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 Jazzolog bashing?7 comments
An interesting article that I got from 'The International Forecaster.'


Manipulations in time of War and Hunger

Posted: April 23 2008

The Fed pumps out reserve notes, elitist politics position to control, no new petro refineries since the 70s wtf? GM food and bio fuel scams, food price rise is an orchestrated scam based on currency manipulation, news from the Plunge Protection Team, disinformation in WSJ, no victory in Iraq, so blame Iran

Uncle Ben Bernanke is currently pumping out federal reserve notes, or electrons with binary encoding as the case may be, like they were going out of style in order to save the miscreants on Wall Street and in order to postpone economic catastrophe for the benefit of our incumbent sociopaths in Congress, who are the best politicians that money can buy. Based on the elitist Malthusian Agenda, may we suggest that you start converting some of those notes and electrons into storable food, such as rice and freeze-dried food. We suppose this would be the latest incarnation of Uncle Ben's Converted Rice, and without it, you will be at the mercy of the elitists. The Illuminati want to kill off most of the "useless eaters" on this planet. Their cohorts express shock and dismay over all the food shortages and riots that are breaking out globally when they are in front of the cameras, but when the reporters leave you can hear their maniacal laughter as these cretins contemplate how much easier it will be to control a population of 1 billion or so instead of the current 6 billion which occupy this planet, a number that is rapidly growing at a pace that far outstrips the growth in our fuel and food supplies which have been malevolently curtailed over decades to bring about the current results you see before you.

There have been no new petrochemical refineries constructed since the 1970's. Oil exploration has been stymied by the oil companies themselves who, with the help of the Illuminati and their operatives in industry, in government and in private trusts and foundations, have funded environmentalist movements, sabotaged and disparaged nuclear plants, shelved patents for greener energy by buying out or killing off inventors and pushed oil prices to ludicrously low levels to stop independent oil wildcatters from extracting oil out of the ground because they could not do so profitably. Big Illuminist automakers contributed to the problem by producing gas-guzzling SUV's and trucks which most people own more for show than for practical use. Rest assured that there is plenty of oil within our own borders, with enough to supply the needs of the entire US economy for many decades in Alaska, North Dakota and Montana alone, much of it extractable at $16 per barrel using newly developed directional drilling systems, and never mind the hundreds of billions of barrels extractable from oil sands and oil shale in various states and the offshore oil in the Gulf of Mexico. But in order to induce smaller producers to go after this oil (the larger producers will leave it in the ground for obvious reasons), there has to be a floor of about $25 per barrel in order to protect profit margins for smaller operators. Otherwise, as has been done in the past, the larger companies will temporarily drive prices below the cost of production for the smaller companies, thereby driving them out of business.

A floor of $25 per barrel is a very reasonable floor considering we are now at $119 per barrel, but our Congress is bought-and-paid-for by the Illuminati and their big oil interests, so you hear nothing about this from them or our useless fane-stream media which are also controlled by the Illuminati. The elitists do not want plentiful oil --- they want to control you!

The same has happened in agriculture. At the beginning of the 20th century, most Americans were still farmers. Virtually everyone had a farm or at least knew how to farm if they had to. No longer. The smaller farmers were squeezed out by subsidies given to big Illuminist-sponsored farming concerns in order to keep crop lands vacant, supposedly to keep food supplies down to support higher prices, but this just served to kill off smaller farmers who could not compete with the much larger farmers who got something for nothing. The smaller farmers were forced in this manner to take jobs in our growing industrial society, culling out the small fry just as was done with oil companies, banks and corporate America generally.  Read More

 Consumer Brainwashing--Neuromarketing5 comments
Well, I've been very busy of late doing research on a multiple of fronts. CIFA SOFJFCOM and a variety of outsourced intelligence markets which remain untapped. Been working a few nights over at Wordpress [link] to get my techniques up to par and getting Shivas' pearls otherwise lined up and satisfactory. Preparing for the next ten years of illuminated tech consciousness and the onslaught of propositions already knocking at the door.

