Xanadu 2012    
 fire management0 comments
picture29 Apr 2010 @ 02:28
Fire Management : Fire grows to big, feed less, embers begin to wane, feed more, makes temperate range - 40 C to + 40C Mean = 15.6 C earth  More >

 ode to love2 comments
picture27 Apr 2010 @ 23:01
April 27 2010 Tuesday earth cloudy spring

ODE To Love

Ah love it seems to have no translation aye
Love to me seems a somewhat and slight "joyful confusion"
or no perhaps there are no words to capture love
just the fluttering experiencing of it or the strange longing
or stirrings in ones heart, mind and senses and soul. The "RUSH"
as it were. Love is a rush then perhaps but only perhaps.

ed jonas 2010

FOLLOWING Is The Original Poem in Entirety ITS as originally written by Aragon in "Songs of Medjnoune" (Le Fou d'Elsa - 1963) Including the poem's first Two stanzas, omitted in the video composition.

Happy people have no history
At least what they claim
The wheat that is thrown at bolter
The cattle being led to slaughter
Can not say the same
Happy people have no history

It is the happiness of murderers
That the dead never bother
There is a good bet
We do not hear them scream
They sleep with the angels laughing
It is the happiness of murderers
Love is happiness of another kind
He shakes the winter and summer
Always hand in a door
The heart like a dead leaf
And bloody lip
Love is happiness of another kind

Love to mad
Love not know what to say
A horizon than you have
And not knowing seasons
What the color from the
Love to mad

Oh, it's always you that you hurt
It is always your broken mirror
My poor happiness, my weakness
You who insulted and abandoned
In all your flesh martyred
Oh, it's always you that you hurt

Hunger, fatigue and cold
All the miseries of the world
It is by my love that I think
In it I carry my cross
And their nights my night is based
Hunger, fatigue and cold

(c) Google Translator 2010 Earth

Original Reference link = [link]  More >

 Center of the Galaxy0 comments
category picture27 Apr 2010 @ 13:32
april 27 2010

ho there well near as I can discern the center of the galaxy seems to lie south when it is summer in the northern hemisphere if that makes sense


by Martin J. Powell

Sagittarius is home to a wealth of interesting astronomical objects. This is mainly due to the fact that, when we look at Sagittarius, we are looking towards the centre of our own Milky Way Galaxy, where the density of stars and gas/dust clouds (nebulae) is greatest. Indeed, the actual centre of the galaxy is located at the South-eastern corner of the constellation, hidden behind dark clouds of interstellar dust, close to the boundary with Scorpius.

The Annual Visibility of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is best observed during the Northern hemisphere summer months (winter in the Southern hemisphere) because during this time the constellation is visible throughout the night and is seen in darkness when it is highest in the sky. Southern hemisphere observers have the best view of Sagittarius, since it crosses almost directly overhead in the sky. In general, the Northern hemisphere has a less favorable view - the visibility of the constellation being worse the further North one is situated. Indeed, the Southern section of the constellation cannot be seen at all from high Northern latitudes

Finding Sagittarius in the Night Sky

The position of Sagittarius in the sky depends upon the observer's latitude, the season of the year and the time of the day. The following method allows an observer to find Sagittarius in his or her sky at any time of the year, as well as knowing the sky conditions he/she is likely to encounter at the chosen time - whether night-time, twilight or even daylight. However, a few basic concepts first need to be explained.

Astronomers tracking the motion of a celestial body across the sky use a direction (bearing) along the observer's horizon (known as the azimuth) and an angle above the horizon (known as altitude or elevation). The azimuth is expressed in degrees measured clockwise from 0º (True North) through 90º (due East), 180º (due South) and 270º (due West). Azimuth is typically used for high-accuracy tracking of objects across the sky, e.g. for tracking individual planets or stars, and its value changes rapidly over time. Constellations, on the other hand, cover a relatively wide area of the sky and so there is little need for such high-accuracy measurements; we simply want to know roughly in which direction it will be found. Therefore, for these purposes, direction will be expressed not as an angle but in traditional points of the compass (North, North-east, South, etc.) which are more easily understood across the world, and which also simplifies the calculations required.

Sagittarius, like all celestial bodies, reaches its highest point in the sky when it crosses the observer's meridian; this is known as the meridian transit or culmination. This is, essentially, the 'best' time to observe it because it is then largely clear of the haze, turbulence and - in town and city locations - light pollution, all of which adversely affect the visibility of a celestial body when it is near the horizon.

The direction an observer faces to observe a zodiac constellation's meridian transit depends upon how high the constellation is positioned above his or her horizon when it transits; in the Northern hemisphere this will typically be due South; in the Southern hemisphere it will typically be due North. The situation is rather more complicated for observers in Equatorial latitudes, however, where most of the zodiac constellations transit at high altitudes (either just to the North or South of the zenith).

see site for more info

Site link = [link]

Copyright © Martin J. Powell July 2008 with minor additions March 2009

 Live Hummingbird Nest0 comments
category picture26 Apr 2010 @ 18:48
well interesting
lets keep this to ourselves perhaps
don't want to stare and qua-wk to much
at the miracles of nature and the internet


 Live Hummingbird Nest0 comments
category picture26 Apr 2010 @ 18:30
well interesting
lets keep this to ourselves perhaps
don't want to stare and qua-wk to much
at the miracles of nature and the internet


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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
