MEGATRENDS: Rigs Thula    
 Rigs Thula 14 comments
Here we go:
First draft

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Argumentum ad bacculum

Edit that, please,
With a Mandrake root...




And isn't that bad netiquette? Yet Antonin said it best in "The Theatre and Its' Double."

(Could write it's but that isn't accepted, really, by me for it is, it's, is just not the same as the possesive form its'.) Dweebs argue about that all the time. But, it is easy to prove. Yet there are those extant who wish to utilise E-Prime in the good stead of our Yng (Yngwaz)-lish.

So, Yngwazlish, or even Ingwilish or... Ynglish is quite nice as well. I like Inglish for it points out the suffix ing and its' real origins in the fertility rites' process. For each time you see the ending 'ing' you'll know it refers to a process. Birth, life, death, rebirth, is a process. So is cutting a Diamond. Dia Mundo Cara Mio...

Ajournamineto por la notte @ 01:29

I'st draft:
@2nd Ajourno
Phi Beta Theta Tau

:::|| AM

Julio de SOL, Vatican



There is a day when all departs
I´m coming out of age,
all your chains and all your wards
someday will be unmade.

Be prepared of me these days
as all of you shall be
when all my false and rodent faiths
break ´way just as do we.


"An idea is something you have;
an ideology is something that has you."

--Morris Berman

Dawkins listed the following three characteristics for any successful replicator:
the more faithful the copy, the more will remain of the initial pattern after several rounds of copying. If a painting is reproduced by making photocopies from photocopies, the underlying pattern will quickly become unrecognizable.
the faster the rate of copying, the more the replicator will spread. An industrial printing press can churn out many more copies of a text than an office copying machine.
the longer any instance of the replicating pattern survives, the more copies can be made of it. A drawing made by etching lines in the sand is likely to be erased before anybody could have photographed or otherwise reproduced it.

"Hactivism is the new 4th branch of government in order to monitor the other three . . . Fighting back and resistance isn’t just fun, but it is our patriotic duty."
~ ~ Jello Biafra.

Hacking is the art of esoteric quests, of priceless and worthless secrets. Odd bits of raw data from smashed machinery of intelligence and slavery reassembled in a mosaic both hilarious in its absurdity and frightening in its power.

-Dr. Who 413
_Phrack_ Magazine, issue 43; 1993

hacker n.

[originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe] 1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. 2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming. 3. A person capable of appreciating hack value. 4. A person who is good at programming quickly. 5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in `a Unix hacker'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them
congregate.) 6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example. 7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. 8. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitiveinformation by poking around. Hence `password hacker', `network hacker'. The correct term for this sense is cracker.

The term `hacker' also tends to connote membership in the global community defined by the net (see the network and Internet address). For discussion of some of the basics of this culture, see the How To Become A Hacker FAQ. It also implies that the person described is seen to subscribe to some version of the hacker ethic (see hacker ethic).

It is better to be described as a hacker by others than to describe oneself that way. Hackers consider themselves something of an elite (a meritocracy based on ability), though one to which new members are gladly welcome. There is thus a certain ego satisfaction to be had in identifying yourself as a hacker (but if you claim to be one and are not, you'll quickly be labeled bogus). See also wannabee.

This term seems to have been first adopted as a badge in the 1960s by the hacker culture surrounding TMRC and the MIT AI Lab. We have a report that it was used in a sense close to this entry's by teenage radio hams and electronics tinkerers in the mid-1950s.


"The future has arrived; it's just not evenly distributed."
604 track _Natural Distribution_ MP3 (192k) by Sphero off of _Lightbeams_ compilation CD on Shiva Space Technology (2001)

Antonin Artaud

"It is in the nature of profound things to clash and combine, to evolve from one another. Action is the very principle of life."

That Heimdall is an ancestor, or kinsman, of humankind appears in the first two lines of the eddic poem Völuspá:

I ask for a hearing of all the holy races
Greater and lesser, kinsmen of Heimdall.

The English use of Carl derives from the Anglo-Saxon word churl which means "a common person" or "a free man", which is also the original meaning of "karl" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology, Karl was the name of the first free peasant, the son of Rig and Amma. Rig was the human form taken by the god Heimdall when he produced the progenitors of the three social classes (thralls, peasants and nobility) with three different women. In the Scandinavian languages, Karl retains its meaning "man". In German, the origin of the name Karl can be traced to the word Kerl which is still used to describe somewhat rough and common men.

The Rígsthula

The Rígsthula tells how Ríg happened upon a farm-hut which was owned by Ái 'great-grandfather' and Edda 'great-grandmother'. They offered Ríg shelter and poor, rough food for a meal. That night Ríg slept between the pair in their bed and then departed. Nine months later Edda gave birth to a son who was svartan (dark/black in color). They named him Thræl thrall, serf, slave. Thræl grew up strong but ugly. He married a woman named Thír (slave girl, bondswoman) and they had twelve sons and nine daughters with names mostly suggesting ugliness and squatness. They became the race of serfs.

