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 ISRAEL'S DECEIT15 comments
"Wage War By Deception." - Mossad Motto.

Just gonna give ya the following staight with no introductory comment by me. Yeah, straight cut and paste and I know there are some here at NCN that just hate that!

Shock, Awe and Lies: The Truth Behind the Israeli Attack on Gaza
Jump to Comments

Here is a simple, stone cold fact. You cannot read or hear the truth about what is happening in Gaza from any corporate media in the United States. The only thing you will find there are regurgitations of Israeli spin, which are themselves only regurgitations of the kind of spin that American militarists have put on their own depredations — for centuries now. Up and down the American media and political establishments, you will find nothing but bleatings about Israel being “forced” to launch its vicious blunderbuss attacks against heavily populated Gaza because of the “recent spate of Hamas bombings” since the end of a six-month ceasefire.

This is of course a damnable and deliberate lie. Papers in Israel — in Israel, but not the United States — are reporting the truth: the murderous assault on Gaza was planned not only before the six-month ceasefire ended — it was planned before the cease-fire even took effect. Indeed, the cease-fire was part of the military plan to decimate the civilian areas of Gaza; it was a hoax, a scam, a deliberate feint to buy time for military preparations — precisely the same strategy followed by the Bush Regime (and its bipartisan Establishment supporters) in “going to the UN” to seek a “peaceful solution” to the “Iraqi crisis” — when the invasion was already in the works.  Read More

 Unplug Yourself3 comments
Found the following article over at totse dot com and it struck a nice little chord so I thought I'd usher in the new year by offering it up as a sacrifce here at NCN. I suppose as time goes on and we get deeper into the new year I'll offer up less and less to the NCN beast and give my all to the other blogs I have scattered near and far on the blogonet. Hope someone of y'all will read this article and think a little bit about what rudeboy has to say. It is really in consonance with a new civilization that existed long ago before the industrialisation of smack and attitude or brands and movie star plastic came to rule the roosted. Onwards, then, to the roast...

Unplug Yourself
by The Rudeboy

I used to think that I was schizophrenic, thinking the government was trying to monitor everyone, and that society was controlled by Corporations. Was big brother watching? Was corporate advertising brainwashing everyone? Was I just a schizo? Undoubtedly, the answer to every question is: yes.

The government today consists of a Federal reserve controlled by private banks, Congressmen controlled by lobbyists, and an executive branch with an agenda of complete dictatorship. What stimulates the economy? Natural disasters, oil spills, and war. How do you make people patriotic? Fear. how do you control people? By the art of inconvenience. The DPS can't get you a driver's license in an orderly fashion. You get taxed for a federal income that shouldn't exist. You lose your amendment rights, almost voluntarily and unknowingly. You put up with the minor inconveniences, and they in turn lead to major ones.

But that's not the worst of it.

In today's world, Corporations have all the rights of people. But they have more money, connections, and in a sense more power than an average person. They use the media like a toy, and have changed what the word "culture" means. It used to define what made a particular group or society different. Now, it means whatever the Corporations want it to. They decide what clothes are cool. They decide what food to eat. And they decide the price. They rape the Earth for all its resources, and then try to make up for it by telling people that the company is "green".

What is a Corporations message to people today? Conform. Assimilate. Join the crowd. Become a Sheeple.

What utter shit.  Read More

 Endless Israeli Atrocity9 comments
The following articles should illustrate for all but the blind, the stupid and the dumbed down that there is something terribly amiss in Yisra-El which the ADL and the Zionist Mossadic propaganda machine just cannot silence!

"Wage war by deception." Mossad's motto just won't work anymore as the blood of the unmercifully slain and tortured calls out to the international community for something more than just revenge.

Justice is demanded and justice will come! Those who cry holocaust and anti semitic turn out to be the worst offenders of all! These actions have no firm basis in the Judaic religion of Rabbi Hillel, and no place in the Pirkei Avot. Blood thirsty warmongering greed and lust for power, for control ("And in that day the Law shall go forth unto the world from Jerusalem.") is behind this oldest of cons in our world.

The Babylonian/Judaic system of usury and corruption is coming to an end so they are sacrificing as many humans as possible. Won't help them one iota when they turn and judge themselves and find themselves terribly wonting! Read and understand that America, and via their silence Americans, are paying for this genocide of Palestinian peoples. This holocaust by the supposedly holocausted. Rabid wolves!

