Xanadu 2012    
 Operation Compassion0 comments
picture26 Jul 2011 @ 23:59
July 26 2011
rd ab ca earth
6:00 pm MDT
re: Famine and drought in the horn of Africa
re: Iceberg 1/2 size of Vancouver floating south in the Atlantic
re: operation compassion

hello world....
well time is of the essence so here it is
we have 2 million or more people at risk and starving in the drought of the horn
of Africa but seeing as how its said to be a drought and you can only go 3 days
without water they are most likely thirsting to death.
So the plan is to send in the Canadian peace forces and get 40 large ships from
the international community and some type of intermittent rocket boosters
and guide and tow or push this giant iceberg floating south in the Atlantic and and crash it into
the west coast of Africa and the chopper and truck in the ice to various places
as needed. budget allowance.... $50 million as the world bank ? is said to have pitched in $500 million and it.... well its a wild one.... but 1 + 1 = 2 and opportunity = crisis and you have
a coincidence happening... many logistics to cover whether humanity has the might and will and smarts
to do this ? but if we do than we are or would then be worthy of our humanity. and it might not work and has never been done or tried as far as i know but we shall or might undertake it and the Canadian peace forces in my mind could if any one could do it or try.
call it operation compassion
over and out
natures hand (holistic strategies)
manager: Alfred Jonas  More >

 The Sea of Love0 comments
category picture19 Jul 2011 @ 23:34
July 19 2011
rd ab ca
5:34 pm mdt

the sea of love

the mythical sea of love beyond life and death

by alfred g jonas

 Hey Kanada 20110 comments
category picture2 Jul 2011 @ 16:27
july 2 2011
10:27 am mdt
rd ab ca

yo aye world
happy kanada day july


ed jonas

 The 2010 Natures Hand Compendium by A G Jonas1 comment
picture18 Jun 2011 @ 14:27
CANADA (C) 2000 - 2011 June 18, 2011 Saturday 8:28 am mdt
A brief history of the Universe and Civilization

A. The Estate of Prehistory/Oceans
PreCambrian & Paleozoic Eras
(16 Billion Years BCE)

Primeval history
1. And there was silence, and there was darkness, and there was cold and stillness, without name, without form and without motion. And then behold... and then there was N o w. The Universe and Time... thus began...

2. At 3 billion years later the Milky Way Galaxy, with its many stars, was formed. Then 28,000 Light Years distant from the Milky Way Galaxies center, and at about the time of 10.5 billion years, the Sol, or Sun of the Solar System was formed. This Solar System thus then revolved around the Milky Way Galaxy once, every 220 Million years, clockwise.

3. At 1.1 Billion years later, or at 11.6 Billion years, the Earth and its Geosphere and basic Elements were forming and revolved counterclockwise at North Pole, around the Sun every 365.26 days. The Moon in its approximate 29 day counterclockwise revolution around the Earth developed as well. Water and the Hydrosphere began forming and Gravity and the Earths 24 hour rotation set the waves and winds in motions and patterns and at 0.5 Billion years later the atmosphere, weather, climate and the four seasons began forming. At about 12.4 Billion years the Ozone layer started forming on Earth. By 13.8 Billion years Earths somewhat shielded living atmosphere had developed and basic Amino Acids had formed and LIFE, and Photosynthesis eventually began to develop and form carbohydrates in the salty oceans and air. Life on Earth then, was comprised of the Domains of Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes of green and red algae. And when the ozone layer was sufficiently developed it permitted the more shielded formation of more evolved plants and such on the Earths land surface at around 14.7 Billion Years. The Eukaryote Domain then gave itself to the rise of the 4 additional Kingdoms of Plants, Protista, Animals and Fungi. A living Biosphere was developing.

4. At about 15.2 Billion years, on land, the progenitor of trees, redwoods and evergreens began and in the oceans, fish, amphibians, reptiles and other more complex sea animals had begun to develop and then eventually begin moving by way of the fresh water rivers and lakes perhaps, onto the land. At 15.5 Billion years the shark progenitor is said to have developed. All of these developments thus gave way to the appearance of the Chordata Phylum at around 15.7 Billion years ago. As well, there had reportedly been a number of mass extinctions over the years for various proposed reasons.

