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 Valley of Wolves6 comments
Ratio legis est anima legis. - The reason of the law is the soul of the law.

Newsletters -


“The price of eternal vigilance is eternal education.” Chris Hansen


"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." -- James Madison (Letter to W.T. Barry, August 4, 1822)


How the Republic was corrupted

[link]  Read More

 Eye to Eye5 comments
I'm terrorized in my own land
And the blame is put on me.

But I will not rest, I shall never settle
For the injustice my people endure.
Palestine is OUR land and there we'll remain
Until the day OUR homeland is secure.

And if that time shall never come,
Then we will never see a day of peace.
I will not be thrown from my own home,
Nor will fight for justice cease.  Read More

 The Hell-Fire Club6 comments
Since one of our glorious ''founding fathers'' belonged to this ''notorious club'' I thought it rudimentary if not sedentary to introduce you to it through the eyes of those who wish to see us weep and bend the knee, and even howl, in submission to their jest at life.

Being an initiate of those ancient rites, a Templar, a master of the temple, and an ardent admirer of one Frater Perdurabo I deemed it contemporary and in good taste to let you peek beneith that which is forever veiled, shrouded, mysterious to all but those who know the worth.

I daresay that this information was not given ye in ''school'' at any ''grade.'' Too bad... for with it comes something of a deeper understanding of how our two Nations shod the clod...

"Fay ce que voudras" simply is not the same thing as "Do what THOU wilt!" ;)

Have fun, then, quilting
With Mary of Walsingame...  Read More

 Republicrat Cronyism...3 comments
I hear -- is dead. Yet... the beat goes on. Darfur, Somalia, and a dozen other 'hot spots' outside the immediate 'middle east.' Who invented all this consternation anyway?  Read More

 Americas' Destiny?5 comments
As the Corporate Fictions (color of law) of Amerika destroy our world under the tutelage of the international bankers I must rethink my position again and again and again.

I grew up in this nation (a ''legal fiction") and from the earliest I can remember all it did, parents, peers, etc., was make me ashamed and sick that I was being labelled an American, too, one of them.

I don't consider my self anything close to what this polyglot nation stands for. Murder, tyranny, death and genocide on a scale never dreamt of by the world societies' worst dictators.

I have no illusions that this will change. I have no illusions about there being any kind of freedom and/or justice in this sad country for anyone other than the most hardened plutocrat.

Nor do I feel that there is really anything that we can do about it. Maybe praying to some 'Cosmotyrannocrat-god' might help some... if you know the real meaning of the word 'pray.'

Revolting, hardcore, against the tyranny with any or all of their petty instruments of war, paper or otherwise, is to play into the hands of what I now consider to be worse than any insane and ravenous 'beast.'

The obvious answer, a real soul-u-tion, would be for the people (who the **** are they?) to wrest the power away from the scum in the Whitehouse that are prevailing in their deceit, lies and perfidy, but that won't change things one iota!

The ''people (human?)" that are there aren't in control at all. They are lackeys who jump at command regardless of all their pretense at championing fictions like 'demo-cracy!'

Ask the man or woman in the street about things like the difference between a re-public and a demo-cracy and you'll, nine out of ten times, get a blank stare (stare decisis?) and a mumble or two about... well, ah, I dunno or...

I'm totally fed up with all the charades, the pretense at being other than the criminals that the unwashed masses really are for supporting such mind games and charades.

A republic is a system of guidance based on the rule of law. A democracy is based on 'votes.' As anyone with an ounce of perception can see...

the so called 'vote' is fixed, always has been, in this country; as all the behind the scenes "players" buy up this and that Media mogel and or politico that their venemous and deceitful messages might be memetically printed on the minds and very spirits of the fools whom they portend to 'lead!' We the People (copyrighted by fedcorps)? Ha!

Is it any different elsewhere? Sure, more death, murder, enslavement, theft, carnage, of human beings (chattel), for profit. The fiends behind the facade are well known... their names are known! Why, then, is'nt anything concrete being done about them?

The following is an article I hope will be of interest to any and all who want a better way... knowing that it will have to be created from within each and everyone of us who see through the sham scam illusion these wretches are peddling...

Be they frothy mouthed Demon-crat or mealy mouthed Republiscum... or a newly elected E-pis-co-pal-ian Bishopress who just happens to be a woe unto you man...

