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 Sustainable Geoengineering0 comments
picture18 Dec 2009 @ 10:46
Dec 18, 2009 Friday, Autumn, Earth


Definition (from Wikipedia 2009)

"Geo-engineering is the idea of applying planetary engineering to Earth. Geo-engineering would involve the deliberate modification of Earth's environment on a large scale "to suit human needs and promote habitability".[13] Typically, the term is used to describe proposals to counter the effects of human-induced climate change. However, others define it more narrowly as nature-integrated engineering projects.[14] The term Geo-engineering is distinct from environmental damage and accidental anthropogenic climate change, which are side-effects of human activity, rather than an intended consequence. The global recovery of hydrocarbons from the subsurface using integrated geoscientific and engineering technology has been termed 'petroleum Geo-engineering' as an activity with global impact.[15]. Definitions of the term are not universally accepted.[16]"

We, humanity, as a whole, would seem to be exploiting, destroying and transforming our finite habitat/environment, for our own questionable advantage and purpose and not necessarily, to make our habitat better but simply, it would seem, to make it more suited to the current human whim and design. It would as such though, seem to constitute globally, a kind of "unintelligent", "piecemeal" and unsustainable design, as it is somewhat or largely incompatible and inconsistent to what and that which preceded it and therefore rather illegitimate and unsustainable in terms of natural laws and considerations.

Thus and then, if we, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, are to remain a viable and symbiotic species of this Earth, we must and should review and reconsider this approach to our global existence and its rather destructive effect on our host, in light of the emerging evidence and example, that we are virtually and effectively killing the hand, lands, airs and waters that feeds us, for the sake of a somewhat myopic, pretentious and narcissistic agenda and existence. Surely, can we, if as we suppose and suggest in our doctrines, are a truly "wise ape", we can exhibit and effect a more enlightened approach to our global existence, and do it somewhat soon too, as our very and current numbers are starting to and now constitute a very real threat and danger to Earthen and our own "bio-capacity."

One such relatively new approach to this problem and challenge thus is the development of the field of "Geo-engineering". A field which attempts to address global development as a unified whole and may well be and should perhaps be tied to and serve our current climate change crisis or challenge. As above, So below.

Until and unless then, we, humanity, can constructively and effectively address our own global climate change issues, challenges and consequences there is thus, essentially no viable global economy to effect or harm and economic considerations become moot or secondary and instead the very future and existence of the mere status quo of current human civilization and species stand in jeopardy and peril of decline and extinction though not necessarily the Earth itself.

Thus and then, this current meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark in December in the year of our Lord 2009, of some 170 or so world leaders, might thus constitute the inaugural event or occasion of a sustainable and global Geo-engineering initiative and prospectus, if we, humanity, have the where with all, will and compass to make it so.

In short then, let us get with the planet man, less we lose ourselves.

So be it.

Alfred George Jonas  More >

 A Global Climate Act6 comments
picture17 Dec 2009 @ 12:24

Dec 17 2009




It would seem, an agreement, action and a "legal act", here and now in Copenhagen, is more achievable perhaps, if rather than focus on what we must give up or perhaps lose, focus instead on what we stand to keep. True perhaps, it may not be so much a question or case here, on what we may stand to gain per sae, as what we stand to gain translates more to what we stand to keep.

What then do we stand to keep? Well if we can agree and thus work together in cooperation in this, we stand to keep much of what we truly know and understand to be good in this world, the clean air and skies, the fresh waters, the lush lands and forests, the frozen poles and glaciers, the predictable seasons and weather, the golden crops and orchards, the steadfast oceans etc etc. and not so much only a good and secure economy. We stand to keep these then and pass them on as our inheritance to the future generations, things more necessary to them than just mere money or gold, if we make the sacrifices and commitments we need to make and keep now. If we sacrifice our inappropriate human activities and over-activities and our wastefulness, greed, overindulgence and excess such can we keep. We have thus over the years, developed many bad habits, that we must now lessen and break not only thus for the sake of the future but for the sake of us and our own health and well being in the here and now. Break and lessen in order to keep this good Earth we know and love in the good stead that it deserves, for it, we can all and must all now admit and concede, is our greater host and being and hence worthy of such.

Lets do this then, Make this climate pact or act. Do it for ourselves, the future and the Earth because it is the right and just thing to do, to help us to keep and preserve the goodness and wholeness, we humanity, all cherish, know, love and endear, now, for the future and perhaps always.

The Economy is after all and ultimately a subset of the Environment and not the Environment being a subset of the Economy. This then was the fatal flaw of Classical Economics.

A Global Citizen

Ed Jonas  More >

 sustainable stigmergy5 comments
picture13 Dec 2009 @ 01:39
hmmm sustainable stigmergy

it may be that we are on a unsustainable stigmergic path
and the right course of action is to get back on a more natural
sustainable one.

sustainable stigmergy then would be a stigmergy in keeping with the order
of nature. In harmony with the laws and realities of nature.
What that would look like is perhaps an ecovillage of sorts or perhaps
even an ecocity.

Yes return to a sustainable stigmergic paradigm.  More >

 Holly Holy1 comment
category picture13 Dec 2009 @ 01:06
Holly Holy
Neil Diamond

 More >

 One Moment3 comments
picture11 Dec 2009 @ 10:31

One moment of love, can eclipse all the teardrops,
Just one moment of love, can soothe all the pain.

A moment suspended, in the eye of the storm,
A moment remembered, like a child being born.

oh A moment of love, can rekindle the heartbeats,
Just a moment of love, of a romance born true.


Two hearts that soar on wings of joy,
Two hearts that beat as one,
Two hearts that lift a weary world,
Just like the rising sun.

One moment of Love.

Words and Music
By A. G. Jonas
(c) 2009 Canada
All rights reserved  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