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B. The Estate of Nature/Mammals
Mesozoic & Cenozoic Eras (220 Million Years BCE)

1. At between 15.74 to 15.78 Billion years the dinosaurs appeared, and the Milk bearing Mammal Class developed from variations of the Synapsidas tree climbing mammal-like reptile (see "Suminia getmanovi" in Russia), marking about one galactic year from the present. Birds and flowering plants began developing a little after this time.

Tertiary Period

2. These early mammals then branched into the more tree faring proper Primate Order, at around 15.940 Billion years. This is confirmed roughly in the find of the "Darwinius" specie in Germany. Primates then themselves, branched into the Great Apes (Hominoidea) Family, around 15.970 Billion years. The oldest confirmed ape fossil find at present is for around 15,987,000,000 years ( see "Pierolapithecus Catalaunicus", Spain and then "Toumai", Chad, Africa for 15,993,000,000). The progenitors of modern butterflies, bees, and ants were developing as well. Pliocene Epoch

3. At around 15,994,000,000 years, the great apes began a divergence which gave way to the Tribe Hominini, which includes the Chimp Genus (Pan) on the one side but not in the Sub-tribe of Hominina of which the Genuses are all now extinct but for the more upright and bipedal proto human Genus (Homo) which then was becoming quite distinct at about 15,998,400,000 years (see Kenyapithecus: Kenya Ape, Ramapithecus: Rama Ape, Australopithecus: Southern Ape, and Homo Ergaster, Kenya ). Homo Ergaster was known for its more advanced stone tool making and usage. These Homos long since spent less time in the trees and perhaps sought out the refuge of caves. Aside as well around this time the oldest active or viable DNA known, has been found at Greenland and is dated to a time of 15,999,250,000 years.

Quaternary Period, Pleistocene Epoch,

4. The more ground faring proto humans or Homos of this time, were quite roaming and inventive and around 15,999,300,000 years, experimented with anthrop "FIRE" and made stone balls and the spear. The discovery of Yuanmou Man, Xihoudu and Lantien Man and then later of the Peking Man fossils in China, dated at 15,999,700,000 years, and Homo Erectus (general), tends to corroborate and confirm these fossil facts. The use of fire probably permitted more migrations and early adaption to colder climes, as well as being used for the cooking of foods.

C. The Estate of Family/Adam & Eve

Paleolithic or Old Stone Age
(500,000 Years BCE)

1. The first Subspecies of the more modern human or Homo Sapiens Species is thought to be the now extinct Subspecies, Homo Sapiens Idaltu, possibly Adam, first born, from Ethiopia, Africa, which is said to have appeared around 15,999,830,000 years. Then at around 15,999,860,000 we have the appearance of the Mitochondrial Eve specie in Africa, which is said to have been the mother of all the modern human Subspecies Homo Sapiens Sapiens, according to DNA testing. Evidence of massive Volcanic and iron meteor strikes are found upon the earth.

D. The Estate of Community
(80,000 Years BCE)

1. These early humans then began living in small tribes and nomadic communities, as communities probably afforded certain economies and synergies of effort that were mutually beneficial to the individuals involved. Migrations occurred East by some of these tribes, to the Americas from Siberian origins, according to modern DNA testing, across a now submerged land or ice bridge in the North Bering Strait at about 35,000 years ago and or other as suggested from anthropoid burn patterns. These Peoples thus form the current First Nations People and Nations of the Americas. All of these early Humans of the Earth, were thus beginning to gain a consciousness and awareness of their own procreation power, capacity, and pleasure.

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E. The Neolithic Revolution
New Stone Age (30,000 Years BCE)

1. Evidence of human habitation is found in North Eastern Brazil at Boqueirao de Pedra Furada, These early progenitors of modern humans thus began to develop agriculture, animal tending (dogs) and possibly boating at around 15,999,970,000 years and as well bone carving (see Hohle Fels Mammoth bone fertility figure from Germany). The bow and arrow were developed around this time. A more sophisticated language was developing too and later cave paintings that suggest the development of a crude form of written or graphic expression. These cave paintings have been found around the world and were made at around 15,999,975,000 years which themselves suggest global migrations.

