Unique Readers:
Native Blood: The Myth of Thanksgiving
Every schoolchild in the U.S. has been taught that the Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony invited the local Indians to a major harvest feast after surviving their first bitter year in New England. But the real history of Thanksgiving is a story of the murder of indigenous people and the theft of their land by European colonialists--and of the ruthless ways of capitalism.
* * * * *
In mid-winter 1620 the English ship Mayflower landed on the North American coast, delivering 102 Puritan exiles. The original Native people of this stretch of shoreline had already been killed off. In 1614 a British expedition had landed there. When they left they took 24 Indians as slaves and left smallpox behind. Three years of plague wiped out between 90 and 96 percent of the inhabitants of the coast, destroying most villages completely.
The Puritans landed and built their colony called "the Plymouth Plantation" near the deserted ruins of the Indian village of Pawtuxet. They ate from abandoned cornfields grown wild. Only one Pawtuxet named Squanto had survived--he had spent the last years as a slave to the English and Spanish in Europe. Squanto spoke the colonists' language and taught them how to plant corn and how to catch fish until the first harvest. Squanto also helped the colonists negotiate a peace treaty with the nearby Wampanoag tribe, led by the chief Massasoit.
These were very lucky breaks for the colonists. The first Virginia settlement had been wiped out before they could establish themselves. Thanks to the good will of the Wampanoag, the Puritans not only survived their first year but had an alliance with the Wampanoags that would give them almost two decades of peace.
John Winthrop, a founder of the Massahusetts Bay colony considered this wave of illness and death to be a divine miracle. He wrote to a friend in England, "But for the natives in these parts, God hath so pursued them, as for 300 miles space the greatest part of them are swept away by smallpox which still continues among them. So as God hath thereby cleared our title to this place, those who remain in these parts, being in all not 50, have put themselves under our protection."
The deadly impact of European diseases and the good will of the Wampanoag allowed the Puritans to survive their first year.
In celebration of their good fortune, the colony's governor, William Bradford, declared a three-day feast of thanksgiving after that first harvest of 1621. Read More
Whenever the weight of everybody elses world starts to incringe upon my enjoyment of life, mylife, and I start to feel darkness rise within me, I often go to the writings of a man that many of you know and many of you don't know. Geoffrey Filbert.
The following is an excerpt from his great work called Excalibur. At the end there is a link to the work itself. A .PDF can also be downloaded from the Free Zone. Mostly I just rummage through the indices till I find something that 'clicks' then I read that and sometimes play around with the methods recommended. Mostly a cursory read or so will help get rid of whatever charge is building enabling me to get over the hump so to speak. Hope some of you will glean some light out of this and take a further step towards your own freedom and autonomy. Your self determination and your sovereignty are your native state rights. Enjoy...
People often ask why I have allowed the Hubbard fellow to do what he has done. That is a somewhat difficult question for anyone to answer, but I usually explain that as one grows from spiritual adolescence to maturity it is a hard time for all concerned. A number of his once-close friends have complained that my criticism of his actions is not helpful. It is one of the finest forms of help there is. Neither civilisations nor people will run well without surgeries, laxatives, and roto-rooters. One cannot communicate to a man in a room except by stylising the communication to the context of that room. Critical big daddies hear critical big daddy talk, in fact they love the stuff. People also often ask if out of all of his writing there is less than 1000 pages of truth, is it not wrong what he has done, to which I reply that the world is yet to catch up with (much less recover) from the five pages of the sermon on the mount. I also tell them the parable of the Commander. The commander of a military outpost undersiege offered freedom from the army to whoever had broken into the munitions dump and taken all of the ammunition. The thief revealed himself, returned the munitions, was given his freedom, and the routine of war continued. The parable is appropriate in many aspects. Read More
Since the last article I put up was "END THE FED" I thought another in the series would be moot and to the point. The pointless point of believing any of this "bulloshitto" at all. Freeing oneself from money and all it conveys can be remarkably refreshing. Realising that life is way beyond 'money' and it's progenitors can be marvelously refreshing too. Go to Berkeley and become an Anthropolog...
