Xanadu 2012    
 Human History 30000 BC8 comments
category picture8 Jan 2016 @ 22:27
Human History 30000 BC to 2016 Earth

not sure i can agree that history isn't valid...history teaches valuable lessons that people forget or say isnt' valid anymore but history repeats if allowed like the current fight with the oil and coal companies over global warming they had a similar fight when they were trying to get lead poisoning out of gasoline in the 80s and the air we breath...both sides brought the same data to congress and yet said it meant different things...the ice cores clinched it though and we now have unleaded gas....and such again is why some suspect it was the roman empires use of lead in pottery glazing's and aqueduct liners and currency that led to accumulated lead poisoning from 500 BC to the final fall of the empire around 400 AD...

...and that i suspect was why the Romans executed Jesus...cause he had warned them about such 400 years before...not sure how he knew that lead was poisonous...but not sure how he did a lot of his supernatural stuff though...other wise why would authorities put a man healing and preaching love and peace to death....even tipping over the money tables in the temple wasn't all that bad. or even claiming to be a deities son...im sure the Romans couldn't have cared less...but taking on the lead industries of the time and threatening their moola ...now that would rifle rich class feathers..

some even say Noah warned Atlantis of a flood in 30000 BC from possible global warming or ? and they disregarded such so he built and ark instead to save not the species of the world but the races of humans..... that lack of evidence of Atlantis is thus the proof of the global catastrophic destruction of such as they now say all traces of human existence can be hidden and destroyed within 5000 years

happy new year

Holy Bible
Various Culture holy bibles  More >

 Climate Change Defined1 comment
category picture18 Dec 2015 @ 16:26

Normal climate measures are usually for 30 year periods, these definitions deviates from such to use 100 year periods for the sake of argument and brevity.

Climate Change: If we define normal climate as normal changes in average global temperature and weather events within 1,000 to 10,000 years, around a avg. Of 14.5* Celsius and 330 PPM of CO2.
& then:
Abnormal Climate Change: as unusual increases or decreases in average global temperature and or severe weather events. Ie 1 degree or more global average temperature increase or decrease or 15% increase or decrease, in severe weather events or ocean height or polar ice, within 100 years.
Severe Climate Change: as severe increases or decreases in average global temperature and or higher increase in severe weather events. Ie 1.75 degree or more average global temperature increase or decrease or 25% increase in severe weather events etc., within 100 years.
Catastrophic Climate Change: as catastrophic increases or decreases in average global temp and or very high increases in severe weather events . Ie 2.5 degree or more average global temperature increase or decrease or 40% increase in severe weather events, etc., within 100 years.
Extinction Event Climate Change: climate, temperature and extreme weather events and changes within 100 years that are so severe and catastrophic, as to result in a multi species or global extinction and mass death event. Ie Nuclear winter or holocaust, severe volcanic and seismic activity, meteor strike on the earth, solar nova event and or near space gamma event. Etc.,

Thus by such defines, the current state of Earth would be assessed in being between the Abnormal Climate Change and Severe Climate Change ranges, as per data from observations, research, NASA, ISS and other readings.

Article Data:
Based on records indicating a 14.63 *C and 300 PPM of CO2 average global measures, in and around 1908 AD/CE and a current 2008 AD/CE global average temperature of 15.68 *C and 400 PPM of CO2. = Global measure 1.05 temp increase and 100 PPM CO2 increase in 100 years.
Accuracy probability = 96.7 %

As referenced and extrapolated from:
"Climate Change" entry (pg 355) by F. K. Hare (c) 1985 THE CANADIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA,
Volume 1, ISBN 0888302703 Editor in Chief, James H. Marsh CANADA

Compiled by Natures Hand AB CANADA (c) 2015 Dec 18,  More >

 Continued Insanity?1 comment
category picture18 Dec 2015 @ 01:53
in regards to continued insanity.
Well no citizen or nation of earth has the right to harm the earth or climate on the basis of other prior citizens or nations inadvertent harming the earth, as prior absence of knowledge of harm does not justify future or continued harm.
Prior ignorance or unknowns are no excuse for future ignorance or "now knowns".  More >

category picture12 Dec 2015 @ 21:20

well with all due respect...limits and rules and laws etc such tend to go against the natural desire of living things for "freedom". thus to accommodate such in consideration of the climate crisis....the idea or concept of CARBON BUDGETS might mitigate the concerns. For instance if a nation or state or city or citizen was allotted a sum of Carbon tokens or points that they were allowed to spent freely but only to that limit but they could spend as they pleased in any legal way.... then this would accommodate the climate laws but appeal to the spirit of freedom..and individuality... i suppose though it would be a complex thing but in order to address all the variables and considerations of 7 billion humans can it really be any other way. so

and thus the total sum of the global tokens and credits would have to be kept within the carbon capacity and biocapacity of the earth