2. The spiritual temple of Gobekii Tepe (Turkish Stonehenge) in Turkey is said to be the first human made structures made and bearing carved animal figures, and dated from about 15,999,990,000 years and are said to have been a gathering site of more than 500 nomadic peoples. The first actual large permanent community or city to date was Jericho which has been uncovered and dates to roughly 15,999,992,800 and is in the Middle East. This then suggests that agriculture might be said to be the backbone of a permanent culture or civilization. Also at this time, we begin to see the development of basic arithmetic and pottery and more advanced stone tools and carvings. Evidence of the domestication of animals like cats, chickens, cows, sheep, etc. is also evident.

F. The River Valley Agriculture Civilizations
Holocene Epoch, Bronze Age (10,000 Years BCE)

1. Around 15,999,996,000, basic writing is developed for mostly accounting and recipe purposes and Noah and Abraham are mentioned in the ancient oral teachings. Architecture, astronomy, sun dials, metal making, city dwelling, money, pottery, glass making, cotton and wool making, burials, Law, waste treatment and other social facets are shown to have originated and developed. It is suggested then that writing, thus might be said to be the backbone of the first economies. The first Whale and Rainbow reference is given therein. The areas around river valleys like the Indus, Yellow and Nile Rivers develop ag civilizations. The first recorded date is established by the Mayans at Aug 13, 15,999,996,886. ( see "Natural History" by Joyce Marcus). 5 days added to yearly Egyptian Calendar.

2. There is evidence for the origins of the somewhat Global Proto Indo European Language and Culture around this time, The Great Wall of China is started, the Egyptians Dynasty III, architect, Imhotep, originates & builds the Stone Step Pyramids, Stonehenge appears in England & the Pyramids of the Mayan Cultures are evident in Upper South America. The tales from Babylon, ie the Enuma Elis, Kassite era is thought to have been written around 15,999,998,200 .

3. "When the sky above was not named, And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name, And the primeval Abzu, who begat them, and chaos, Tiamat, the mother of them both, Their waters were mingled together, And so field was formed, no marsh was to be seen, When of the gods none had been called into being." Source = Enuma Elis 1800 BCE

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G. The Classical Period Iron Age
(1000-800 BCE to 500-600 CE)

1. The Parthenon is build & reference to Gaia is made to by the Greeks. The House of David is said to have appeared & the 23rd Psalm written. The medicine wheels are somewhat evident in the North Americas. Greece's Plato, dramatically teaches his Republic ideals. Reference said of & to Atlantis, off the West coast of Spain, is made by Plato and Egyptian Priests & Egyptian tombs said to have S.A. tobacco and cocaine. The conquests of Alexander the Great, tutored by Aristotle, a student of Plato, take place. Large China flotilla said to have sailed. June 4, 780 BCE, Chinese record first solar eclipse. April 21, 753 BCE, the founding of Rome. The old Testament, the Holy Bible, the Ten Commandments and coining of the seven day week, attributed to Moses, is thought to have been written down,

2. " And then when G o d began to create the Universe, and the Universe was then welter and waste and darkness and cold over the deep, and God's breath hovering over the waters, God said, 'Let there be light and warmth' , and there was light and warmth". The "firmament" thus, separating "the waters which were, under the firmament, from the waters which were, above the firmament." Source = Holy Bible 500 BCE

3. Around 16,000,000,000 years, in Bethlehem, a new Star is said to have appeared and the Virgin Mary is said to have given birth & life to Jesus Christ. Jesus, is thus said to have been Resurrected and Ascended in the Middle East, at the Mount of Olives. Jesus is also said to have coined the Lords Prayer & the Beatitudes. Roman records from this time, indicate a man of Jesus'es description, had some dealings with the Law. This event may actually have heralded a new evolutionary development in Humanity, i.e. Homo Sapiens Universalis or Polymath or Renaissance Man. Jesus is still highly and regularly commemorated & celebrated, with the Bread, Wine, & or Candle. It is also thought by some that the Milky Way Galaxy would have completed about 1 universal year/13 Billion years, since its creation, around this time

4. The use of India's "zero" & other math concepts are disseminated to and through the World.

5. The Han Dynasty and Confucism are evident in China and the Empire and Jan. 1, 45 BCE marks origin of the Julian (Caesar) Era and Calendar, City of Rome and experiments and interest in democracy, which had first been made by the Greeks, was growing. The Greeks as well, had discovered PHI, the golden ratio or 1.61803398... or roughly 3 to 5. Hadrian's Wall is built in Northern Roman Britain, at 16.000,000,122 CE/AD. The First Fire department appears here as well, in the Vigiles of Rome. Around 16,000,000,150, Ptolemy writes his Geocentric work, 'Almagest' and the Early Christian Churches appear and various translations of the Bible and the writings of the New Testament have begun. The Classical period ends due to invasions and disease.

