Unique Readers:
The following brief is believed to have been presented to a Grand Jury in the State of California circa 1982 in an attempt to correct judicial abuse of people involved in patriot and income tax protest movements. Many people were being incarcerated as political prisoners of what is apparently a "shadow government" now in control of the USA. These patriots were attempting to educate as many of the general public as would hear their message. Unfortunately, short-sighted self-interest and apathy seem to have prevailed. Read More
And so the night winds howl through the church yard gate and all the dreams of shadowland wait for me to reappear in the blossoming dawn to the sounds of the strumpets down on Carnaby street...
Toll that bell for the denizens who favor Hell over the glorious Heaven that awaits all true, but sad, hypocrites of the cloth.
Feeding the world wholecloth and calling it spuds McKenzies' favorite desert they wait in tears as if their dreams and memories were not enough to send them on the way to the oblivion that righteously awaits them at journeys end and our delight... RA
'To Punish and Enslave'
by William Norman Grigg
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago Read More
"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?"-- Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago
What would be the tripwire resulting in open rebellion? Examining the Bill of Rights, and considering EXISTING laws only, and not failed attempts, you will find that every clause has been violated to one degree or another.
Americans have been stumbling over tripwires justifying overt resistance for well over 130 years. On one hand, we submit that gun confiscation is a secondary tripwire only. It is second to censorship because if speech is illegal we cannot even discuss the repeal of gun control, or any other population controls. If only guns are illegal, we may still convince people to repeal those laws. On the other hand, gun confiscation may be a sufficient tripwire because the primary one, censorship, can be fully implemented only after the citizenry has been disarmed.
Resistance, in the context of this article, means those legitimate acts by individuals which compel government to restrict its activities and authority to those powers delegated to the Congress by the people in the Constitution. Read More
Worse than Chernobyl: 'dirty timebomb' ticking in a rusting Russian nuclear dump threatens Europe
20,000 discarded uranium fuel rods stored in the Arctic Circle are corroding. The possible result? Detonation of a massive radioactive bomb experts say could rival the 1986 disaster. By Rachel Shields
Published: 10 June 2007
A decaying Russian nuclear dump inside the Arctic Circle is threatening to catch fire or explode, turning it into a "dirty bomb" that could impact the whole of northern Europe, including the British Isles.
Experts are warning that sea water and intense cold are corroding a storage facility at Andreeva Bay, on the Kola Peninsula near Murmansk. It contains more than 20,000 discarded fuel rods from nuclear submarines and some nuclear-powered icebreakers. A Norwegian environmental group, Bellona, says it has obtained a copy of a secret report by the Russian nuclear agency, Rosatom, which speaks of an "uncontrolled nuclear reaction".
John Large, an independent British nuclear consultant who has visited the site, told The Independent on Sunday: "The nuclear rods are fixed to the roof and encased in metal to keep them apart and prevent any reactions from occurring. However, sea water has eroded them at their base, and they are falling to the floor of the tanks, where inches of saltwater have collected.
"This water will begin to corrode the rods, a reaction that releases hydrogen, a gas that is highly explosive and could be ignited by any spark. When another rod falls to the floor and generates such a spark, an enormous explosion could occur, scattering radioactive material for hundreds of kilometres."
Mr Large, who was decorated by Russia's President Vladimir Putin for his role in the salvage operation that retrieved nuclear material from the Kursk submarine in 2000, added: "This wouldn't be a thermonuclear or atomic explosion, as in a bomb, but the outcome is just as bad. Remember Chernobyl? If you had the right weather conditions and wind pattern, this would mean a radioactive cloud drifting over the UK." Read More
Guidelines for Ethical OSINT Contracting
Recent experience has shown us that unethical practices on the part of vendors, and inattention on the part of government, are leading to a corruption of the emerging OSINT contracting environment. Here are a few guidelines intended to help the government get the best possible OSINT services as the lowest possible cost. Resurfaced for the benefit of those who are evidently not paying attention to the ethics of OSINT contracting (nor proper price to localized access ratios).
1. Government should not meet vendors privately for lunch, nor accept any offered capabilities briefing, without first doing a Request for Comments via FedBiz, and affording the same courtesy to all respondents. The same applies to White Pqpers. If the government chooses to accept a proferred White Paper, it should immediately do a Request for Comments inviting others to submit White Papers on the desired topic.
