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 Shifting Gears Kosmikally0 comments
Halliburton Charged With Selling Nuclear Technology to Iran.

Halliburton, the notorious U.S. energy company, sold key nuclear-reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005, using offshore subsidiaries to circumvent U.S. sanctions. The story is particularly juicy because Vice President Dick Cheney, who now claims to want to stop Iran from getting nukes, was president of Halliburton in the mid-1990s, at which time he may have advocated business dealings with Iran, in violation of U.S. law.

Source: "Halliburton Secretly Doing Business with Key Member of Iran's Nuclear Team," Jason Leopold,, Aug. 5, 2005.


Don't forget that Richard Cheney started out as a lineman.  Read More

 Constitutional America?0 comments
The following article by Joseph Sobran I deem to be timely and relevant in lieu of the current situation in America. The Oligarchy that thinks they 'rule' this country must be addressed
in terms that they 'can' understand.

The beast in Washed out D.C. is not our Government. The article is a little old by contemporary reckoning yet timeless in what it espouses.


Can we restore the Constitution and recover our freedom? I have no doubt that we can. Like all great reforms, it will take an intelligent, determined effort by many people. I don't want to sow false optimism.

But the time is ripe for a constitutional counterrevolution.

Discontent with the ruling system, as the 1992 Perot vote showed, is deep and widespread among several classes of people: Christians, conservatives, gun owners, taxpayers, and simple believers in honest government all have their reasons.

The rulers lack legitimacy and don't believe in their own power strongly enough to defend it.

The beauty of it is that the people don't have to invent a new system of government in order to get rid of this one. They only have to restore the one described in the Constitution — the system our government already professes to be upholding.

Taken seriously, the Constitution would pose a serious threat to our form of government.

And for just that reason, the ruling parties will be finished as soon as the American people rediscover and awaken their dormant Constitution...  Read More

 Operation Ajax4 comments
Hello people! Here I am once again philanderpustering with an articule which means something to me and to a lot of other people too.

Some of that "history that you missed" while you were serving time in that 'joint' some call education and its' various institutes. (Education is an individual process which doesn't stop or start inside some stinking Government bot factory!)

Please take a look at this article and widen your perspectives as to who or what is behind the present 'conflict' in the so called 'middle east.' Middle and east of who?

Who, what, when, where, why and how?

There is certainly much more than meets the eye going on over there. One might consider just who are the players involved.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and... Commerce.

As Kissinger once said concerning the same war --- only, way back then: "Let them kill one another."---H.Kissinger

For thousands of years these people have been murdering and killing one another and expecting the rest of the world (unbelievers) to cater to their insanities!

Read their Holy Books. You'll soon begin to discover the very source of the problem.  Read More

 Oracular Red Head6 comments
Here's a bunch of 'stuff' related to our ongoing struggle against the Leviatan "State."

After the recent ''election farce'' I deem it ever more important to get your P's and Q's in order (P-Kelt, Q-Kelt).

So to that end here is a collection of pithyness for your review...

In lieu of the Government sanctioned 'holi-day (Holly Day); and the ever increasing 'attacks on freedom and liberty' instantiated by the Corporate Fascist ''State'' under the guise of ''The War on Terror (aka: The War on Freedom) I think it time for all good 'human beings' to come to the aid of their individual souls lest they lose them forever to the Fascist State.

While I write this, the U.S. Government actively is debasing the dollar, waging war against people who were not at war with us, arresting people and falsely charging them with crimes, blocking mutually beneficial economic exchanges, making it more difficult to produce and sell goods (and then condemning producers for not producing enough), and then propagandizing us in saying that the government is the only thing that gives our lives meaning.

While we think of the Pilgrims celebrating a successful harvest in 1621, Thanksgiving as an official government-sponsored holiday came to this country via the presidency of Abraham Lincoln in 1863. While armies under his command were destroying the harvests of the southern states, burning houses and forcing families to face the winter without food and shelter, and generally plundering and pillaging, he declared an official day of "Thanksgiving."

The next president to further make Thanksgiving a government-sponsored holiday was Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939. Thus, two of the presidents who were most active in destroying the liberties and social fabric of this country were at the forefront of telling everyone else how thankful they should be.

[link]  Read More

 Bush's Defeated Foe:3 comments
The following excerpt from a longer article, follow the link, makes a good point. I hope you'll all read the greater article and ship some comments as to your own thoughts, if you can still think, on these important matters.

Of course the writer of the article doesn't seem to be aware that there are many of us out here who have been telling 'the people' for years and years and years just what has been done to 'the people' by the Corporate usurpers of the original plan.

We are a nation of Sovereigns without subjects. Guaranteed a Republican form of Government by?  Read More

 HOAX of DEMOCRACY12 comments
There is easily as much myth, illusion, and deceit built into the concepts of democracy as there is with the myth of equitable prosperity. Democracy, and American democracy in particular, is certainly not as cut and dried as it may superficially appear.