H. The Post Classical Period

(500 CE Years to 1450 CE.)

1. Of note at this time, is the writings attributed to King Alfred the Great of England. Other developments were the invention of the water wheel, the burning of coal, Romantic Love and progressive developments in natural science, medicine and knowledge in general. At June 15 th, 1,600,001,215, the Magna Charta was written, signed and thus granted to by King John of England and later Roger Bacon completes his general writings, Opus Majus and Opus Minus.

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2. Venetian, Marco Polo and Moroccan, Ibn Battuta undertake and write about their great and inspiring travels. The compass & the Prime Meridian (Line of Longitude) is begun to be established at Greenwich, England, and the "Rule of Law", is established as the governing principle of advanced societies. 1429 CE/AD French heroine Joan of Arc led resistance against English. Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are the religions of many people and an expanded trade nexus on the Indian Ocean establishes trade routes more so than the Silk Road. Secondary City Civs emerge in Japan, Korea, Russia, Europe and the Mid Americas etc.. Genghis Khan mongols invade China (Kublai Khan rule), Russia and Mid East, opens trade. Black Death spreads from China kills 1/4 to 1/3 populations. Europe gains Chinese gun powder.

I. The Early Modern Period
( 1450 to 1750 CE )

1. At 1,500, in Europe, the Renaissance began by way of artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Goldsmith Heinrich Jonas, but this serves mostly in a way for the Western Societies to catch up to their Chinese, Indian and Middle Eastern counterparts in terms of cultural and civil attributes. The Reformation took place by way of monks like, Martin Luther but this division ultimately serves to weaken the Churches influence and the push is on for the Merchant Class and the commercialization of cottage industries to meet global markets. The Gutenberg printing press from China was introduced and aides in the literacy of the Western societies first with religious materials and then with other cultural avenues. Elizabeth the I reigns.

2. The Americas to the West were rediscovered by Christopher Columbus for Spain and the exploitation & export of American goods especially silver gives the West a commodity for trade in China and India. The first logic machines or computers were starting to be developed. William Shakespeare writes. Dolphins & swans are noted. King James publishes his Bible in 1611 CE.. The Taj Ma-Hal mausoleum, in India, is built by Mug-Hal Emperor Shah Jahan, in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Ma-Hal. Galileo Galilei's telescope use indicates the Earths heliocentricity. The separation between Church & State is occurring & the concept of a Nation/State is developing as well as the further refinement of Parliamentary protocol. The scientific revolution has begun & magic & superstition fall into disrepute and disfavor. The first prisons are developed in the West & the ranking system & refined training of the western militaries takes place.

3. In Russia wheat is developed as a major export and cultural attributes of the west like ballet etc are adopted. Russia expansionist ambitions continue to the South, East and West as a stay against the Mongols and to appease Czarist ambitions. Peter the Great embarks on his westernization of Russia and the orthodoxy Eastern Church continues its predominance there with the rise as well as a Muslim minority component. Consumerism is developing in the world. The Bronze Age or metal making in general, might have been said, to be the backbone of modern industry and civilization.

J. The Long 19th Century
( 1750 to 1914 CE )

1. July, 1776, the US of A, founded as a Republic by T. Jefferson & co., & Henry David Thoreau does Nature sojourn into woods, publishes about his experiences. Napoleon conquests occur in Europe. Taxonomy system devised by Corolus Linnaeus. Abraham Lincoln frees slaves in USA. David Thompson surveys & maps Western Canada. Charles Darwin publishes evolution theory. On July 1, 1867, Canada, became a Dominion of the British Empire. Classical composer Vivaldi, wrote his Four Seasons work around this time. Hand washing is observed & practiced to be a good deterrent against the spread of disease.

