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 Diego Garcia Coverup6 comments
" The invasion of Iraq, which began one year ago today, was "organised with lies," says the new Spanish Prime Minister. Does anyone doubt this any more?

And yet these proven lies are still dominant in Australia. Day after day, their perpetrators seek to obfuscate and justify an unprovoked, illegal attack that killed up to 55,000 people, including at least 10,000 civilians; that every month causes the death and injury of 1000 children from exploding cluster bombs; that has so saturated Iraqi towns and cities with uranium that American and British soldiers are warned not to go where Iraqi children play, for fear of contamination.

Set that carnage against the Madrid atrocity. Terrible though that act of terrorism was, it was small compared with the terrorism of the American-led "coalition." Yes, terrorism. How strange it reads when it describes the actions of "our" governments. So saturated are we in the West in the devilry of Third World tyrants (most of them the products of Western imperialism) that we have lost all sense of the enormous crime committed in our name.

This is not rhetoric. In 1946, the judges who tried the German leadership at Nuremberg called the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country "the supreme international war crime." That principle guided more than half a century of international law, until Bush and Blair and Howard tore it up, covering their actions with a litany of lies.

On February 4 last year, in a speech lasting less than an hour, John Howard referred more than 30 times to the "threat" posed by Saddam Hussein. He offered authoritative detail: that Iraq's "arsenal of chemical and biological weapons (was) intact" and was a "massive program." All of this was false.

Ray McGovern, one of the CIA's most senior analysts and a personal friend of George Bush snr, told me: "It was 95 per cent charade. And they all knew it: Bush, Blair, Howard."

The true danger is where a rampant superpower will strike next: watch out Korea, Syria, Iran, even China." --- "The Crime Committed in Our Name" -- by John Pilger  Read More

During October–November 2006, the writer gave presentations at workshops and seminars across India that had been convened to address the existential crises facing humanity. Sponsors and venues included Prakrit Bharati Academy and Kapil Smarak Samiti, Jaipur; Friends of Gandhi Museum, Pune; Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi; and World Buddhist Cultural Foundation, Varanasi. The following introduction is the first in a short series of condensations.

These presentations across India express three main themes:

A call to people of the world to generate an evolutionary quantum leap into a higher consciousness of nonviolence in order that we may survive as a species. This call is for a revolution from fear to love, from greed to generosity, from cruelty to compassion, from deceit to truth, from dependence to self-reliance, from war to peace, from corporate enslavement to individual liberty.

An appeal to India to help raise humanity to a more sacred destiny – not as a nation state, but as a people – to guide mankind to that spiritual unity which alone can bring peace on earth.

The story of one man’s quest for individual moral sovereignty in a world of institutionalized structural violence imposed by the corporate warfare state. This struggle – within himself as well as with powers that be – led him to renunciation of and severance from his native land. He lives in India in self-imposed exile.

As a US citizen, he remains subject to the tyrannical power of the USA Patriot Acts and the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Publication of these seminars places the author at personal risk. He could be put on some government watch list or no-fly list. He could be jailed indefinitely, without charges and without right of habeas corpus. He dares not return to American soil.  Read More

 VATUTINKI6 comments
Ghost Leader:

It has come to our attention that there are moles everywhere in the field. Ded_Pen full of little piggies. Squirrel Cages full of Neutron Bombs. Suit-cases from the 12th GUMO being sold on the open market to the highest bidder. YAKUZA anyone?

So, what goes on in Washington is really no business of ours. The Republik died before 1913, in effect it was really just 'still born' the rest being 'up to us.'

Having been 'Ghosted' by the high command it is my honor to inform you that a rose is not always a rose... please take a peek around this info_tel and give me a KU-BARK over at the NCN-CVN...thanks.  Read More

 SPAWAR 8-C3 comments
Mission Into Time
Sluicing with crew
on Corozal River
'37 P.R.

Prior Assessment Run Down
Joint Warfighter
Assembling an AoA team that has the required breadth of technical expertise and works well together is the key to a successful acquisition strategy. Rick Flanagan, chief engineer at MITRE's Naval Combat Systems C3 Engineering department in the Washington Communications, Command, and Control group, was the study director for the AoA team. "About 25 people from different organizations worked together to evaluate various technologies for performance, cost, and risk," says Flanagan. "In addition to MITRE, team members came from another Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), the Center for Naval Analyses, and a University Affiliated Research Center, the Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory. Other members came from the Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, and China Lake, California, and the Space and Naval Warfare [SPAWAR] Systems Center, San Diego." The U.S. Air Force also participated, providing information on the Global Hawk and Predator UAVs.  Read More

 Secrets Kill Freedom12 comments
Sharks In The Water

Awakening from one state and into another, by whatever means we use to justify it to ourselves, is nothing but one more step on the ladder of illusion called our own universe. You see, we have no universe to begin with other than the one we imagine for ourselves. Some call this a viewpoint from which to view and others call it thinking, either way it's an imaginary journey down an imaginary road.

Reality is beyond conception and so in trying to hold onto it, we become that much more entangled in our own web of deceit. Trying as we do, all that is accomplished is further fixation in our solution of survival. Survival of what? Survival of our imagination? What else is there to survive than the viewpoint we so lovingly embrace?

If that's not being stuck on a viewpoint, then there is no such thing.

Of course, there is no such thing anyway, but that doesn't stop us from taking our full due from the rest of the pack of viewpoints we so cleverly foment. Trickery and deceit lie firmly and finally with ourselves. Wholly and completely. There is no other answer out there and no matter how hard we try to shun our responsibility, life seems to continuously remind us of it day in and day out. Living can be hell can it not?