The 'money masters' may think they run this world but at the end of days they soon do see how little of it they actually do run. We run it... from beyond. So make them pay. Watch them grow old and fat and laugh at their antics hillariously. So Hillary Clinton will be the new Secretary of State? That should give you some idea of just where their 'world society' is going. Grave robbers all. Soon to be in the grave, too, all of them.
Life is brief and after this one another then another then another so... get things straight and in order. Your own order. Don't listen to the pundits, the authorities, any of them... You are your own authority so just get with it. Nothing to lose, nothing to fear, you've already gained it all for after all it is your life and you tailor make it just for your very own song. Sing it loudly. Enjoy the following in the spirit for which it is meant to be en-joyed. Laugh loudly and long at their 'seriousness.' You know where they are headed... ;)
"Continuity" Died Today
Jim Kirwan
"Barring last minute changes, the nominee for Treasury Secretary will be NY Fed President Tim Geithner -- a career Treasury official under both Bob Rubin and Larry Summers -- who actually had worked at the Treasury in three administrations under five Secretaries -- going back to 1988.
Geithner has been a key player in the current economic crisis -- helping Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and his team, manage the wall street bailout. Read More
End The Fed
End Wall St Bankster Rule
End The Derivatives Depression
By Webster Tarpley
The November 22 End the Fed rallies raise a vital issue: it is past time to abolish the unconstitutional, illegal, and failed institution known as the Federal Reserve System, the privately owned central bank which has been looting and wrecking the US economy for almost a hundred years. We must end a system where unelected, unaccountable cliques of bankers and financiers loyal to names like Morgan, Rockefeller, and Mellon set interest rates and money supply behind closed doors, leading to de-industrialization, mass impoverishment, and a world economic and financial depression of incalculable severity. The Fed helped cause the crash of 1929, did nothing to stop the banking panic of 1932-33, and is the main cause of the $1.5 QUADRILLION derivatives crisis which is devastating the world. The Federal Reserve System is Wall Street's murder weapon against the United States, and the Fed must be stopped.
The purpose of abolishing the Fed is to get re-industrialization, economic modernization, full employment, and rising standards of living for all the people. Contrary to monetarist fetishes, the value and soundness of currency in the modern world are determined by the ability of a national economy to produce physical commodities that the rest of the world wants to buy. The decline of the dollar has its roots in the wanton destruction of the US industrial base initiated by the Trilateral administration of Jimmy Carter and Feds boss Paul Adolph Volcker with his 22% prime rate. Over the past forty years, the US standard of living has declined by two thirds, and the country has become a post-industrial rubble field, a moonscape monument to the folly of a post-industrial service economy. If you want to go back to sound money, you must gear up modern industrial production so that the world will need dollars to buy goods manufactured in this country. No amount of gold will do the trick.
Gold has a critical role to play in a new international currency system, but returning to a gold coin standard would create the most ferocious deflation of all time. Got any credit card debt? If you do, a gold coin standard would make it infinitely harder to ever pay it off. You would be slaving for the rest of your life to pay off a $5,000 credit card balance, or less. Read More
Now that a New World Order muppet has been sElected to facade the office of President at the "White" House I thought it might be a treat to examine one of Cathy Obrien's articles of last year to see how close the digereedoo did humdrone the "Great Unwashed" u.s. into primal Lemminghood right over the cliff into the spawning Abyss.
The great Black/White savior has been sElected and the Lemmings toe the line. The drummers march in unison to the DARPA A.I. grid's infernal cadence and the truth goes marching down the rabbit hole. In wholeness we do lament as limbs are lost and babies die at mother's breasts that the New World Financial Order might triumph over all and the Iron Heel of national socialism/communism/fascism might raise up that mighty red star dripping blood and gore in honor of the death of freedom and liberty for all. Mabruk!