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2. The 49th Parallel is established as the border between the USA & Canada. The concept of Standard Global Time Zones was developed by Sir Sandford Fleming & implemented around the Earth. The Principal or Winnipeg Meridian is devised in 1869, as the backbone longitude, of the survey system of Canada, & = 97",27,'28.41' at 4" spacing thereafter. French Revolution in France. Metis Leader Louis Riel leads rebellion in CA West. Alexander G. Bell invents telephone. The Rule of Law & Democracy via Parliamentary Procedure continue to be adopted around the Earth & the industrial & motor age or revolution was beginning. In 1905, Alberta & Saskatchewan become Canadian Provinces.

K. 20th-21st Century A:
1914 to 1945 CE, World Wars Period

1. In around 1920, Sir F.G. Banting helps discover insulin & the United Church of Canada is established, the Red Deer River Naturalists start a natural history organization and humans develop air flight. Grey Owl gives lectures and publishes on the plight of the beavers & Nature. It was around this time that the invention of mass marketing, mass production, the assembly line and consumerism gave rise as a side effect or accident to the inception of the Middle Class in 20th century Europe and mostly America, then on to Japan and today in China and India. This was fueled and powered in large part by the discovery of electricity, the steam engine and cheap oil and gas and spurred on by radio and mass media. The Famous Canadian Blue Nose sailing ship, wins many world sailing regattas. Penicillin is discovered as an antibiotic aide against disease. The Two World Wars, that had occurred, ended, but had had a somewhat of a constructive outcome, in that they led to the development of the United Nations and the signing of the Geneva Convention and the United Nations Human Rights work. Rachel Carson writes and publishes her Silent Spring book, on an impending ecocrisis. Emily Carr paints in Native motifs.

L. 20th-21st Century B:
1945 to 1990 CE, Cold War Period

1. At 1945, Frank Lloyd Wright builds in organic architecture style. Mahatma Gandhi liberates India from British rule. Feb. 1949, Beijing, China, surrenders to Peoples Party. TV & Nuclear Power are invented & in 1954 Bell Labs creates the first silicon solar cell. In 1955, the Findhorn Ecovillage at Scotland, is established by Dorothy Maclean, & Eileen & Peter Caddy. Robert Frost publishes his Nature Poetry. The fab 4, pop rock group "The Beatles" play in Liverpool, England.

2. Canada celebrates its 100th birthday. At 1969, the Woodstock Art and Music Festival occurred in the USA, with an attendance of 1/2 million people in a farmers field. Also the United States NASA, lands Astronaut Neil Armstrong on the surface of Earths Moon. Artist Karl Weiser paints his colorful "Sun-flowers" artwork. Efforts undertaken to close the holes that had appeared in the Earths ozone layer. The New Pioneers Handbook, by James Bohlen, is written & published which explores some of Chinas ecoworks. In 1972 Canada wins over Soviets in hockey series.

3. The speed of light agreed to be about 299 792 458 m / s. " 'A' pitch" = 440 Hz was set from 431 Hz, as the standard reference pitch, for music. Canada gets a new red & white flag, featuring a stylized red maple leaf. In 1975, the New Alchemist Institute is set up in Eastern Canada, by John and Nancy Todd. The John Janzen Nature Center starts in Edmonton, Alberta. Kerry Wood establishes his Nature Reserve in Red Deer, Alberta. Chief Dan George uses his media success, to advocate for Nature. Ralph Edwards does his nature work, with the trumpeter swans, at Lonesome Lake, in the Province of British Columbia. The Eminent Queen Noor of Jordan, studies Architecture, in the USA. Jane Goodall works with & studies chimps.

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4. In 1976/77 Fanshawe College in London, Ontario offers a "blind weekend ", in one of its programs. Survivor, Terry Fox runs his Marathon of Hope. Malsipina College on Vancouver Island, B.C, CA., offers an Organic Gardening course. At about 1982, "US (music & tech.) Festival" occurs in California, USA and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Patriation of the CA. Constitution, worked on by the Late Honorable PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau, is effected & enacted. The Internet is created using the global TCP/IP protocol on Jan 1,1983. Restorative Justice is undergoing development. Butterfly does a sit in in a tree, to protest its proposed cutting down. Green Peace Organization still continues their Nature advocacy. The circumference of the Earth is calculated and established to be about 24,000 miles around the South and North poles, and the diameter of the Earth at the equator is set at about 8000 miles. Chernobyl accident helps end Cold War and in 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev President of Former USSR wins Nobel Peace Prize. Cree MLA Elijah Harper helps defeat CA Meech Lake Accord.