Ran across an interesting bit of twitter posting in the following article on Neuro Marketing. Hope you enjoy steam rolling through it. I'll try to get a game up tomorrow or you can wile the hours away having fun. With no further adieu, then, here is the article. Food for neurodigestion or neuroindigestion as the case may be. Happy Hallows.

Desktop clocks, timers, Skull digital clock,

Commercial Alert Asks Emory University to Halt Neuromarketing Experiments


At the most basic physical level, neurological marketing research relies on the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on human subjects. Strong magnets can harm human subjects if they have metal in their bodies (e.g. cardiac pacemaker, aneurism clips, intrauterine devices, some dental work, body
piercings) or are carrying metal, such as coins or jewelry. Such harm is not likely but the possibility does exist. Research subjects occasionally report dizziness or nausea when their heads are moved within the bore of the magnet.

That¹s on top of any unknown adverse effects of placing a human subject in the intense magnetic field required for an MRI. It is hard to believe that this procedure is helpful when not medically required.

But such potential physical harms are secondary. The real risk of neuromarketing research is to the people ­ including children ­ who are the real targets of this research. Already, marketing is deeply implicated in a host of pathologies. The nation is in the midst of an epidemic of marketing-related diseases. Our children are suffering from extraordinary levels of obesity, type 2 diabetes, anorexia, bulimia, and pathological gambling, while millions will eventually die from the marketing of tobacco. Such illnesses affect also the population at large, as does chronic debt that people incur to support the consumption that the marketing industry encourages.  Read More

 words-in-3d-space28 comments
Doing some experiments here, now, maybe forever...


Interactive computer wallpapers, Words in 3d space, Words in 3d space, Interactive computer wallpapers, Multimedia

Click on a word and see what happens.  Read More

 Oblivions Dreamer10 comments
Lost on a Storm Tossed Sea
Of Cyber Windowed Blessedness
Oblivions' Sanctioned Dreamer

Animated desktop wallpapers, aladin,

OSS RA  Read More

 The Pursuit of Happiness7 comments
The following article, by Blackwaters' chaplain, has a lot of living points that one doesn't 'get' 'till after one has lived through the varied hells associated with them - such as sleeping with your wife/husband. I did say 'sleeping' with and not *******!

So, that's a really good point that he makes herein. Sleeping with someone else. I, as an example, hate to sleep with someone who is crawling all over me and prefer to meditate myself into sleeps wonderlands via the dead mans posture, a yoga asana, which actually resembles more a vampire sleeping than anything else...

And I have freaked several ladies out by refusing to change my evil ways thus I thought this article to be more than just a little appropos for a lot of people who are probably faced, at least early on in relationshipping, with some of the dilemma our good chaplain so amply brings forth in words.

Please read and enjoy and thank him by sending up, or down, a little prayer to the avataric manifestations of whatever mythos happenes to inspire thee. Enjoy...



When I was a child I was left to entertain myself. I read, listened to the radio, went fishing, went hunting, went exploring, went to visit neighbor kids to play, went swimming, built my own small world with my trains and accessories and set up problems to solve using them... Comic books were an occasional treat... A movie in town six miles away was an occasional treat... A drive-in movie with all the local kids in the back of a truck was an even more rare treat... Going to the skating rink was a rare treat...  Read More

 Mukaseys' 911 Lie6 comments
With the current insane debacle going on over the three stooges, John McCain, B. Hussein Obama, and H. Rottenham Clinton going on it is little wonder that the MSM gets away with covering up this very important tale of deceit at the highest levels (High Crimes and Misdemeanors).

The Shrub of horrors can also be seen to be spreading his dis-ease around some of the worlds capitols with his evil twin by his side...the late, great, Condoleeza 'wife by proxy' Rice.