Breaking free of ourselves, breaking free of our viewpoints takes an ability of astounding proportions - at least in appearance, anyway. As we hold these viewpoints in the utmost regard, we challenge all comers quite seriously, defending to the end our right and rights to whatever it is that we have attached to our selves at the moment. It seems that our cleverness never ceases to amaze us.

Diving into our universe, we come up with exactly what it is that we immersed ourselves for and no matter the obstacles which we place before us, we relish each and every opportunity to out do ourselves. Our pride and skill know no bounds because we are both the bounds and the bounded.

Looking out into the oasis called life, we see ourselves in the most finest dress. Firmly detached we pretend that our environment has nothing to do with ourselves. The universe is at our beck and call because as the Masters of it All, we rule - completely. With a viewpoint like that is it any wonder that our thoughts continue to run away with ourselves.

Viewpoints can and do become sentient.

If that goes beyond credibility, try reversing the viewpoint you have now - for real. Most likely you will be fully fixated in the one that you are in now. So much so that you will have made your self unable to change. Wishing or imagining it don't count.

Those viewpoints... They can be a killer.  Read More

 Starlight Starflight...6 comments
A Poem
Epitath of the dark ones ....

Those who enslaved you for uncountable years
And gave you all your ills and fears
They made you into mice from men
And fixed it so you could not win

Their scenarios and plans have all come asunder
And to us it has come as no great wonder
For they dared to touch a man of life
And not him only but his son and wife.

The evil they wove wears no more
It's a shoddy coat of blood and gore.

The game is over, you black souls and implanters
Ye mystics and monitors and mind bending enchanters

You vanish with your master in a blaze of light
Xenu is exiled and out of the fight
Never again shall black magic hold sway
The spirits of truth have won the day

So tell your sons that they are free
And the game is fun as it used to be
A new Civilization is now on the way
Thanks to the inexorable spirit of Elron Elray.

Astar Paramejgian

5 Jan 86  Read More

 Bush & al-Hakim6 comments
SEAL 1 Emerge (IT has begun)

SEAL 4 Close the Door...

SEAL 5 You're still alive...

SEAL 2 Don't be blue...

SEAL 7 Locks made in heaven...

SEAL 8 Don't be late...

SEAL 9 You're all mine...

NOTS China Lake
The White House
White Rabbit

Aegis Prime
AE-24  Read More

 Quid Pro Quo?2 comments
"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience…therefore [individual citizens] have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." : Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950

"Some explanations of a crime are not explanations: they’re part of the crime.": Olavo de Cavarlho

"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics

"It would be some time before I fully realized that the United States sees little need for diplomacy. Power is enough. Only the weak rely on diplomacy ... The Roman Empire had no need for diplomacy. Nor does the United States." : Boutros Boutros-Ghali


We are under siege by a system gone mad, an economic system gone berserk, unaccountable to anyone and responsible to nothing because this system has no rules. It can do anything it wants to anyone.


From the Frying Pan into the Red Mud

By John Maxwell

12/04/06 "Jamaica Observer" -- -- We are all Maroons now, whether we know it or not, wherever we are on the face of the Earth, whoever we are, black, white or in-between, male or female, human, as long as we are alive, animal or vegetable, on land or in the sea or the air, our very existence is under attack.

If we want to survive we have to take action. We need to resist the destruction of our own and our planet's integrity, resist degradation and deformity and protect ourselves from extinction.

We are under siege by a system gone mad, an economic system gone berserk, unaccountable to anyone and responsible to nothing because this system has no rules. It can do anything it wants to anyone, any living organism.

It is destroying oceans, mountains and entire ecosystems, and with giant dams, even slowing the revolution of the Earth. It destroys everything in its way, creating deserts out of fertile land, submerging low-lying lands, poisoning the air we breathe, altering weather systems in unpredictable ways and producing more destructive hurricanes and typhoons, even slowing down the mighty Gulf Stream itself, destroying the ice-cover at the North Pole, breaking up the ice continent of Antarctica into icebergs bigger than Jamaica and threatening life itself everywhere on Earth.

It is a system described by George Soros, one of the world's richest men, as "Gangster Capitalism".
On the world stage it calls itself 'globalisation'. On the local stage, everywhere, its adherents call it 'Development'.
In this system, everything and everyone is for sale. Human dignity itself becomes a marketable commodity, affordable to those with enough money to buy themselves a little time.  Read More

 Legal Opinion:0 comments
Legal Opinion:

Criminal Presidents and the

Law of the Opium Republic

By Dr. jur. Stefan Grossmann

[link] /



1. The is a legal opinion based on my studies since the year 1990 of the laws and legal history of criminal prosecution in the United States of America. This is not written in the intention to slander, but it is written in the intention of describing the legal situation concerning the prosecution respectively non-prosecution of criminal presidents.

2. The term „criminal presidents” applies to the U.S. presidents nr. 41, 42 and 43 (George H. W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush) due to numerous reports of their alleged crimes. The term „opium republic” is applied to the U.S.A. in an effort to avoid the cliché „banana republic”.

3. Specifically, the history of narcotics trade is intertwined with the history of the British Empire and its successor empire (Niall Ferguson), the American Empire. For the American empire, the basis of black finances in the narcotics trade is the subject of numerous learned books, reports and articles with undisputed and undenied detailed content, for example:

? McCoy, Alfred W., The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, 2003 (history of secret drug wars and trade; with large bibliography)

? Stich, Rodney, Drugging America; and other books, at


As a result of these books and the numerous reports incorporated in them, we may suspect that George H. W. Bush has been for decades the world’s top drug lord and his successors in the office of president, Clinton and Bush Jr. are officers in the line of command of what some call the „Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate”. In this line of thought, the possibly unelected President-Pretender in the White House is the grandson of a Hitler financier (Prescott Bush Sr.) and the son of the world’s top drug lord.  Read More

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