M. 20th-21st Century C:

1990 to Present CE, Internet Period

1. A Global Nuclear Weapons Freeze Treaty is signed and ratified and weapons production, research and use is mostly banned. Then in 2000, the International Space Station "Alpha" was constructed in orbit around the Earth via the space shuttles and the Gaia Trust and the Global Ecovillage Network GEN are set up by Ross and Hildur Jackson of Denmark. Deidra Dionne wins the freestyle skiing Bronze Metal at the Winter Olympics. James Lovelock continues his work on the Gaia Theory. Priest Thomas Berry continues his Great Work book and works. S of D, crop circle near RD. AB.. The World Trade Center Twin Towers plane crashes on Sept 11, 2001, precipitate the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Nelson Mandela wins freedom for South Africa.

2. The CBC, and CKUA Community Radio Station in Alberta, continue in their work to promote and keep Canadian Culture alive. The Blue Planet movie, from the International Space Station and IMAX films is released. Wood Artist, Rudi Jonas starts his Marquetry woodwork pieces. Politician Hermann Scheer brings his feeder tariff law for solar energy into Germany. In the USA, NIH Human Genome Project sequences the human DNA at the year 2003. The practice and science of Nature-Scaping begins in Alberta, Canada. In 2004, the IERS Reference Meridian or Geoid at the Royal Observatory in Britain is established with sea level being at 336.3 feet below it. The Indonesian quake/Tsunami Richter Scale 9, on Dec 26, 2004, cause a slight shift in the Earths Rotation. The Building Green perspective and book is published. In 2007 the Earth Hour event starts in Australia. Then on August/12, 05/31, Tuesday/7, of 16,000,002,008, Earth, it was remotely confirmed by NASA, that some ice & water had been found on the North pole of the Mars, the fourth & red planet of our Solar System. The Natures Hand 'Bill of Values,' is written & the Corpus Naturalus principle is argued. The G 20 global governing body is established.

3. In 2009, concerns about the weather, climate and clean energy continue to press for the greening of the planet. The global adoption and use of the World Wide Web as developed by CERN in the 1990s continues to play an increasing role in billions of human lives on the planet as a whole new born generation is introduced to a technology as new as TV was in the 1950s. How this will effect humanity and the Earth remains to unfold and be seen but has with it both great promise and some disparages.

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4.In 2010, Chinas increasing role in the world is becoming apparent as it modernizes to somewhat of a more urban society and many goods are manufactured there and in India as well. The allure of Democracy though is strong as well though, as the desire for a strong economy and the interplay of these two and else continues to shape the politics and civilities of human and international society.

5. In 2011, the future though, as always uncertain, must eventually be given the benefit of the doubt, that it will act in the best interests of humanity, its various life forms and the Earth and Solar System as a whole and that the maturation of the human race may eventually lead to more seasoned and adept sojourns into the new and great frontiers of the heavens.


Scientific References

2010 Smithsonian, Natural History By DK Publishing, Senior Publishing Ediitor, Kathyrn Hennessy ( (c) 2010 Dorling Kindersly Ltd., ISBN 978-07566-6752-8 )

2008: NASA News Release for Water on Mars 2007: Climate Change (1750 to 2007 CE): UN International Panel on Climate Change Report,

2007 2007: World History (10,000 BCE t0 2007 CE) A Brief History of the World by Prof P.N. Stearns by The Teaching Company 2007 VA. USA

2006: 2000 BCE - 2000 CE., Merriam - Webster's Visual Dictionary By Merriam-Webster Inc. (c) 2006 QA International, ISBN: 0-87779-051-5 )

2006: Animal, Chordatas, Mammals Origins (220 Million - 3 Billion BCE): Principles of Zoology 13th edition, 2006, Editorial Director Kent A. Peterson ISBN 0-07-283056-5 Pages 21- 33, 192-194, 483-486, 596-599.