Travelling further, Ríg came across a nice house where lived a farmer/craftsman, Afi "grandfather" with his wife Amma "grandmother". The food was good and this couple also let Ríg sleep between them. Nine months later, a son, Karl (churl, freeman) was born whose face and hair was red. Karl married a woman named Snör (daughter-in-law) and they had twelve sons and ten daughters with names mostly suggesting a neat appearance or being of good quality. One of the names is smiðr (smith). These become the ancestors of the lesser farmers and herdsmen.

Travelling further, Ríg came to a mansion inhabited by Fadir (Father) and Modir (Mother). They gave him excellent food served splendidly and, nine months later, Modir gave birth to a beautiful baby named Jarl (earl, noble) whose hair was blond and who was bleikr (bright white in color). When Jarl grew up and began to handle weapons and to use hawks, hounds, and horses, Ríg reappeared, claimed Jarl as his son, gave Jarl his own name of Ríg, made him his heir, taught him runes, and advised him to seek lordship.

Through warfare Jarl became lord of eighteen homesteads with much wealth besides. Jarl also gained the hand of Erna 'Brisk' daughter of Hersir 'lord'. Erna bore eleven sons to Ríg-Jarl but no daughters. All of the sons were given high sounding names, mostly meaning 'son'. They became the ancestors of the warrior nobility.

The youngest son, named Kon, was the best of them. He alone learned rune-craft as well as other magic and was able to understand the speech of birds, to quench fire, and to heal minds. He also had the strength of eight normal men. His name was Kon the young (Konr ungr in Old Norse), the name and title to be understood as the origin of the Norse word konungr 'king' (though in fact that etymology is false). Kon, like his father, also gained the name or title of Ríg.

One day, when Kon ung was riding through the forest hunting and snaring birds, a crow spoke to him and suggested Kon would win more if he stopped hunting mere birds and rode to battle against foemen, that he should seek the halls of Dan and Danp who were wealthier than he. At that point the poem breaks off.

A marriage by Kon ung into the family of Dan and Danp seems to be where the tale was headed as seen in the two other sources which mentions this Ríg. According to Arngrímur Jónsson's Latin epitome of the lost Skjöldungasaga:

Ríg (Rigus) was a man not the least among the great ones of his time. He married the daughter of a certain Danp, lord of Danpsted, whose name was Dana; and later, having won the royal title for his province, left as his heir his son by Dana, called Dan or Danum, all of whose subjects were called Danes.

The other tradition appears in chapter 20 of the Ynglinga Saga section of Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla. The story speaks of King Dygvi of Sweden:

Dygvi's mother was Drótt, a daughter of King Danp, the son of Ríg, who was first called konungr in the Danish tongue. His descendants always afterwards considered the title of konungr the title of highest dignity. Dygvi was the first of his family to be called konungr, for his predecessors had been called dróttinn ['chieftain'], and their wives dróttning, and their court drótt (war band). Each of their race was called Yngvi, or Ynguni, and the whole race together Ynglingar. Queen Drótt was a sister of King Dan Mikillati, from whom Denmark took its name.

Despite genealogical discrepancies (to be evaded only by imagining more than one Danp and more than one Dan) the accounts relate a common tradition about the origin of the title konungr 'king'. The title entered a Danish line of kings through a hero who was called both Konungr and Ríg. The title konungr was then adopted from the Danish usage by the rulers of Sweden.

Kon ung, whose magical abilities are so emphasized, is as much a magician as a warrior: a magician king, perhaps a sacred king. Dumézil (1958) pointed out that Kon alone represents the supernatural function, represented by the brahman caste in India, the flamen function in Rome, the Druids in some Celtic cultures, and by the clergy in the three estates of medieval Europe. Instead of the three estates of clergy/priest, warrior, and commoner, with serfs outside the system, the Rígsthula presents three estates or castes in which the clergy/priest class has been subsumed within the warrior class and identified with royalty. Also, although in Rome and India the color white is assigned to the brahman and priestly functions and red to the warrior function, here the noble warrior is white in color while the red coloration is ascribed instead to the commoner in place of the green or blue or yellow color which appears in other cultures associated with Proto-Indo-European society. Dumézil saw this as a Germanic adaptation of Indo-European inheritance.

The Rígsthula account may be an attempt to harmonize different tales. Though Ríg seems to be father in all three families of sons born nine months after he has departed, in fact the sons seem to take after their parents in all ways and it is not clear that they are in any way special, except for the third. But the superiority of the third of three sons is a common motif in Indo-European legend and folklore.

That the Rígsthula names the three couples as "Great-Grandfather" and "Great-Grandmother", "Grandfather" and "Grandmother", "Father" and "Mother", suggests a conflicting concept in which Jarl, the first real noble, is descended in the fourth generation through fathers each of which was superior to his own father, each of which rose above the station of his siblings and founded a new sub-class within the common class of humanity.