Though I'm sure you'd rather be elsewhere reading trivia please forego that marvellous quest for just a moment and read this piece. The articles' url is at the end so you might want to go there as there are links, that I haven't included here, in the original article which are contextually important.

The fascisto socialist American state isn't going to get any better till we rise up in open rebellion against these clowns who took over so long ago. Can't blame just one little shrub for all the havoc America has wreaked upon this globe in the name of a false and illuso-delusory 'democracy.'

You did know that America was founded as a Republic, didn't you? And you do know the difference, don't you, even though your 'teachers' probably didn't?

Glenn Greenwald
Thursday April 3, 2008 07:04 EDT
Why doesn't the 9/11 Commission know about Mukasey's 9/11 story?

Last week, during a question-and-answer session following a speech he delivered in San Francisco, Attorney General Michael Mukasey revealed a startling and extremely newsworthy fact. As I wrote last Saturday, Mukasey claimed that, prior to 9/11, the Bush administration was aware of a telephone call being made by an Al Qaeda Terrorist from what he called a "safe house in Afghanistan" into the U.S., but failed to eavesdrop on that call. Some help is needed from readers here to generate the attention for this story that it requires.

In that speech, Mukasey blamed FISA's warrant requirement for the failure to eavesdrop on that call -- an assertion which is, for multiple reasons that I detailed in that post, completely false. He then tearfully claimed that FISA therefore caused the deaths of "three thousand people who went to work that day." For obvious reasons, the Attorney General's FISA falsehoods themselves are extremely newsworthy, but it is the story he told about the pre-9/11-planning call from Afghanistan itself that is truly new, and truly extraordinary.

Critically, the 9/11 Commission Report -- intended to be a comprehensive account of all relevant pre-9/11 activities -- makes no mention whatsoever of the episode Mukasey described. What has been long publicly reported in great detail are multiple calls that were made between a global communications hub in Yemen and the U.S. -- calls which the NSA did intercept without warrants (because, contrary to Mukasey's lie, FISA does not and never did require a warrant for eavesdropping on foreign targets) but which, for some unknown reason, the NSA failed to share with the FBI and other agencies. But the critical pre-9/11 episode Mukasey described last week is nowhere to be found in the 9/11 Report or anywhere else. It just does not exist.  Read More

 Vichy Democrats7 comments
March 14, 2008

Vichy Democrats: Pelosi and the Politics of Collaboration

As the Bush Administration’s economic stimulus plan sailed through Congress last month, a few Democratic senators timidly raised objections to the legislation that Nancy Pelosi’s House had approved, particularly in relation to certain provisions deleted by the House. These provisions, which would have provided critical assistance to people most hard hit by the continuing recession included an extension of unemployment insurance, expansion of food stamps, and rebates to the working poor whose incomes fall below the radar of income tax requirements.

They lost.  Read More

 SPEAK ENGLISH !25 comments



33 Senators Voted Against English as America 's Official Language on June 6, 2007.

On Wed. 6 June 2007 23:35:23 - 0500 Colonel Harry Riley , USA , Ret. wrote:  Read More

 Cancel The Elections!4 comments
Watching a duped populace rabidly incant for one or the other of a host of non choices for an office of state that should have been abolished long ago has certainly made me think of leaving this country behind and getting on with my life.

Here is an essential read which rather sums up the way I feel about it all. I am under no delusion that there are many here at the supposed 'New' civilization network who will bother to read this as opposed to that other consensus reality wherein an unenlightened liberalism is promulgated to the tune of an ancient device of oppression called jazz.

Obamabots pushing another version of the same old Bush. Hillary bots doing the same. McCainobots drooling for war, and over his wife (the real power behind the traitor), and that more end to America's insanity in *cite.

Canceling the election and dismantling the government is the only wise option. But it takes an educated citizenry to invoke such an option not an enslaved ship of fools.

Short for citation.

(or citation): To summon; to command the presence of a person; to notify a person of legal proceedings against him and require his appearance.
[link]  Read More

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