 1974 Jr Forest Ranger Story Part 12 comments
category picture13 May 2015 @ 17:01

1974: Well I guess I had sort of this romantic notion of the noble forest ranger, maybe from the CBC TV show, about this steward or guardian of the wild, so before High School ended, in 1974 in Edmonton, I applied and was accepted by the Alta Ranger program, to go to one of the many Jr. Forest Ranger locations in the Alta Province at the time. I thought, oh that was easy but I suppose the program was quite competitive but two or three months in the bush, serving Smoky The Bear, and getting paid a small allowance, seemed like an adventure that a young man at 18, could not pass up. So I remember wondering, High Level? Where in heck is High Level? And I just found out that it was somewhere way up North in Alta., almost in the North West Territories, way north of my home in Edmonton.
So I remember my dad putting me and my guitar, on the greyhound bus and then the long 8 or 10 hour? journey. The trip was uneventful cept in those days I think, you could smoke on the bus and I had my pipe and Heather Honey Pipe tobacco and stoically smoked away feeling quite worldly.
Well I got up to the High Level bus station but recall that it was day and not sure if we had driven through the night or what, but somehow managed to hook up with the head ranger, 'Bob S.', and we and the others that had arrived, got in the back of the big 5 ton ? with tarp canopy and headed off about 45 minutes South? On a dirt road to our first camp, which I think was this kind of cook house camp. The truck cab was where Bob also the driver and head ranger and then our cook, Oliver, would ride and the 10 or 12 of us junior rangers rode in the back and hauled this cook trailer along, where jolly fellow and camp cook,“Oliver” (“Morning, Morning, Beautiful Morning” he would always say.) would sleep in and be cooking us our meals.
First order of biz upon arrival at the wood cook house was unloading the gear and setting up the trailer and tents although they weren't exactly normal tents but more the sort of orange tarps, that we had to cut down popular poles for and fasten the tarp to the poles with ropes. It was a bit tricky to eyeball and get the ratios and distances right and at the beginning they looked kind of dubious but by the end of the summer, we had mastered the tarp tent setup art and were kind of competitive between each other, who could do the best job at it.
I guess, we also had to dig a latrine and it was a job to figure out a way to go, so that you didn't mess yourself up to much, which we managed to do eventually and ended up with quite a nice commode, though with somewhat of an open to the crowds and elements view. Oh well thats why they call it roughing it I guess. As well we had to find water to fill up the drinking and washing barrels.
After that first day, I started to feel less worldly and was bit down or maybe homesick or more so frightened I suppose, of what life held for me and us, and it seemed as I wandered away, for some solitude, on a hill top in no mans land and watched the sun go down, with the whining and dust of a distant truck crossing a bridge in the valley below, I was sad and remember feeling so unsure of what to do with my life but anyway after a long meditation, I swallowed my doubts and fears, somewhat, and carried on with the immediate job at hand.
I probably was a rather extreme passiveist as any, at the time, reluctant even to kill the 100s of huge mosquitoes that would devour any open skin up there, so I recall buying this head mesh or net next time we hit town instead of constantly applying copious amounts of bug repellant.
Well not even really settled in yet, we had our briefings the next day, and started right in on our first task of building this pole fence or enclosure around this wood cook house there and it was rather novel to cut down and build a fence from scratch. The days were long, the work hard and tedious, but Oliver was an excellent cook with good quality food to work with and plenty of it, so it was good, though we had to take turns doing the dishes.
I had a bit of a scare right away, when I was chopping something and the axe deflected and landed square on my right steel toe boot. Ah so thats why the added expense. Excellent prep. We also wore these hardhats while working. Blue?
Well during our off times , I would do bead work with beads and embroidery thread I had bought in town and try to fancy up my funky yellow hill billy hat, I had bought at Woolco in Edmonton for the summer job. I continued to smoke my pipe, though they didn't have my brand and I guess I inadvertently converted and corrupted others by my bad example, who were in want to do something with their boredom, to the nasty habit or addiction. We learned to do our own laundry for the first time, laundry what a concept, mind you only once every two weeks, as that was how often we went to town, though occasionally, we'd wash our socks and underwear in a stream. I think we all must have smelled a bit rank and smoky, as we would only get to shower when we went to town and got no baths.
There were some mischiefs in the gang that would occasionally throw a bug spray can into the fire and it would explode, which would have Bob come racing out of his tent to see what was what and scold the appropriate parties, and the keeners and cool guys, that would hang together and play cards with Oliver in his trailer to the wee hours.  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
