Xanadu 2012    
 Health Definition?0 comments
picture25 Oct 2010 @ 18:38
oct 25 2010 mon 6:51 AM MDT RD AB CA re: Health reform expected to top agenda

Finding and Sticking someone in a bed the state of the art of health care? Well I suppose but theres more to life and health than lying in a bed. and perhaps you kind of have to ask the patient to, so Ms so and so what would good health and life mean to you? etc

Rather than a charter then that is non binding perhaps some kind of definitions and understanding of health for the various ages, genders and the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional aspects. Would some kind of "vision" document for health care thus at least give us something to aim for. And it should extend to more than just the individual but a community health vision statement or mission or such particular to the needs and desires and biomes of each community.

A lot of the health care woes actually can be traced back to problems in the environment and problems with job satisfaction and poor communications and diet and family issues. True you can not get a one size fits all thing but if you have a vision and a basic general standard to work from and with then you'd have something that could be referred to and improved or tweaked as needed.

An example? hmmmm of a healthy community? Well Findhorn in Scotland comes to mind but I suppose you'd just need to research what community spends less or more effective dollars on health care costs and what kind of quality is achieved, Some that have good dietary aspects are said to be healthier and European Mountains people too, but good question what community is perhaps the healthiest in the world right now? And thus follow their lead to a degree.

Health is a complex issue after all and a cross and multidisciplinary thing too, It also has holistic aspects to it. And maybe use Abraham Maslow's (peak experience and needs pyramid) and Fritz Perls (gestalt) approach and not study why people are sick but study those that are well and healthy and etc

ed Jonas

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RDgirl1964 wrote:
Excellent points - albeit esoteric. Defining what "health" means does little in the way of fixing the system. 50% of tax dollars in Alberta go to pay for healthcare. It's giant black hole - and just throwing more $$$ at the problem, or discussing "health" won't fix things. Operational and funding changes are long overdue. My 2 cents worth.

joe fool writes:
Well thanks but I don't agree that the definition of "health" is a moot point. How can health be "restored" if we have no mutual or consensual concept or definition or standard of what it is in the first place. True I suppose it can be somewhat of a "subjective" measure which is problematic as we see in the area of mental health but there are as well objective criteria and measures such as temp and blood pressure, weight and things etc that tests reveal. So I would tend to disagree and say that we need some kind of subjective and objective measure or model or norm from which to make the restorative aspects and attempts relevant. The reason we a shooting thus in the dark or a black hole itself suggests that there is not target or model to shoot for. Now given the current world, as a model or example from my point of view , I would say the Dali Lama is somewhat a picture of health for his age and gender in a subjective and objective measure or assessment although I would say that might be further confirmed and identified through testing.  More >

 He did it!!!0 comments
category picture24 Oct 2010 @ 14:28
The adventurer completed his task.

how to make a telegraph in the wilderness in 7 minutes from Jamie O'Shea on Vimeo.

 Micro Wave Pollution8 comments
picture21 Oct 2010 @ 21:35
oct 21 2010 AB CA 3:28 PM MDT
re: Arctic warming at near record pace
Well not only is the climate changing or warming but the oceans are as well,
creating kind of a feedback loop. I have this theory though that the warming coincides yes with a CO2 increase above 350 ppm but also the increase of the use of electromagnetic radiation by man kind. This may thus be causing some temperature increase as well. There are after all 18000 satellites in orbit and thousands and thousands of micro wave antennas and TV and radio transmitters and telescopes. All this unprecedented electromagnetic radiation may thus be slowing cooking the air and its moisture and thus heating up the planet. I have no historical data for this as radiation did not come into use under the protective ozone layer till about 1850 but I have data that suggests that the radioactive levels now far exceed those of just 50 years ago. How do you like you steak? A solution thus might be to refrain from broadcasting tech and go to a strict land line point to point transmission.
Just a theory mind you and not much data available. Call it Microwave Pollution if you like nuking the planet.

ed jonas  More >

 Global Green Standards0 comments
picture21 Oct 2010 @ 03:56
Oct 20 2010 wed AB CA 9:56 PM MDT

re: Learn about the world around you
It seems though, whatever we as humans or a species do or will do, will have and does impact on our environment, such is the nature of our nature.
The lessons though perhaps that we are hopefully learning are to keep those impacts at and to a minimum and if at all possible to have impacts or effects that might even contribute and benefit the health,, well being and life of our and the environment and the diversity of the earth ,concepts of regeneration and renewable s etc.
How we do this and still maintain some of the benefits we have acquired as as a supposed intelligent species and society are the questions and challenges we now face.
We thus perhaps need or could use some kind of simple yet somewhat diverse and comprehensive GLOBAL GREEN STANDARD, that all are required to adhere to in the best interests and well being of ourselves , others and the planet and future as a whole.
The ISO 14,000 standard circa 1998 and LEED building standard are perhaps some examples and guides of such.

Part of this proposed global green standard might call for a cap on population of say 8 billion and a cap on per capita energy use at 2 exajoules a day and a portion of only 1/50,000 of global fresh water to humans and the rest for the other 50 million species of the earth and a 3 acre per capita limit for food production for humanity, as well as a governance model based on ecozones or biomes rather than arbitrary geopolitical boundaries.

ed Jonas  More >

 Merry Christmas 20101 comment
picture14 Oct 2010 @ 04:10
Oct 13 2010 10:00 AM MDT AB CA
Wednesday Evening

Dec 25, 2010 ?????

reCBC: All 33 Chilean miners rescued

Well looks like Christmas came early this year.
Merry Christmas world,
"God bless us every one.' said Tiny Tim"
A Christmas Carol by C. Dickens 1843

ed Jonas  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