2005: Egypt, Agriculture (8,000 BCE): Encyclopedia of African History, Vol. 1 (A-G), 2005, Edited by Kevin Shillington, ISBN 1-57958-245-1, Egypt Ancient: Agriculture, pages 415-416 by Salima- Ikram

2004: Homo Sapiens (250,000 BCE): Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia 2nd Edition Vol 14 Mammals III, 2004, Project Editor Melissa C. McDade, ISBN 0-7876-5790-5, Page 243. 2004: Primate, Hominidae, Lucy Origins (6 - 70 Million BCE): Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia 2nd Edition Vol 14 Mammals III,

2004, Project Editor Melissa C. McDade, ISBN 0-7876-5790-5, Pages 1, 2, 225-243.

2002: Earth, Sun, Galaxy Ages, Galactic Year (3.5 - 13 Billion BCE): 21st Century Astronomy , 2002, Edited by John Byram, ISBN 0-393-97400-6, Pages 140, 154, 186, 294, 462, 463, 478 and 529-530

1997: Definitions (1997 CE) ITP Nelson Canadian Dictionary of the English Language, 1997, Thomson Nelson ISBN 0-17-604726-3

1996: Native Origins (10,000 BCE): Encyclopedia of North American Indians,1996, Edited by Frederick E. Hoxie, ISBN 0-395-66921-9, Origins: Anthropological Perspectives, pages 445-447 by John A. K. Willis, Northwestern University.

1993: C. Columbus (1480 CE): Explorers & Discoverers of the World, Edited by Daniel B. Baker, 1993, ISBN 0-8103-5421-7, Christopher Columbus (1451-1506 AD) Pages 146-152.

1985: Canada (1867-1985 CE): The Canadian Encyclopedia, 1985, Editor in Chief James H. Marsh, ISBN 0-88830-269-X (set)

1980: China (1.5 Million - 10,000 BCE): Early Man In China, 1980, By Prof. Jia Lanpo, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China

1962: Cave Paintings (25,000 BCE): Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric & Ancient Art, 1962, General Editor Rene Huyghe, ISBN ? Pages 43-50.

1961: Civilization/Community (50,000 BCE): The Dawn of Civilization, 1961, Edited by Stuart Piccott, Lib of Congress #: 61-11 703

1884: Universal Day (24 hours) (1884 CE): By the International Meridian Conference 1879 CE: Standard Time Implemented (1879): By Sir Sanford Fleming, Canadian Railway Engineer.

1867 CE: Dominion of Canada (1867 CE): British North America Act By Britain for Dominion of Canada or Canada. Also called the Constitution Act.

1513 CE: Piri Reis World Map (1513 CE): By Piri Reis a Turkish Admiral ?

45 BCE: The Julian Calendar (45 BCE): By Julius Caesar, Rome Emperor 100 BCE: The Greeks, Democracy, Phi, (2000 BCE): Authors ?

140,000 BCE: DNA Sequencing Data Results from Organic Material

220,000,000 BCE: Radiometric Dating Data Results from fossil specimens

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Other Readings

2007: Universe Rotation (2007) Effect of Global Rotation of the Universe... by Li-Xin Li, 2007, Beijing University, Beijing, China

2005: Various Dates (2005): The Time Tables of History, 2005, By Bernard Grun, 4th Edition, ISBN 13978-07432-7003-8

2005: Building Green (2005):Building Green, 2005, By Clarke Snell & Tim Callahan, ISBN 13: 978-1-57990-532-3

2005: Agriculture Origins (8,000 BC): First Farmers, The Origins of Agricultural Societies, 2005, By Peter Bellwood, ISBN -13: 978-0-631-20566-1 Page 14.

2005: Solar Energy (2005): The Solar Economy, 2005, By Hermann Scheer ISBN:1-84407-075-1, (c) 1999 Munich, Germany

2003: Copper & Bronze Making (3,500 BC): Early Civilization of the Old World, 2003, By ? ISBN 0 415 10976-0, Pages 302-304.

2002: Canadian Culture CBC: (1952-2002 BC): Heres Looking At Us (c)2002 By Stephen Cole, ISBN 0-7710-2251-4

2002: Plant Origins (3.5 Billion BC): The Evolution of Plants , 2002, By K.J.Willis & J.C. McEiwain, ISBN 019 85 0065-3 Page 24.

