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 DAVOS & TU244 comments
This article from the 22nd is a bit out of date but illustrative of the kind of political chicanery we see going on worldwide to the tune of death and murder of much of the planets indigenous populations that a few might profit insanely at their expense. The Mavons of this visciousness will be drinking, carousing, skiing down the slopes of Davos while they discuss what's next on the agenda of world decimation.

There is also the little article about asteroid 2007 TU24 which it would be wise to pay attention to for the next few days as it's plasma discharge could occur on the 29th thus frying sattelites and maybe even PC's. I'm not saying it will happen but just incase it does you might want to study up on TU24 and the good Dr's,Khabibuvo Abdusamatov - from Saint Petersburg Observatory, thoughts and observations concerning disaster scenarios and asteroidal plasmic discharge so close to Eridu.

Also a wee mention of an OP ED by Daniel Ellsburgh concerning the SIbel Edmonds matter brings up the tail. And a tall tale it is! Happy Diebolding...  Read More

 Sluicing With The Krewe38 comments
As a writing experiment I'm going to just have some fun and take from here and there in the vast corpus of collected docs and papers that I have in my 'net' archives, willy nilly, and see what, if anything, makes sense and what doesn't...

There might be a few nuggets and gems worth keeping. This blog was originally suggested to me as a kind of experiment in creative writing but...that idea got lost somewhere along the line. Gezi makes mention that his own blog is - for him.

Yeah, I sure am not going to solve the problems of the world. I don't even care to anymore. It's an old planet as planets go and there is more than just a little 'proof' that we make it up as we go along. Here goes...  Read More

 What A Day Brings15 comments
I know I'm not supposed to do this but the Chaplains situation so impressed me that I felt I had to post it post haste. I trust he'll understand and forgive me this slight transgression of copyright as really, if you read this, I think you'll understand what so impresses me about this guy. I'm not easily impressed, either, by anyone or any thing.

If you pray or meditate, and after having read this, I hope you'll keep the Chaplain and his daughter in your prayers and meditations till some light comes into the situation.

That being said do, please, continue on to the Chaplain's letter. Hope you, too, will be blessed in reading it as I have been.


Vax  Read More

 Post-Bush Regime20 comments
The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis

by Richard K. Moore

Global Research, December 27, 2007

In order to understand anything about American political affairs, it is
necessary to have some understanding of who it is that really makes the
decisions behind the scenes, and what their interests are. In this way
we have some hope of identifying the hidden agendas being served by
government actions and programs, and some hope of identifying the
longer-term strategies that are in play.

It turns out—and informed people should already know this—that the U.S.
is essentially owned and managed by a small clique of wealthy
families—the ones who own and control the Federal Reserve. The
Rockefellers are the obvious and well-known members of this clique, but
there are others less well-known, not all American, and some whose
identity remains to this day a carefully guarded secret. We don’t even
know exactly who it is that’s running the show.  Read More

December 20, 2007


White House Attack Leaves Cheney Offices In Flames

By: Sorcha Faal

Russian Security Analyst reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that the offices of one of the United States top War Leaders, Vice President Richard Cheney, came under assault by ‘unknown’ US Military assailants who in retreating before what has been described as ‘withering fire’ from Secret Service Agents assigned to protect Cheney literally ‘blew up’ the Vice Presidents office complex.

Propaganda reports from US media organs, however, are reporting on this reported attack as being a ‘fire’ only, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled, "Two-Alarm Fire Hits Cheney's Office in White House Compound", and which says:  Read More

 Abandon Congress3 comments
The following article by Michael Rozeff, a retired Professor of Finance living in Amherst New York, speaks to me deeply of the disparity held by most Americans in this present debacle we are witnessing called 'The War on Terror.'

I am all in favor, and always have been, of abandoning the Washington parlor game in favor of a decent form of government if there is such a thing.

I believe in self government first and realise that there are those unto whom that concept is anethema and who are in need of coddling from the cradle to the grave. But...enough is enough. Government is never a good thing as history will attest.

This country was founded in blood and will go down in a bloodbath, too, but that sure doesn't make me feel any better about it and the kind of Fascism that it represents.

Nor do I believe that the so called 'founding fathers' were any better. Finally the veil of deceit is being pulled off the American lie for all the world to see.

Nor do I think that there is a better country on all the earth where freedom and liberty and all the things America supposedly stood for exists. The battle for the throne of the world is on and fast heating up. The stone of scone goes back to Scotland in '08.

We are all in this together so I suggest we take our freedoms and liberties seriously and toss the fascisti enough rope that they, in the end, will hang themselves. May we be better fit to govern ourselves after they are gone. Yet, how do these people gain such power over us?