2. Government should consider hosting two industry days, one now, to provide a broad outline of its planned direction, a second one in 90 days after its plans take firmer shape.
3. Government should not use Statements of Work, especially complex Statements of Work, provided by the vendor. These will contain buried "hooks" (for example, a specific mix of web engineers, or a specific mix of Ambassadors and PhDs) that the unethical vendor can use to protest an award to a better company offering a better deal. In the worst case, the government will end up paying both the unethical company for a settlement, and the winning company for the desired service.
4. Government should write its own Statements of Work, and keep them simple. They should focus on desired outputs, not inputs. They should define the generic results desired, not how to solve the problem. In general the government is spending too much on cleared US citizens with poor language and knowledge skills, too much on proprietary information technologies, and not enough on indigenous foreign access and generic web-based access. Proprietary solutions should be avoided--the era of application-oriented network systems is here to stay. Open source software, open source information, open spectrum, and Open Access copyright approaches will yield the greatest long-term value and also the best inter-agency collaboration and information sharing results.
5. Government can and should consider expanding its existing contracts with beltway bandits that it has a close working relationship with, but it should demand that they employ qualified sub-contractors and specified key personnel and methods, rather than redirecting poorly qualified in-house personnel. In a worst case example, we have seen a major beltway bandit send unqualified people to the Library of Congress, with the direction "get what you can, don't spend any money." Read More
We, women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country, to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs." From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says: "Disarm, disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."-Julia Ward Howe
Mark Twain: The War Prayer
O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire;
Read it here:
When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?: Eleanor Roosevelt:
The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service: Albert Einstein
Our European friends clearly see Bush for what he really is and what we refuse to acknowledge ~ a moral coward masquerading as a world leader. Posed on his wooden horse of hubris he has become a modern day Don Quixote flailing away at the windmills of the evil world he himself has created and taking no accountability for the chaos he has rendered : Allen L Roland
And so our troops trudge on ~ fighting an enemy they can't see, fighting for an illegal occupation they don't believe in, fighting to stay moral and sane in a foreign country where they are despised and hated ~ is it any wonder that they turn suicidal when Bush extends or demands another tour so that he will not have to face his incredible moral failure on his watch.
They have, in essence, become cannon fodder for Cheney and Bush's failed neocon pipe dream. Is it any wonder that they can see no way out ~ particularly in light of a timid Congress who refuses to listen to the vast majority of Americans who want them sent home now.
And get this ~ Last Thursday, the VA's Inspector General issued a report estimating that 1,000 veterans under its care commit suicide every year.
They are, indeed, the walking dead and Aaron Glantz gives us a short update on this nightmare scenario.
Allen L Roland
Suicidal and Facing a Third Tour in Iraq
By Aaron Glantz
[link] Read More
1) What is money... how is it created and who creates it?
2) Why is almost everyone up to their eyeballs in debt... individuals, businesses and whole nations?
3) Why can’t we provide for our daily needs - homes, furnishings cars etc. without borrowing?
4) How much could prices fall and wages increase if businesses did not have to pay huge sums in interest payments which have to be added to the cost of goods and services they supply...?
5) How much could taxes be reduced and spending on public services such as health and education be increased if governments created money themselves instead of borrowing it at interest from private banks…?
"If you want to be the slaves of banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the banks create money…" Josiah Stamp, Governor of the Bank of England 1920. Read More
Nicolas' recent article inspired me to forage some of my ancient roots and reacquaint myself with elden loves.
Here then is a hodge podge of e-redacted lore, a simple bit, that I may, or may not, edit - later on - for clarity...
We'll see.
In any case there is a lot here, links as well, that may inspire someone to go beyond the present cacaphony of the world and rediscover things worth while...deep within themselves.
When you look around you at all the wars being perpetrated by the perps of the monied set, thieves and bandits all, and the horrors they generate, it begins to look a lot like the ancient Maha Bharata...
Hope you, whoever you are, who actually reads any of this, find your own, true, way amidst the discord of this worlds' illusions, and thus end delusion for your self and, perhaps, future beings...who've grown tired of the lies of the well schooled charlatans of political and educational dog-ma.
