Xanadu 2012    
 The times 20150 comments
category picture26 Mar 2015 @ 00:14
Now Blasted, you kids stop this right now, I don't care who started it, though taking down the twin towers and killing 3000 Americans might have factored in, and payback was killing 50000 Iraqis and who knows how many Afghans,
But holy jeepers, don't you see where this is going, now both of you go to your rooms and stay there for a hundred years
And if you can't share the oil and clean up the garden then there'll be no supper for ten years ...so we best cut back or do without oil and coal and go with solar and such,
Best for the planet less we want to end up like Atlantis 10,000 years ago,
Ka peesh

Darn Kids

category picture25 Mar 2015 @ 16:30
What does it profit humanity to gain the World, only to stupidly destroy, waste or abuse it? What? "DEATH" that's what! It profits? humanity death!

 The Atlantis Case 20151 comment
category picture23 Mar 2015 @ 16:33
Well in regards to cities, new, now or old, there's what's good to do, and what's good not to do, So case in point, if there ever was an ATLANTIS (50,000 or 10,000 BCE?), it must have died a horrible quick or insidious death, as to have so little of it, actual or myth remain in 2015.
On the quick side then, maybe it nuked itself and on the insidious side, maybe by the time it realized it was damaging the climate it was too late.
An odd case where the minute amount or lack of evidence, presents the evidence of either case.
So point one perhaps is, lets not do those again.

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 Economy and Climate0 comments
category picture20 Mar 2015 @ 22:36
Well eureka..... apparently the low 0% interest rates are having an effect and not as intended, but as an unintended consequence of low global interest rates human activity as decreased and because human activity is 70% of the cause of higher greenhouse gases which themselves cause higher global temperatures.....CBC reported the other day that global greenhouse gases appear to be stabilizing..... and the cause ...lower human activity due to low interest rates.... eureka.....so in theory if interest rates remain low, the global temp should start to decrease or stabilize in the next ten years.

 The 10 Commandments decoded6 comments
category picture16 Mar 2015 @ 18:30
The Ten Commandments Decoded: 2015, Earth!

Well, it seems rather either "over the top" or maybe even "over-simplistic" on the other hand but then maybe just "redundant" to some to ask about the what and whys of the Ancient Ten Commandments but they have just devolved into basic rote commands for most, without an explanation or understanding of the reasoning of or behind them. So what are the whys of them for instance? So I attempt to present here, my take on the logic and reasoning of them, from my 60 or so years of life and experience.

Why? Cause perhaps if your God is Truth say, and you aren't true to Him/It, then you get nothing much done, being fickle, rather better to be definite, certain, loyal and true to your God or Ideal or Passion or you will have no repute nor house, neither Good nor bad.
Why? Cause if you are not true and diligent, to your High words, and your High words are not law and have no effect or consequence, then it is the same as that your words and laws are meaningless, Perhaps occasionally you can kid or joke but let such be obvious but in serious things be sober, somber, sincere and fitting.
Why? Well would you like to be killed? Probably not, so if you don't think being killed by someone or something is a good idea or thing, then chances are most other things being pretty much basically the same, feel pretty much the same about it and then maybe the only justifiable killing is in self defense or survival mode and if even then maybe not sometimes.
Why? Well probably because limiting and defining something or someone like God or making a physical likeness of such, is sort of God defeating or demeaning cause, sure defining helps to understand things but in a way it also imprisons such and to define a supreme or divine thing or God, simply means you don't really understand the concept or reality of such and the true magnitude or Glory of Him/it, that cannot really be reduced to such. That in a truer understanding of such, one realizes the infiniteness and undefineableness of such is beyond what can be represented by us mere humans, I guess it ends up being somewhat of a paradox then of sorts and I suppose that's not a definition per sae but the reality, as God is more than words or numbers or meanings or a thing or person, so limiting such to that nouness or Pronouness is in error, when God is more akin to an action, force or verb. And as well even though God be undefinable, we should fear and respect that and have it be sacred because to not do so is self defeating on account of Karma and Natural Justice or even to what could be said to be Natural and Pure. Rather we should respect that sort of untamed and wild though divine or supernatural aspect that alludes to God. So yes for many things get it in writing but know God isn't limited or can't be limited to such and is beyond and greater than mere representations.
Why? Well stealing is something that is counter productive to ourselves and community and yet hoarding things isn't all that much better, We shouldn't steal though because it hurts when others steal from us or betray us, so it is a mutually hurtful thing but at the same time we should not flout our good fortunes to others either cause that is cruel as well. True, I think the gist is that we don't really need all that much material things to be happy and content, so don't hoard them but don't steal them either and "everything in moderation" perhaps is the way but to, save and put a little aside for the future and or rainy days or for the winter and the next generations.
Why? Well sex is a hormonal bodily need and or temptation and thus this command is just a way of saying we should control or irrational animal and bodily cravings or channel our sexual urges and powers to other things because such urges are somewhat sometimes irrational and destructive and result in sexually transmitted diseases, which are void of care about our necessity of lust and adultery may look sexy and fun but its overrated and there's more and better things to life than just sex, as sex is just mere physical love but there are greater and higher loves than the physical. And obey this especially more so when couples have children for the sake of family health.The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence till you have walked a mile in that farmers moccasins.
Why? Well in a short, lying just over-complicates our lives when our lives are too complicated to begin with. Sure in certain situations, a white lie can save our or others lives, but as a general rule, "oh what a tangled web we weave when first we begin to deceive". It just isn't worth the work lying and keeping track of such engenders.
Why? Well good or bad, your parents are your parents and blood is thicker than water, which means one is naturally more bound to kin. And in many ways you are and end up being or becoming your parents, simply because of first exposure and your DNA, It doesn't mean change or improvement isn't possible but family tends to be one of the strongest influences and most oft, supporters of one, in ones life, so respect them for their age and for having brought you into life by Gods grace in the first place. And realize you're more replaceable than your parents and most elders didn't become elders by being wimpy.
Why? Well some say there are 4 main pillars to the Bible or the Church but I think the need and idea of rest and thanks and doing so regularly are others. Things and life forms need to recharge every now and then, just to work properly and healthfully and need such regularly and or as needed after sprints. And rest is good medicine, like a good and regular healthy meal. So this command is just an acknowledgement of these needs and a reminder and enforcement of such. We also need rest and thanks and time to and for reflection on the wonder that life oft is and to show respect and thanks, to whatever we can conceive, that created such, cause it definitely wasn't us or all us.
We should realize when we break or don't know or don't follow these basic commandments and or guidelines that then we will suffer not just by any punishment from the community authorities and law enforcers but also by the actions of Karma and logic and natural justice. By breaking or not observing Gods and Moses laws and such then we only ultimately hurt ourselves and to hurt ourselves is illogical and not sustainable.


Book of Exodus 20: 1-18 The Holy Bible King James Version (c) 1611 Britain

08:21:12 AM 15-03-16
Researched, compiled and rendered by Natures Hand
(c) 2015 Canada, Earth
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