The real revolution we all face must, of needs, start in our own heart. And when that slate is free of the libels we've laid on others...maybe we'll finally have peace in this world. But, I doubt it...  Read More

 X-Mas In NOLA17 comments
For those unaware of the manger scene getting down in NOLA this year I must remind you that it all began in 1984 when 'The City' under Dutch Morial completely closed down the French Quarter so that businesses there would be bankrupted. This was all in preparation for the 1984 Worlds Fair held there that year.

I was General Manager, at the time, for the 'Louisiana Tour Company' and had first hand knowledge of what was going on behind the scenes. I also exibited my 'African Art' in the Cuban Booth at the worlds fair that year.

I finally got so sick of the political shenanigans that I pulled up stakes and fled to Atlanta opening up another business there. We were all promised 'reparations' for the remodelling, the whole 'Vieux Carre' got repaved, of the French Quarter that took place and closed down most all businesses there but...those reparations never came. Now this...

Shock and Tasers in New Orleans

By Naomi Klein [link] , HuffingtonPost (*yuck*) '.' com. Posted December 22, 2007 [link].

The shameless exploitation of poor New Orleans residents to privatize public infrastructure is being enforced by violence and tasers.

Readers of my book The Shock Doctrine [link] know that one of the most shameless examples of disaster capitalism has been the attempt to exploit the disastrous flooding of New Orleans to close down that city's public housing projects, some of the only affordable units in the city. Most of the buildings sustained minimal flood damage, but they happen to occupy valuable land that make for perfect condo developments and hotels.  Read More

This article by Iona Miller should serve as adjacent to the preceding one on the Global Warming Hoax which hoax should be considered the brainchild of Agenda 21 or Sustainable Developement which is non other than a FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) based landgrab instantiated long ago by those who would tyrannize you and enslave, implant, you with the idea that Humans are nothing but a resource for the elite who think they really 'govern' this planet and own it and all it's myriad life forms as well!

We are here to tell them to 'Cool it!' We are on to your game, we know who you are.

I think all the links work and are well worth your time in perusing them. Hats off to iona, a really remarkable woman, for bringing so much of the agenda to light.

Sic Itur Ad Astra
(Thus do we reach the stars.)
A non state warrior

Interview with The Washington Tiger, Charles Stone
A Report from the Red, White and Wild Blue Yonder


By Iona Miller, 3/2005


KEYWORDS: Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) * Mankind Research Foundation (MRF) * Black Gold * MK Ultra Due Process * Holocaust Connection * Lector Release * Missing Atomic Secrets * Washington Connection * Asbestos * Washington Trade Center * US Navy Helicopter and Aircraft Development * Largest Commodities Fraud in US History * Technology Suppression/Stealth Technology * Atomic Veterans *  Read More

 Global Warming Hoax30 comments
Here is some information that you may not have considered or may not have been privy to. I suggest that you run down the links and download a few of the .pdf's and then make up your own mind. Also take a real good look at Al Gore and stop believing everything you hear just because it comes out of the mouth of a greasier than grease politician! Ever ask yourself the question why fat man didn't rebut? If he lost the election because it was fraudulent, and it was, then why didn't fat man challenge the results? I know the answer to that but do you?

The following is from Ken Adachi's site. Not that I agree with everything that Adachi is doing but I do think it imperative to at least examine the opposite view of the status quo Globaloney machine...

Global Warming

“The IPCC review process is totally flawed. … The scientific basis for the Kyoto Protocol is grossly inadequate.”
Dr. Hendrik Tennekes, director emeritus of the Royal Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands in 2005

"The Fourth Report of the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] might just as well decree the suppression of all climatology textbooks, and replace them in our schools with press communiqués. ... Day after day, the same mantra - that ‘the Earth is warming up’ - is churned out in all its forms. As ‘the ice melts’ and ‘sea level rises’ the Apocalypse looms ever nearer! Without realizing it, or perhaps without wishing to, the average citizen in bamboozled, lobotomized, and lulled into mindless acceptance. ... Non-believers in the greenhouse scenario are in the position of those long ago who doubted the existence of God ..".
- Marcel Leroux (from What is Wrong with the IPCC? by Hans Labohm)

[Editor's Note:Feb. 3, 2007. Currently, we are being bombarded with a torrent of propaganda titled "Global Warming" Every TV and radio news broadcast, every TV talk show that touches on politics, every radio talk show, every major news stand magazine and newspaper are singing in almost perfect unison: "The Sky is Falling Unless We Do Something Soon about Global Warming"!  Read More

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