Xanadu 2012    
 The March 2010 News2 comments
picture27 Mar 2010 @ 04:31

1. Earth hour set for Saturday March 27, 2010 Spring
lights out globally for 1 hour, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time

2. Canadians determining in general that free speech does not necessarily
include hate speech and or death threats or threats of physical violence.

3. Two Canadian soldiers charged with murder in the last 2 months.

4. Canadian Aboriginal Awards Night in Regina Canada March 26 2010

5. South Korea appears to be stepping on North Korea's Tail

6. Town in State of Washington USA for sale for around $ 300,000.00

7. Business and investors not pulling weight in terms of taking advantage
of low interest rates in helping out with Great Recession.

8. More men out of work than women in downturn but wage parity being
generally reached in Countries with greater than 4% GDP growth.

9. Canadian Government Stimulus package not said by Fraser Institute to
contributing much to recovery at about not more than about 17%.

10. Liberals and Conservatives in Canada deem themselves somewhat less
than capable of governing by their own admission.

11. Pension plans said to be insufficient on their own currently to accommodate
current lifestyles of potential retirees.

12. Airlines taxing pilots abilities by failing to take circadian rhythms in to
account and ensuing pilot fatigue and confusion linked to air plane incidents
and accidents.

13. Convicted Canadian criminals in jails right to Gov pension questioned and suggestion that a portion between 10 to 40% be given instead to victims of their crime.

14. Toronto Stock Exchange features new Green Clean Tech index.

15. USA and Russia agree to new Nuclear Arms Treaty with 30% reduction of current Nuke Stockpiles. Signing scheduled for early April 2010

16. Salmon fish stocks loss unaccounted for on West Coast of Canada

17. Pope refuses to come fully honest on alleged sex abuse world wide in
Roman Catholic Church or so it is alleged.

18. Israel and divided Palestine have trouble reaching accord on Jewish
settlements and matter on and of independent nation status.

19. China and Google part ways due to censorship issues and Google sets
up shop in Hong Kong instead admits ongoing cyber attacks.

20. K'naan Waving Flag song adopted for use in the 2010 World Soccer
Cup Series.

21. Fess Parker Old Country Actor and Winery owner dies in the USA

22. Russia demands respect and clarity form Canada on disputed arctic lands and water
claims and may involve settlement and resort to International Courts for resolution.

23. Canadians seem to generally support use of contraceptive for Canada
and use in foreign aid projects but not necessarily such as abortion
which remains a somewhat divisive issue.

24. Green recovery efforts and incentives by Canada panned as lax and
not enough.

25. Global weather still seems to indicate difficulties suggestive of climate
instability concerns and threats or cautions towards such remain real.

26. Concerns that auto makers are hiring when perhaps they should review their
business plans and consider paying off their debt first.

27. USA passes historic private health insurance for majority of USA citizens.
Signed into Law and approved by congress.

28. USA puts $20 Billion Dollars towards housing crisis there for remortgaging
of homeowners in debt or distress.

29. Whale hit by boat down under succumbs to injuries and dies and is buried
on beach where found.

30. Edmonton's AB CA illusive escaped peacock finally captured after alluding
authorities for two weeks

31. Stork Love story out of Europe suggests storks form lasting bonds for year
even when separated by long times and distances.

32. Bank of Canada suggests interest rates may rise slightly after June of 2010 from
low of 0.25%.

33. Canadian dollar may not achieve parity with USA after all and may remain
slightly lower in general.

34. 40 Nations to meet in USA for Nuclear Arms reduction summit at the end
of April of 2010.

35. Toyota car company troubles being addressed and looked into by governments
and Toyota.

36. Eco village in Craig Saskatchewan Canada faces numerous hurdles of weather, money, inexperience and poor and unclear planning and could thus use some assistance and prayers.

37. The Great Recession of 2009 is unofficially declared over in Canada in around March after two consecutive quarters of growth and the pass of the low point of market by over one year.

38., Housing prices in Canada still are seen to be perhaps 15 to 30 % overpriced due to
under supply and but low mortgage rates.

39. Canada inflation rate for late winter exceeds 2% but is attributed largely to high prices and gouging at the 2010 Olympics.