Who Would We Elect?
By Cathy O’Brien 9/21/07
The tragic event of 9/11 is one more trauma that those in control of our government used to reinforce the grip they had gained on u.s. all in the wake of Kennedy’s Assassination.Most recent efforts to further terror-eyes this nation to assure that sElections go through as planned are, for now, averted.Could it be that people are finally waking up to real-eyes truth, gather their strength of spirit, and stand against this mind controlling, warmongering, environmentally destructive Shadow Government?
Elections were never a worry or consideration by those I was exposed to on a White House/Pentagon level during the Reagan Bush Administration. It had been this way at least since Gerald Ford took office as President, and will remain this way until people realize that elections, like political polls and electronic voting machines, are contrived, controlled and pre-determined [1]. Read More
About the Bailout
A look at the numbers tells the story. With thanks to www.reason.com ("Bailout Balance Sheet", November 7, 2008 by Katherine Mangu-Ward and Anthony Randazzo) the awful total so far looks like this:
$29 billion for Bear Stearns
$143.8 billion for AIG (thus far; it keeps growing)
$100 billion for Fannie Mae
$100 billion for Freddie Mac
$700 billion for Wall Street, including Bank of America (Merrill Lynch), Citigroug, JP Morgan (WaMu), Wells Fargo (Wachovia), Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and a lot more
$25 billion for the Big Three in Detroit
$8 billion for Indy Mac
$150 billion for stimulus package (from January)
$50 billion for money market funds
$138 billion for Lehman Bros. (post bankruptcy, through JP Morgan)
$620 billion for general currency swaps from the Fed
Rough total: $2,063,800,000,000—Two trillion and growing!
Not included in the above: hundreds of billions from the Fed to buy up commercial paper and lend out to other commercial firms.
What on earth is going on here? Simple, actually. Our Treasury and Federal Reserve are loading debt on future generations and transferring the debt money to Wall Street criminals and commercial bankers—the very people who massively breached their fiduciary duties by creating this catastrophe in the first place. BreaktheBailout indeed.
The first post-bailout outrage came from the massive insurance giant AIG. After receiving an $84 billion taxpayer bailout, AIG turned right around and held a grand party for their executives at a cost in excess of $440,000. There was outrage on Capitol Hill, including threats to "get the money back." Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D. MD) thundered: "They were getting their manicures, their pedicures, massages, their facials, while the American people were paying their bills." But instead of any action, our Federal Reserve gave AIG another $38 billion after the party.
We heard lots of comments from presidential candidates and congressional leaders about not letting CEOs profit from the bailout, but the Wall Street Journal reported that, after the bill was signed into law, bailout czar Neil Kashkari (ex-Goldman Sachs) told a group of Wall Street executives that any restrictions on executive compensation in the bailout bill didn't really mean anything. As Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research wrote: "Of course, anyone who bothered to look at the bill already knew that the compensation restrictions were meaningless before the bill passed. So why do we only see this reported in the media after the fact?"
Goldman Sachs has been scheduled to receive an estimated $10 billion in bailout money from the government. This firm responded by anointing 92 new members into its exalted status of partnership, and announcing bonuses of $210,000 per employee for 2008 -- a total bonus pool in excess of $6.8 billion. Similarly at Morgan Stanley, another giant bailout recipient, bonuses of $138,700 per employee were announced, with a total bonus pool in excess of $6.4 billion. Goldman and Morgan are prime offenders, but these firms were not alone-- this grotesque story repeats itself all across the Wall Street community. What we are seeing is crystal clear: our taxpayer bailout dollars flow into these Wall Street firms on one day, and out to their executives and employees as "bonuses" on the next.
The "bailout to bonus" issue is not unique to Wall Street. A floundering Royal Bank of Scotland received a massive bailout injection from British taxpayers in the amount of 20 billion pounds to stave off corporate bankruptcy. The reaction of Royal Bank of Scotland? They immediately announced bonuses for thousands of staff members (mostly in the investment banking division), totaling nearly two billion pounds. In the words of one frustrated British politician, as reported in the Guardian UK: "The banks are making complete monkeys of us."