Old High German: ruowa (um 800), rawa (9.Jh.) `Ruhe'

Middle High German: ruowe, ruo st. f., rawe, rouwe st. f. 'ruhe'

German: Ruhe



8 Jul 2006 @ 21:00 by vaxen : Hee, hee...
Yeah, and I really expect anyone at NCN to read that! Sure... wonder what's up with J**, don't want to mention 'names' you know. Sheeyit! Or is that Shayit? Yeah, Kayit Va Shayit and take a little tour round the Med.  

8 Jul 2006 @ 21:59 by hgoodgame : I read it, and..
it's werry interresting.. but what does it all mean? ;)

Absolutely nothing. ;) It is Rigged that way... ;) Rig is Kon. Slept around a lot. Seemed to favor married couples. Weird...  

12 Jul 2006 @ 01:07 by koravya : Mayiladuthurai
A little bit of this,
And a little bit of that,
And it goes all around,
and it comes out shat.
What it all means
perhaps bears a little thot,
and that thot that it makes
comes out a word.
A long time ago,
a man saw himself,
emerging through blood and water,
and wondered where in the sky
he could touch the moon.
Woman, on the other hand,
Feels where her life
Has come from another
And speaks through the voice
She has heard within.
Generation upon generation upon generation,
we are descended from the baboons,
and have divided our classes and castes
into razor thin classifications.
Some are born to be slaves.
Some are born to be masters.
It’s all in the cards,
and the shuffle and deal
is on the house.
Shall those who know
Teach those who don’t
The rules of reading and writing,
And open up All of the books
To discretionary scrutinizing?
It doesn’t really matter.
Those who want to know
are those who will proceed.
The hatred and the bombs
Are flying through the air today,
As surely as they were,
Thirty-nine years ago.
And the entire scenario
Is presented in an us or them format.
If we don’t do them in,
Them is gonna do us in.
So it’s time to be puttin’ those people down,
And wipe them off the map.
All in the name of our holy Peace.
Come on down to the neighborhood,
Where we all live together,
and take your war and shove it.
Thanks for the link to
Looks like a cool place to look around.
Meanwhile, keep your eyes on the rocks
You turn up from time to time.
Never know where they might have come from,
And what they might say.

23 Aug 2006 @ 05:11 by vaxen : Ih yeah...
that's for sure, koravya. I turn over lots of rocks in my endless hunt for Gem files.

PUBLICATION- Conversations with Emperor Jahangir
From: Richard Foltz
Posted: 3 Feb 1998

PUBLICATION- Conversations with Emperor Jahangir, "Mutribi" al-Asamm

Conversations with Emperor Jahangir
by "Mutribi" al-Asamm Samarqandi
translated with an introduction by Richard Foltz
Costa Mesa CA: Mazda Publishers, March 1998
x+97 pp., bibl., index, soft cover: $12.95
Bibliotheca Iranica: Literature Series No. 4

This unusual work is comprised of dialogues between Emperor Nur al-Din
Jahangir, ruler of the Mughal Empire of India from 1605-1627, and "Mutribi"
al-Asamm Samarqandi, an elderly visitor from Samarqand, the fabled Central
Asian city which had been the capital of Jahangir's Timurid ancestors.
Mutribi's account is of very great interest and importance for a number of
reasons. First, its informal style offers a rare and intimate glimpse into
the character of the Mughal emperor in particular and into court life in
general, at times even exceeding Jahangir's own memoirs, the Tuzuk-i
Jahangiri, in candor. As such the document offers an all too rare type of
human complement to the better-known court histories of Persian literature.
Second, it provides insight into the enduring Mughal attachment to their
Central Asian homeland, which Jahangir demonstrates most profoundly in his
conversations with his visitor from Samarqand. This sentimental attachment
illuminates attitudes found among Muslim elites across Asia, who shared a
common high culture based on Persian literary and cultural values. In this
sense Mutribi's work attests to the vitality of Persianate culture far
beyond the boundaries of Iran. Finally, it is an important historical
document of Jahangir's reign, filling in the period just months before his
death, after his own memoirs had left off.

May be ordered from the publisher: Send $12.95 + $3.95 shipping or give
Visa/Mastercard info (CA residents add 7.75% sales tax) to Mazda
Publishers, P.O. Box 2603, Costa Mesa CA, 92626, USA  

24 Aug 2006 @ 15:50 by gordon @ : I've missed the site.....
Hey vaxen,

Anywhere else I can read postings from you while this site is not available? Like a good friend, I miss it when it's gone....

Good to 'see' you.


Good to 'see' you, too, Gordon. I have lots of other blogs but none like this one. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'll try to keep this up and open.

PS: You might like this site:  

1 Sep 2006 @ 01:37 by gordon @ : Very interesting
Scored 96 on the Entrance exam :)

Guess that means I'll enjoy it..... THANKS!

Congratulations, Gordon! Very good. Need all the help we can get getting the ideas and info out...

I know you'll enjoy 'knowing.' ;)  

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