40. Nation of Georgia mourns lost Luger from Olympics but is awarded compensation by IOC.

41. Free Speech issue flairs briefly in Canada and questions legitimacy of hate speech but affirms death threats and threats of violence to others not part of free speech.

42. Cable companies in Canada under scrutiny to compensate Media networks in Canada for value of their content and programing but not necessarily in money. Government asserts does not what cost passed on to consumers.

43. Alberta Province of Canada invest rainy day fund in Alberta and issues Provincial bonds as well.

44. Chile Earth quake victims being helped.

45. Hatti Earth quake victims being helped but need more assistance and guidance in reconstruction efforts. Canada pledges to help rebuild Hatti Government infrastructure.

46. Afghan detain situation remains unresolved as USA may ask Canada to allow 600 troops or less
to remain after 2011 pull out date.

47. Nature Conservatory of Canada solicits fund for project and enforcement efforts.

48. Athabasca distance U of Alberta Canada makes request for endowments from old alumni to help fund new initiatives including an Architecture Degree Program

49. NDP invites Canadians to learn more about specific bills its drafted for laws in Canada should it form the Government there one day.

50. Seniors asked to consider alternative to private auto when reaching older ages,
Green Discount Senior Taxis proposed.

51. Gang Violence said to stem from feelings in youth of anger, pain, drugs and loneliness.

52. Alberta Judge throws out case on account of excessive and unreasonable use of police force.

53. Supreme Court of Canada debates Robert Picktons appeal.

54. Ontario Judge gives former Troy break on Careless Driving charge guilty plea.

55. Full moon coming and Spring official arrived on March 20, 2010 at 11:32 AM local time

56. Burka ban for Provincial service seems reasonable accommodation for religion in Canadian Province of Quebec.

57. Avalanche dangers message not getting thru to extreme sports enthusiasts in BC Canada as avalanches kill about 6 people this season.

58. Canadian Para Olympics and regular Olympics considered and deemed a success in general.

59. Native Elder and champion David A.... dies in Saskatchewan after losing battle with cancer.

60. Grave Greenhouse gas dangers exist in potential vicious cycle of newly found Methane snow fields in Canadian North.

61. Galaxy said to be more accurately and precisely mapped.

62. Heavy winters snows in Washington Capitol USA said to have impeded and hampered normal Government Business debate and operations.

63. Gas prices on rise in general.

64. Some soft drink companies prohibiting use of their soft drinks in schools.

65. CBC TV Mans-bridge talk with author on aging provides some excellent tips insights and understanding on the successful aging process.

66. Some Job and employment recovery happening.

67. EU pledges to support Greece but Iceland referendum rejects gov bank payment bail out.

68. British Gov under scrutiny for alleged cutting of deals by some gov members with lobbyists.

69. Prince Charles makes visit with troops in Afghanistan.

70. Dr in Michale Jackson death faces involuntary homicide charges and possible tampering with evidence allegations.

71. Tiger Woods puts on brave face and tries to return to golf circuit and media glare.

72. China and Australia experience unusual dust storms.

73. Asian Carp invade and threaten great lakes in looming eco crisis.

74. Canadians generally living longer to around 80 years old.

75. Alta Canada baby Isaiah Brain injured new born dies in parents arms after being take off life support.

76. Canada's 150th Birthday approaches for July 1, 2017

77. Detroit USA may consider tackling economic downturn with plan for creation of urban farms.

March 26 2010
A Jonas
Evening  More >

 Earth Hour Saturday1 comment
picture27 Mar 2010 @ 02:05
Hmm nothing about Earth Hour oh a little I guess, well I already did two hours of power down on Thursday Morning and will probably do another hour on Saturday not necessarily for climate instability alone but to address as well the planets or humanities energy addiction.

Earth Hour Link = [link]

Happy Earth to all

ed  More >

 Equal Day, Equal Night1 comment
category picture22 Mar 2010 @ 02:39
Sunday March 21 2010
Northern Hemisphere

Happy Spring All



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 Blessed Land 23 comments
category picture13 Mar 2010 @ 23:30
sorry here it is again



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 Blessed Land2 comments
category picture13 Mar 2010 @ 12:42
Blessed Land

By ed jonas

enjoy or not

carry on...

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