And monkeys we are. The financial suffering of ordinary American (and worldwide). taxpayers, not to mention future generations loaded with bailout debt obligations, seems not to have registered in the slightest with our banksters and their purchased political patrons. Behind closed doors they surely must be laughing at the foolishness of the people they purport to serve. Already the bankers are announcing that they have no intention of lending out any of the bailout money. Their strategy is clear: rebuild their balance sheets, and wait for better times to acquire new assets on the cheap. Moral hazard? No one in government knows or cares.
The time has come for fundamental change. During the bailout debate, 50,000 letters were sent to Congress and the media through The Campaign for Fresh Air & Clean Politics, and we were just one among many. But this letter campaign was only the beginning of our effort, and more and more of the American people are coming to realize every day that bailout legislation is not going to solve the economic crisis our country is facing. Even on the day the original bailout legislation passed, members of Congress were expressing concern it would not be enough, and already there is talk in Washington DC about Congress coming back to pass an economic stimulus package. Meanwhile, our country has lost trillions of dollars in wealth on stock exchanges in recent weeks, and we are seeing the biggest unemployment increases and reductions in payrolls in many years. The disastrous economic news at home goes on and on, while at the same time the US fights two long (and unwinnable) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at a price reaching trillions of dollars. Meanwhile, the Congress just approved an additional $700 billion in defense spending for the next year.
Here's What We're Asking You To Do
CFACP has retained Breakthematrix to serve as our moneybomb organizer and service provider for a massive donations collection effort. Remember the famous moneybombs that raised millions for the Ron Paul presidential campaign? Well Trevor Lyman was the man behind those efforts, and he and his Breakthematrix colleagues are the leading experts in the world in online moneybomb fundraising. Here's how it works:
You enter your pledge today – RIGHT NOW-- by clicking the "Pledge" button on the side of this web site screen. This pledge becomes your commitment to make a tax deductible contribution to the BreaktheBailout Project at Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics on December 7, 2008-- the moneybomb collection day. Visit our web site often over the next few weeks to watch the pledges mount, and to learn about the growing community of friends and supporters who are choosing to become Bailout Breakers with us. Then the key event – you COME BACK on December 7th (Pearl Harbor Sunday) and make your actual money contribution right here at www.breakthebailout.com. The power and force of the moneybomb is simple and straightforward. We all donate on the SAME DAY, and working together we send our bankers and political leaders a message they will never forget. So help us make it work. Pledge today; add your name and link to the listing on our Bailout Breakers community page; then come back and donate on December 7th. Let's show these bankers and politicians once and for all that there's a powerful movement here that will settle for nothing less than an end to bankster ownership of OUR MONEY.
Why December 7th? It's a Bankster Sneak Attack, That's Why
On November 15, 2008, George Bush will host a global summit of international bankers and governments in Washington, DC. These people are coming together for the express and stated purpose of creating a new world financial order on the backs of taxpayers and future generations. Nothing but evil will come from this gathering—it's a bankster sneak attack on our citizens and taxpayers.
Well, we at BreaktheBailout remember another grand sneak attack on America on December 7, 1941, and we remember how Americans of all ages, colors and walks of life came together in a unified response. The New World Order proposed by the globalist bankers is a direct attack on the liberty and sovereignty of all Americans-- let alone on the pocketbooks of American taxpayers and future generations-- and a coming together of the American people is called for now more than ever. We need to let these modern day globalist bankster sneaks know they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to get away with their phony money scams. Let's stand up to these banksters and faux leaders! Their banker bailouts are a fraud, just like their illusory money itself is a fraud! Their "new world financial order" is nothing more than an ongoing taxpayer ripoff—for generations to come! Don't let their sneak attack work! Join our community of Bailout Breakers, and let's start building the strong and committed base that's going to be needed to throw their failed policies (and people) out with the rest of the trash.