Wisdom Goddesses : Mahavidyas and the Assertion of Femininity in Indian Thought
There exists in India a group of strange Goddesses, ten in number. One of them is shown holding her own freshly severed head, which feeds on the blood flowing from her headless torso; another holds a pair of scissors while sitting triumphant atop a corpse;
Shodashi the Goddess who is Sixteen Years Old
Shodashi or Tripura-Sundari is believed to have taken birth to save the gods from the ravages of a mighty and wrathful demon. The tale begins when Shiva burnt down Kama, the god of love, who tried to distract Shiva from his meditation. One of Shiva's followers then scooped off Kama's ashes and formed the image of a man out of them. This man then persuades Shiva to teach him a powerful mantra. By the power of this mantra, one could gain half the might of one's adversary. But because he was generated from the ashes of Shiva's wrath he is transformed into a fierce demon. Intoxicated with his new found power he proceeded to rampage the kingdom of the gods. Apprehending defeat and humiliation, the gods all propitiate Goddess Tripura-Sundari to seek her help. The goddess appears and agrees to help them. Taking the battlefield she heaps a crushing blow on the mighty demon, thus saving the gods.
Iconographically this Goddess is shown seated on a lotus that rests on the supine body of Lord Shiva, who in turn lies on a throne whose legs are the gods Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Rudra.
[link] Read More
I am only reprinting this article here, not because I believe that 'the Christos' was anything like the 'peaceful' soul this man likes to paint him to be, but because of the subtext message going on that should be read, and understood, by all people everywhere.
Also because I spent the evening reading a bunch of 'milblogs,' and seeing the absolute, and dreadful, mind-wash going on to these deluded fools who, even though state courts are taking their children away (Those single parents who had custody before "deployment" to Iraq, Afghanistann, and related Archipelagos, in the greedy game where their lords and masters profit and they die and lose their children!) stand in Manchurianesque oblivion to the realities behind Kissinger, Rockerfeller (Chase Manhatten etc.), Bush, et al, wars - where might is right and truth a casualty.
Idiot Americans brainwashed into believing that they can shut up and not be held accountable by us, their fellow Americans, for the genocide going on in OUR name all over the world!
On the eve of the new EUUSA union they are being led to the slaughter by an ilk 'the Revelation' dreamt of, and labelled, albeit cryptically. So, here goes:
Preemptive Truth: 'What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?'
by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy [link]
Like one who…
Made such a sinner of his memory,
To credit his own life.
~ William Shakespeare
The Tempest [link]
The above Doonesbury comic strip of October 19, 2002, puts the lie to ecclesiastical, civil, commercial and media hierarchs and drum majors who try to defend their moral rectitude in relation to their support of the invasion of Iraq by saying, "If I had only known the truth, I never would have supported this war." By October 19, 2002 what they insist they did not know until years later was public knowledge – to the point that mainstream comic strips and cartoonists could satirize the obviousness of the lies being employed to justify turning Iraq into a killing field?
After the "overwhelming atrocity" of the Vietnam War, I watched bishops, priests, ministers, theologians, politicians, celebrities, academics, columnists, university administrators, former students, TV talking-political-heads, labor union leaders and members, judges, prosecutors, police officers, FBI agents, ordinary people in the pews or in bleachers, as well as institutions – who were politically and/or morally supportive of that war or cleverly and silently indifferent to its carnage – re-write their personal and institutional histories. This revisionist project was undertaken to make it appear they were "really against that awful thing" but did not feel that speaking out publicly in opposition to it was right, since they didn’t have all the facts at the time because of government lies that confused them or kept them completely in the dark. At the time, I had close encounters of the intense kind with a few of these faux neo-adversaries of the Vietnam War. I therefore know as a fact from personal interaction with them what they really thought, what they really did and cooperated with, and how they and their interests handsomely profited from their choice to support or to remain silent.
This should not be permitted to happen with the present "overwhelming atrocity." Being dead wrong on the morality of an act of organized mass murder should disenfranchise a person from even being considered as a candidate to lead people in the Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque or the State in matters of serious moral import. If a person cannot morally see murder when it is mass murder, or worse, if he or she sees it and justifies it or ignores it, they should be spiritually and humanly disqualified from telling other people what to do and from being given access to means of coercion (physical, psychological or spiritual) by which to force other people to do what they want them to do. Read More
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