Endless Israeli Atrocities
By Mary Sparrowdancer
Copyright © 2008

Today was the end of the world...for hundreds of unarmed civilians, including children. The Israeli military, one of the most powerful military forces on earth, has held the 1.5 million civilians captive within Gaza for years. Like the "dog in the manger," Israel has also deprived these civilians of the most basic necessities of life, such as food and water.

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 Fitzmas, Blago & Rahm0 comments
The names change, the rhetoric undergoes a subtle shift in tone, but from AEI to PPI is not a long road to travel. Those who are hoping for "change" – the mindless slogan relentlessly pushed by the Obama-ites until it becomes a mantra devoid of meaning – are in for a shock. What we'll see in the foreign policy realm is more of the same, including a fresh crop of neocons with considerable influence among key policymakers. As a new year dawns, it's the same old same old.

It's beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas
Everywhere you go!
Can't you just hear those wiretaps,
Oh don't keep it under wraps
We could use a laugh or two these days, you know!

It's beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas,
A bug in every phone!
But the prettiest sight to see
Is the indictment that could be
Tacked to the White House door.  Read More

 Israeli Propaganda2 comments
Merry Christmas from Gaza: Strawberries Instead of Chocolate

The Rockets of Hunger and Israeli Propaganda

Dec 25th, 2008 by kawther.salam

I received a message from the photojournalist and peace activist Sameh Habeeb from Gaza while I was looking at the news in the Austrian TV, which pierced my ears with talk about the rockets which Hamas supposedly shoots at the sam_0305"innocent Israeli occupation" which has jailed one and half million in Gaza since before Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out.

The rockets shown on Austrian TV looked to me like the fancy Bengala Rockets which are shot here while celebrating new year, and the clips shown on TV raise many questions:
- The picture published at the ORF website is credited to "MOHAMED SABER/EPA". Those are two first names and no family name. Who is this person? Why does he not present himself with a family name as any Arab would do? Does he exist at all or is he a fabrication?
The rockets depicted in that picture (and on the video) look more like the fancy bengalas which can be bought in many shops all over the world before festivities than any known weapon.
gaza_rocket_1- These so-called "rockets" appear to not have place for fuel or an engine, but they are supposed to fly 10-15Km ? How do they accomplish this miracle?

- How did ORF and other western media come into possession of this video which supposedly shows "Hamas fighters" shooting rockets from between fruit trees? Was it distributed by the Israeli embassy? Neither Austrian nor other western journalists are known to go to Gaza, so they can only have received them from the Israeli government, and that is what a link to exactly there from the ORF page suggests.

- If the firing of these rockets from Gaza can be doubted, from where else could they have been fired? From within Israeli territory perhaps? Could it be that the firing of these rockets is a propaganda campaign implemented by the IDF in order to "justify" a long-planned massacre against the people of Gaza?

- Could it be that the IDF is using the inhabitants of Sderot, Asqelon and other places around Gaza in order to construct a justification for genocide against a people who are already half hungered to death?  Read More

 Call it TREASON!2 comments
This is an article that is a bit old but is still very relevant because it contains the essence of what went wrong in America and what will continue to go wrong unless we, as Americans and citizens of the greater 'world,' stand up and take an active part in disclaiming the traitors in Washington for exactly who and what they are.

To blame one man who is the tool of a greater conspiracy is to be complacent and deny justice the necessary latitude within which to display it's censure of the principles, or lack thereof, which allowed the traitors to our country and our lives the possibility and capability of doing what they have done. The story doesn't begin with George Bush! It begins long ago when another Washington looked deeply into the future of a budding nation state...

Some Dare Call It Treason-Wake Up America!
By Dr. Robert Bowman, USAF Ret.

I am a member of Veterans For Peace, an organization of thousands of combat veterans. All of us have put our life on the line for this country. Most of us opposed the recent invasion of Iraq. We also opposed the first Gulf War, and the sanctions that followed. We opposed the slaughter of fleeing Iraqis on the Road to Basra. We opposed the use of Depleted Uranium munitions. And we opposed the lies upon which the first Gulf War was based. But there was one good thing about that first Gulf War. It ended. And without a wholesale invasion of Iraq. Why?  Read More

 New Civilization Disorder12 comments

jmarc:. . . 2008-12-22 03:07:29
It is beginning to appear that their sole reason for returning was just to get rid of you, isn't it?
I think these chats have been dominated by this discussion long enough.