2001: NatureScaping (2001):NatureScape alberta, 2001. By Myrna Pearman & Ted Pike, ISBN 0-9685765-1-6

2001: Fire (500,000 BC): Fire, A Brief History, 2001, By Stephen J. Pyne, ISBN 0-295-98144-x, Pages 30-31

2000: Ecovillage (2000): And We Are Doing It : 2000, By JT Ross Jackson, PHD, ISBN 1-885003-45-5, Page 73

1993: Metal, Burial & Jesus (3,000 - 0 BC): The Time Tables of Jewish History, 1993, By Judah Gribetz with Edward L. Greenstein & Regina S. Stein, ISBN 0-671-64007-0, Pages 1, 3, and 58.

1984: Ur, Iran (4,000 BC): Encyclopedia of Historic Places, Vol II (M-Z), 1984, By Courtland Canby, ISBN 0-871-96725-3, Ur, Page 972

1976: Various Locations (5,000 BC): The Atlas of Early Man, 1976, By Jacquette Hawkes, ISBN ?

1859: Evolution ( 1 Million BC - Present): Origin of the Species 1859 By Charles R. Darwin. Britain

1770?: Taxonomy system devised By Corolus Linnaeus, Swedish Biologist

Other Media

1723: The Four Seasons (1723 AD): Musical Recording By Antonio Vivaldi, Venician Composer.

Religious References

2008: Green Living (2008) The Green Bible By Harper Colllins Publishers NRSV ( (c) 2008 ISBN 978-0-06-162799-6 )

1907 AD:General (1907) The Nuttall Encyclopedia (1907): Edited By Rev. James Wood, Library of Congress # ?

1610 - 1640 AD (1600) The Holy Bible, King James Version By King James, England 1582 AD: General

(1582) The Holy Bible, 1582, Translated from the Latin Vulgate, Diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in Diverse Languages. The Old Testament, First Published by the English College at Douay AD 1609 & 1610 and The New Testament, First Published by the English College at Rheims AD 1582. With Annotations, The Whole Revised and diligently compared with the Latin Vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner AD 1749-1752, Library of Congress # ?

1260 - 1270 AD: (1250) Opus Majus and Opus Minus By Roger Bacon, England 890 - 900 AD:

(888) The Writings of King Alfred the Great , By King Alfred, England

515 - 525 AD: (515) General: The Dark Ages: Annales Camriae ( Annals of Wales), By Monks, England

140 - 160 AD: (150) Almagest By Ptolemy, Old World

1000 BC: General (3000 BC) The Ten Commandments, By Moses, Middle East

1800 BC. General The Tales from Babylon, Enuma Elis, Kassite era Turkey

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 may day may day 2011 june 171 comment
picture17 Jun 2011 @ 07:11
June 17 2011
ab ca
1:11 am MDT
may day may day.... do you copy CBC heads up or ?
we have a possible viral deviant on the radar from the same folks the brought us the oil leak in the gulf in summer of 2010.... opening up in 21st century churches/theaters today....
requesting interception and interpretive protocol if there is one.... head them off at the pass.....
request analysis of unproven and untested movie.... effects undetermined
possible calibration or similarities to historical past of effects see below
losing altitude and mental integrity
may day entering uncharted waters and air space
over and out....

ps...... and why does the white house USA gov web site have a European web server that originates in the mountains of EU flag Switzerland..... and run by a Canadian company....????????????
and my ex face book page now has Chinese characters.....does not compute request analysis and assist
composed and compiled but not transmitted earlier
June 16 2011
ab ca
4:30 pm MDT

re: master race propaganda films

oh %#*$ here come the master race propaganda film the pm/fuhrer had our Canadian military participate in the photo ops ...... right on cue? although how can this be on cue when its all ad lib and improv???? strange ..... have we entered a worm hole or is it just more of the same global quantum entanglement............. i wonder if the ca pm makes a cameo
uncle Canada wants you...
link = [link]
all the make up you can eat and all the reality edited out
excuse me maybe its just my imagination but does this net cloud have a distinctive BO and BS odor to it?
please say it taint' so.... its just my imagination right? and paranoia.... right? or
well CBC call up capt kirk dr w.s. and well hes a bit pricey but a new project perhaps
the Jedi's strike back

ej  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
