... natures peoples but
we will never defeat nature...... for we would have
killed ourselves off long before that could occur such
is our baseness, vexation and abomination.
So the vision I had is the merger of the societies of today
and those of the old native traditions . If we wish to live properly and humanely we
must adopt the methods of the old native ways. I'm thinkin
most specifically of the West Coast tribes in British Columbia.
If we could somehow mimic and merge are methodogies
with some of their ways of old and create a kind of
synthesis or sycretis of civilization then perhaps there is hope
and promise for the future. If we were to learn of the
effective medicinal herbal remedies and if we were to embrace
the concepts like the just society, the humane market place,
the sustainable environment and the organic agrarianism
then maybe? But why should I care?
I suppose because I care enough about me to care about you.

Alfred  More >

 The One & Only3 comments
category picture24 Oct 2004 @ 02:00
I share this with you now because of
our association over time....
I hope you give it the valueable consideration
it is due.....
The One the Only.....
Mp3 Page Link = [link]
Perhaps start with "Take this Quiet Moment"
From the Dream Master Album

A fan at large

swanny  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