Trojan Democracy To begin with, it would do well to keep in mind that Greek democracy, after which the Western democracies were patterned, ran on slave labor! Most of the mundane work of Greek society was carried out by a large work force of slaves, who like the Feudal serfs and the early American black slaves, exerted virtually no influence over their masters. Additionally, the majority of the Greek population, comprised collectively of the slaves, plus the Greek women, were prohibited from voting! So, in the sense that Americans use the word democracy, Greece did not have a democracy because much less than half the population voted.

Be wary of capitalists bearing democracy.

Unfortunately, nowadays most Americans have been programmed into simply equating democracy with voting. In reality, the ballot box does not automatically ensure democracy. On the contrary, it can also be used as a tool to defeat the will of the majority.  Read More

 Hobbesian Terror Machine14 comments
It just never ceases to amaze me how the neo-con harpies invoke the likes of David Aaronovitch as anything other than a neo-con kvetch!

In a recent article "No Excuses For Terror," at Orca, an NCN newslog, this old red hat is all but eulogized by one of NCNs' own harpies as being rather ''right on" in his attitudes concerning Iraq, terror, hasty pudding, Israel, rightness, wrongness, baloney sandwitches...

Of course completely destroying one country after another so you can, uh, rebuild it in your own image, whilst out and out murdering all that 'collateral (mostly women and children and old men)' is OK!

That's not terror--- not at all! That's jolly old Saint Nick bearing gifts and tidings of joy which is why all those wonderful pretty girls came out with flowers to greet the liberators singing hosannah in the highest, peace and goodwill on earth towards men! Indeed...

I'd like to offer an oldie but goodie by Justin Raimondo of in juxtaposition to that plaintive neo-con bit of jestery and let's see how that Orca might sing another tune of invected parapluitical nonsense...

Onwards X-tian soldiers and Yehudic whatevers, onwards to Teheran to kill some more, to maim some more, to rape some more women and children and old men, and dogs and donkeys and, and...

We'll blame it all on those horrible anti-semites! Hip, hip...


Commissar Aaronovitch
Ex-commie takes aim at – and misses

They don't have neocons in Britain: over there, they're called Blairites, or New Labourites. But it's essentially the same thing: they love the State, they love themselves, and, most of all, they love war – in the name of idealism, you understand, which, in Blairite circles, amounts to what passes these days for "humanitarian" interventionism. In any case, I suppose it was inevitable that the British wing of the species would one day deign to notice's existence – and in the same vehemently uncomplimentary vein as their American cousins – but David Aaronovitch, writing in the Guardian, doesn't even come close to matching the virulence of our very own Davids – Frum, Horowitz, take your pick. I expected rather more from the author of a book entitled Arson, Rape, and Bloody Murder.
 Read More

 Pattern Recognition5 comments
"Persistent survellance and
information exploitation to sense
monitor and control the battlespace."



In one of my favorite movies, Absence of Malice, in its most memorable scene, Wilford Brimley established his movie career as James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General. In a series of masterful lines of dialog, Brimley spoke these memorable words.

I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna sit here and talk about it. If you get tired of talking here, Mr Elving Patrick there will hand you a subpoena and we'll go talk in front of the grand jury. We'll talk all day if you want to. . . . Wonderful thing, a subpoena.

Come January, depending on what happens in November, there are going to be subpoenas. There will be a whole lot of subpoenas. If the witnesses catch the attention of Brian Williams, Katie Couric, and Charles what's-his-name, we are going to have an old-fashioned Texas bar-b-que. It is going to last for at least two years.

Y'all come! --- Gary North

Gary North Archives:


One of the most insightful of the Antifederalists was Robert Yates, a New York judge who, as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, withdrew because the convention was exceeding its instructions. Yates wrote as Brutus in the debates over the Constitution. Given his experience as a judge, his claim that the Supreme Court would become a source of almost unlimited federal over-reaching was particularly insightful.

Brutus asserted that the Supreme Court envisioned under the Constitution would become a source of massive abuse because they were beyond the control "both of the people and the legislature," and not subject to being "corrected by any power above them." As a result, he objected to the fact that its provisions justifying the removal of judges didn't include making rulings that went beyond their constitutional authority, which would lead to judicial tyranny.

He further warned that the new government would not be restricted in its taxing power, and that the legislatures war power was highly dangerous: "the power in the federal legislative, to raise and support armies at pleasure, as well in peace as in war, and their controul over the militia, tend, not only to a consolidation of the government, but the destruction of liberty."

He also objected to the very notion that a republican form of government can work well over such a vast territory, even the relatively small terrority as compared with today's US:

History furnishes no example of a free republic anything like the extent of the United States. The Grecian republics were of small extent; so also was that of the Romans. Both of these, it is true, in process of time, extended their conquests over large territories of country; and the consequence was, that their governments were changed from that of free governments to those of the most tyrannical that ever existed in the world

Gary M. Galles is a professor of economics at Pepperdine University. See his archive ([link]) . Discuss this article on the blog ([link]) .  Read More

 American Education?!9 comments
And so it was...
And so it is...
And so it will be...

Forever and ever and ever...

World without end?  Read More

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