What Are We Planning To Do With the Funds We Raise?
In shorthand terms, the funds will be used to build a transpartisan community of Bailout Breakers; to spread our message about ending the bailouts and taking back control of our money; and to create the tools that are going to be needed for standing up to the banksters and their purchased politicians. For a more detailed explanation of what we intend to do with the donated funds, click here.
Please Become a Bailout Breaker Today; And We Thank You For Your Pledge.
If you'd like to light the fuse for December 7th's moneybomb, you may donate now. Don't forget to pledge to come back and donate again on the 7th!
*Note: "WuHu, yeah. All that Fiat currency! If the breakout doesn't break us then break the bailout will!" - Vax
With "Mind Control Language Patterns" you will benefit by
learning what to say to get powerful results. It's been used
the world over, from Adolf Hitler to John F. Kennidy and
even Barack Obama.
*Note: "See, see!?! Told ya so!" - Vaximus Varimus
Questions? contact us at info@breakthebailout.com
© 2008 BreakTheBailout.com
[link] Read More
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the
manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words,
you can control the people who must use the words."
(Philip K.Dick)
In Xanadu did Kubla Kahn
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man...
Hypertexting Fromme for Marxists everywhere:
Reasons for action
The way Doug Engelbart perceives it:
* Our world is a complex place with urgent problems of a global scale.
* The rate, scale, and complex nature of change is unprecedented and beyond the capability of any one person, organization, or even nation to comprehend and respond to.
* Challenges of an exponential scale require an evolutionary coping strategy of a commensurate scale at a cooperative cross-disciplinary, international, cross-cultural level.
* We need a new, co-evolutionary environment capable of handling simultaneous complex social, technical, and economic changes at an appropriate rate and scale.
* The grand challenge is to boost the collective IQ* of organizations and of society. A successful effort brings about an improved capacity for addressing any other grand challenge.
* The improvements gained and applied in their own pursuit will accelerate the improvement of collective IQ. This is a bootstrapping strategy.
* Those organizations, communities, institutions, and nations that successfully bootstrap their collective IQ will achieve the highest levels of performance and success.
It is essentially these perceptions that have underlain the researches by Engelbart and his team, work that laid to many innovations in computing and is now continuing in the development of an open hyperdocument system.
Our mission
In accord with the above reasons for action, Doug Engelbart developed throughout a lifetime a sense of mission, which the Bootstrap Institute seeks to implement. Some terms used in the following mission statement are briefly explained in footnotes appended to this page.
The Institute's mission is to:
* Promote awareness of the scale, urgency, and complexity of the challenges we face.
* Catalyze, launch, and shepherd an active, strategic pursuit of boosting the collective IQ on a scale commensurate with the rate, scale, and pervasiveness of change.
* Create an exploratory environment where participants can collaborate, experiment, and set in motion advanced pilot outposts* in diverse application areas.
* Enable a whole new way of thinking about the way we work, learn, and live together.
* Promote development of a collective IQ among, within, and by networked improvement communities.
* Cultivate a knowledge environment that includes a shared dynamic knowledge repository (DKR).
* Foster development of an open-platform information system infrastructure based on an open hyperdocument systems (OHS) framework.
* Share the A-B-C's of bootstrapping* and support co-evolution of human organizations and their tools.
* Enable sharing of effort, cost and risks of advanced exploration among a diverse set of organizations and improvement communities.
* Push the scaling of bootstrapping toward what could become national improvement infrastructures, as well as a global improvement infrastructure.
