30 Dec 2009 @ 19:11
The Fine Lady Statue
a cock horse to Banbury Cross
To see a fine lady upon a white horse
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
She shall have music wherever she goes
It was commissioned in
recent years and I think three sculptors worked on it?? I shall see if
I can find more info. . .
The statue was sculpted in Stoke on Trent and cast in the Welsh village
of Llanrhaedr Ym Mochnant... except for the small frog on its base,
which was cast in Birmingham and stuck on.
The frog - which sits in a puddle after rain - is there because in
mythology, it was the first creature to communicate on land.
Sculptors Andy Edwards, Julian Jeffery and Carl Payne - work as
Art-cycle Ltd. Equine sculptor Denise Dutton, helped craft the Fine
Lady's horse - a Welsh cob.
The sculptors planned to have two moths and a butterfly in the Fine
Lady's head dress, to represent the dark and light periods of the year.
But the original wax versions melted under the foundry lights and fell
off before casting. One landed in her hair, so they left it. Another's
still in the head dress. The third can't be seen - though the sculptors
insist it's still there.
Banbury photographer Rosy
Burke gave the sculptors a
bunch of daffodils as a gift on the day they made the Fine Lady's head
dress. They tore off the leaves, dipped them in wax, and wove them into
the final work.
No one knows the true identity of the Fine Lady -
she probably never even existed - but the sculptors decided she's
Guinevere, from the Arthurian legends.
The rhyme is also thought to
refer to a lady in a May Riding tradition, riding through Banbury on
May morning. The sculptors picked up on the theme by putting spring
flowers in the statue's head-dress, and a yin-yang symbol on the base.
The Fine Lady has her arm raised so she can sprinkle flower
petals. |
**** More >
29 Dec 2009 @ 17:37
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What goes around comes around. More >
18 Dec 2009 @ 12:26
The Copenhagen 2009 Climate Rules
as per global citizens
Rule 1: The allowable global average of CO2/Choles emissions per person will be capped at 0.8 MT CO2/Choles Emissions per person. Countries or ecozones exceeding that limit will have to begin reductions or pay a fine to a global climate change insurance fund and developing countries can not exceed that maximum
Rule 2. Ecozone Exception Rule. Rule one can be modified to take into account the local ecozonal conditions of a certain region, that is that more CO2/Choles emissions will be granted or allowed for ecozones on the basis and according to and of the survival and basic needs and energy requirements of a particular ecozone.( 2.0 MT CO2/Choles emission Ecozone Maximum exception allowance)
Rule 3. A Grandfathering Provision. Rule One and Two can be modified for Developed Nations/Ecozones that can and will be extended a certain amount of Grandfathered CO2/Choles emission credits on the condition, basis and stipulation that they assist developing nations/ecozones with funds, research and technologies to develop cleaner, greener and renewable energy sources and that these grandfathered developed nations/ecozones work towards actively and effectively reducing their total Ecozone CO2/Choles emissions to a lower 3.8 MT target.( 1.0 MT per person of CO2/Choles emissions Developed Nation/Ecozone Grand Fathered Maximum allowance.)
Rule 4. Environmental Reserve Provision: In order to ensure adequate provision for the needs and protection of the environment an Environmental Trust Account will be said up which all global citizens will be required or asked to pay into and an immediate ongoing embargo will be placed towards a restriction of and on development of the Earths remaining wilderness areas which currently comprise 50 % of global land totals. Considerations and reserves will also be required to accommodate fresh waters and ocean areas and environmental impact assessment will be required for any proposal development of the Moon and or its resources. Administration of such will be done by an independent arms length Global Ecoombudsmans office with advisement's to the G20..
Rule 5. That an international Global Climate Change Regulation Body be established under the auspices of the G 20 to monitor and ensure that any funds and resources committed to developing nations from developed nations meet or exceed
their conditions and commitments towards their Climate Change responsibilities to ensure that global development does not exacerbate climate instability further.
Rule 6. That developed nations commit to a climate change fund and or insurance plan to the tune of 10 billion $ US immediately and $100 Billion dollars US or more by 2020 and that these funds be used for the development of green and clean technologies in all nations and to offset any damages caused by the effects of climate change to any nation with regards to global development as a whole.
Rule 7. And finally that global temperature rise shall have every effort made to prevent it from rising more than 2 degrees centigrade and that global CO2 levels will be held under 400 PPM.
So in Conclusion that brings the total maximum allowable CO2/Choles emissions any nation/ecozone can have to 3.8 MT per person if the maximums of each rule is followed. At present the USA is at 5.0 MT per person (highest and above allowed ) or so and Africa at 0.47 MT per person (lowest and below ) More >
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