Now everyone knock it off.

If you three were my kids, I 'd put ALL of you in time out in separate rooms for at least a couple of hours. You could look out the windows and wish you could go out and play in the snow, and maybe that would remind you all how utterly selfish you've ALL been in turning these rooms to shit in the last week or so. There is a private messaging system here, and a new fangled thing called e-mail. I suggest that you all use them to continue your arguments rather than subjecting the rest of us to them.


No hard feelings.

Daddy still loves you all.

The solution, after having first blocked only one of the offending 3 from access to NCN period, then reinstating him after awhile, was to code in a blocking mechanism for the chat rooms ... a grand idea. Then disallowing/blocking only one of the members, the presumed starter of all the fuss, from access to the left hand path, ah, rooms. Bit of a strain that one...

"The basic rule in these rooms on the left (Chat rooms at NCN) is to be open to the views of others and to be tolerant of differences of opinion. Offensive comments about other people's character or intentions are not allowed in these rooms, whether you think it is justified or not." - ming

"Since there appears to be a need for it, the rooms on the right (Chat rooms at NCN) allow people to speak freely, even if you have nothing particularly positive to say. So, if you need to have an argument with somebody, do it here. Pleasant conversation is fine too, of course." - ming

The member, of the parties responsible for all the 'chaos and bickering,' who was excluded/blocked immediately from the "rooms on the left," was immediately judged, without having written a thing, after the institution of the blocking mechanism.

Silenced without a trial of his pirs, whilst the other two involved were granted access to said room whilst also maintaining access to the "rooms on the right!".

In my opinion this is hypocrisy and favoritism of the commonest order! I suppose in New Civilizations one should expect such jingoistic policy, eh? Maybe the New Civilization Network would be more aptly dubbed the New World Order Network?

A proper rendering of the situation would either to have been that all 'guilty' parties be given access to both rooms, for a trial period, to see how things would go, or to block them all, excluding no one, from access to both rooms till they could come to a common agreement where behavioral norms could be established which were amenable to all parties.

The present, aforementioned, 'arrangement' maintains and augments the status of division and enmity established long ago. The refusal to deal with the situation lead to a state of corruption wherein worms now feed till hearts content. Now there is a feeling, mine, of us and them. The users on the right against the users on the left. How very Democratic, I mean: Socialist.

Mediation of some sort could have and should have been arranged before becoming a matter of tort and equity!

In most Democratic, Fascist, Socialist societies the outspoken are silenced and, or, put to the stake. Does this kind of action belong in a purported New Civilization?

More Edenic Mythopianism? The Flandrian Transgression...  Read More

 Arc of Crisis25 comments
Creating an "Arc of Crisis": The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia
The Mumbai Attacks and the “Strategy of Tension”

By Andrew G. Marshall

URL of this article:

Global Research, December 7, 2008


The recent attacks in Mumbai, while largely blamed on Pakistan’s state-sponsored militant groups, represent the latest phase in a far more complex and long-term “strategy of tension” in the region; being employed by the Anglo-American-Israeli Axis to ultimately divide and conquer the Middle East and Central Asia. The aim is destabilization of the region, subversion and acquiescence of the region’s countries, and control of its economies, all in the name of preserving the West’s hegemony over the “Arc of Crisis.”

The attacks in India are not an isolated event, unrelated to growing tensions in the region. They are part of a process of unfolding chaos that threatens to engulf an entire region, stretching from the Horn of Africa to India: the “Arc of Crisis,” as it has been known in the past.

The motives and modus operandi of the attackers must be examined and questioned, and before quickly asserting blame to Pakistan, it is necessary to step back and review:

Who benefits? Who had the means? Who had the motive? In whose interest is it to destabilize the region? Ultimately, the roles of the United States, Israel and Great Britain must be submitted to closer scrutiny.  Read More

 THE ENEMY WITHIN25 comments
When these New World Order murderers have exhausted the usefulness of the American sheep, American worker ants and American soldiers and there's no more treasure to steal from abroad, when such a time arises that the sheep have nothing left to steal from others and nothing left themselves that is worthy of stealing, then and only then will these ignorant sheep, who supposedly support this crusade, see the fate that awaits them. Then and only then will the sheep see what these New World Order criminals have in store for them. Only then will they see the danger. Only then will the sheep decide that maybe it's a good time to get off their knees. But by then it will be too late to rise up.  Read More

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