"As much as possible, to boost mankind's collective capability for coping with complex, urgent problems." [link]
Imagine what we can accomplish together. Read More
In lieu of the recent "elections" I am introducing Anne's article with a sentient reminder from Judge Andrew Napolitano in hopes that perhaps a few will read his 'stuff' and via that lens review just what an Obama 'presidency' forbodes. Centrism and Marxism are anethema to freedom and liberty. Be forwarned and rebuild the levees of your shattered minds with something of worth. At present the America of the 'Founders' is no more and remains a slowly dying ember in the hearts of those who once had a dream. Obama means fascism will tender it's already tight reign over the hearts and minds of the people with more of the same Franklin Delano Bush policy. Redistribution of wealth does not mean freedom and liberty for all. On the contrary it is a subtle form of enslavement to the ideals of the cowardly princes of resident Oligarchy.
"Mr. President, what new natural disaster, exacerbated by political incompetence, will the federal government pay for next? The remedy for political incompetence is not more money in the hands of the incompetents, it is to vote the bums out of office. Mr. President, who re-built Galveston after its flood and Chicago after its fire and San Francisco after its earthquake? Free enterprise and low taxes; not the federal government.
"President Franklin Roosevelt's favorite Supreme Court justice, Felix Frankfurter, who spent a lifetime justifying the New Deal under the Constitution, had a change of heart at the end of his career. When he proclaimed that the Constitution was not written to enable the federal government to right every wrong, he was trying to amend his past and send a warning to the future. Was anyone listening?
September 24, 2005
Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel, and the author of Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws [link] .
No He Can't
by Anne Wortham
Fellow Americans,
Please know: I am black; I grew up in the segregated South. I did not vote for Barack Obama; I wrote in Ron Paul's name as my choice for president. Most importantly, I am not race conscious. I do not require a black president to know that I am a person of worth, and that life is worth living. I do not require a black president to love the ideal of America. Read More
If there is nothing to hide than why all the fear concerning those whose research warrants a deeper investigation? What are these 'Hate Laws' covering up? According to the Red Cross, plenty! Upwards of 80.000.000 can be murdered by a blood thirsty 'Jewish' Stalin and not a peep but mention the so called 'Jewish' holocaust and blam! Overstepping the bounds? Wall street supported Hitler as did Bush's grandfather, Prescott! Without Wall Street the 3rd Reich never would have risen to power and I dare say without British backing as well no Hitler could have ever gained that much power. Same for the doctrines of Communism. Tavistock at work again!?
(Ben-Dor is the author of "The Darkest Chapter", reviewed in the JC earlier in 1997. The following is an excerpt of Stephanie Genkin's report on David Ben-Dor, published in the Jewish Chronicle (London), 4.7.1997 (page 25):
David Ben-Dor gives lectures with an unusual slant.
Ben-Dor regards the term "Holocaust" as an obfuscation ... Even Yad Vashem - Jerusalem's Holocaust memorial - is not immune from this survivor's (another term which he disapproves) censure. The memorial was, he claims, created as a moneymaking business...
Churchill had mused: "Will there be room for [the German refugees, fleeing before the the Red army] in what is left of Germany? We have killed six or seven million Germans and probably there will be an other million or so killed before the end of the war."
Official Auschwitz figures!
Which figure must we believe by law? Which figure is not considered holocaust denial? Which figure is not considered anti-Semitic? Which figure is not considered hate?
Now if YOU were a "Jew (Whatever that means)" wouldn't you hunger for the truth? If you were a "Semite (From Shem meaning Name or, curiously - Rocketship | cf. "The Cosmic Code by Zecharia Sitchen")" wouldn't you want to know what the hell these people are talking about; because there are a helluva lot of "Semites" who are not "Jewish" and most of the Zionists in Israel aren't "Jewish and/or Semitic" either !?
"If you're going to tell people the truth, be funny or they'll kill you." -- Billy Wilder
"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." -- Otto Von Bismark
Tobin Grabbed -
International Hate
Laws Bite Down
By Rev. Ted Pike
About four years ago, much of the world was shocked when three controversial historians were seized and imprisoned by "anti-hate" thought police. Holocaust reductionists Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolph, and David Irving all served jail time for the "speech crime" of suggesting the total number of Jewish dead in World War II might not be six million or necessarily caused by gas chambers. Read More
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