I guess the liars feel that they had better get the 'happy ones' on their side now to fill up their empty pews. P U! As if that will help them.

"Forgive them, El Elion, for they know not what they do?"--- A dupe

Baloney! For...

They know perfectly well what they do! The final solution? Maybe we should employ a few of their own on them?  Read More

 Our Deepest Fear4 comments
Dear friends,

"Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson (often mistakenly cited as a Nelson Mandela quote) and a poem titled "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer are two of the most inspiring writings available. Even if you've read them before, read them slowly now and breath this inspiring wisdom into the depths of your soul. Consider also sharing this highly inspirational quote and poem with your friends and colleagues.

With heartfelt love and best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and the Team
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton  Read More

 The Final Revolution5 comments
About Voice Stress Analysis

Voice Stress Analysis is a type of lie detector which measures stress in a person's voice. That makes it recordable, and means it can be used on tape recordings older than VSA technology itself is.

The use of Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) as a lie detector became popular in the
late 1970s and 80s. Today, American employees are protected from VSA in the
[ Employee Polygraph Protection Act ], and police recruits must submit to VSA
verification of statements made on the employment application according to the
[ California Highway Patrol ] and [ Palm Beach Police Department ] web sites.

On the web site of the [ Missouri State Fire Marshal ] this quote is found:

Several Division investigators are also trained in the operation of Computerized Voice Stress Analysis equipment. This equipment has proven to be invaluable during follow-up investigations.

These official web sites, and many more not listed here, argue that important people
in law enforcement believe VSA works well. On the other side of the argument is the
[ Department of Defense's Official 1996 Position Statement on VSA ], which states that it doesn't work at all, according to their studies. Hmmm...

The California Penal Code 637.3 includes this:

(a) No person or entity in this State shall use any system which examines or records in any manner voice prints or voice stress patterns of another person to determine the truth or falsity of statements made by such person without his or her express written consent given in advance of the examination or recordation.

There two other smaller sections, one giving police the right to do this without anyones permission, and the other is the fine of $1,000 or actual damages.

This law makes it illegal for anyone in California, except for law enforcement officials and foreign diplomats (immunity), to use VSA devices on radio or TV programs. Try getting President Clinton's (Bush's) written consent!  Read More

 Santa Claus' Communism3 comments
Money freedom is a new cause in human progress.

As the power of monarchs waned, the emphasis of who was betrayed gradually moved to the idea that the entire population of a country was an entity in itself and betrayal of that entity amounted to treason. The shift from monarch to people was completed with the advent of the formally democratic state, where, in theory at least, the general population became the sovereign.

Of what does treason consist in the formally democratic nation state? Generally it must be the conscious decision to act in a way which will weaken the integrity of the nation state. Betrayal in the old manner of spying or acting otherwise for an enemy in war is still part of that. The overthrow of a government by undemocratic means might seem to be treasonable by definition, but that begs the question of whether the formally democratic state is operating in a manner to deny meaningful political participation to the masses or whether those in power are behaving in a treasonable manner.

If either of the latter conditions apply, the overthrow of a dictatorship in democratic clothing or a treasonable government might well be considered the very reverse of treasonable, provided, of course, that those who enact the overthrow then instigate a political system which does not have those failings nor attempt an overt dictatorship.

The Surprise Weapon


A Non-Political Money System

By E. C. Riegel, 1944.

To put money power into the hands of the people and maintain constant buying.
To maintain a constant price level and prevent inflation and deflation.
To preserve and perfect private enterprise.
To avert financial collapse and economic chaos.
To provide a world currency and preserve peace.

[link]  Read More

 PRESUMPTION4 comments
It’s the Name of the Game
by Jesse Enloe

Presumption is a word that we must understand in today’s world. In fact, it is imperative that we understand it and how the "government" and its "courts" use the principle of presumption against the people.

Presumption, as used in law, is a conclusion derived from a particular set of facts based on law, rather than probable reasoning. It is a rule of law which permits a court to assume a fact is true until such time as there is a preponderance (greater weight) of evidence, which disproves or outweighs (rebuts) the presumption. Each presumption is based upon a particular set of apparent facts paired with established laws, logic or reasoning.

A presumption is rebuttable in that it can be refuted by factual evidence. One can present facts to persuade the judge that the presumption is not true. Examples: a child born of a husband and wife living together is presumed to be the natural child of the husband unless there is conclusive proof it is not; a person who has disappeared and not been heard from for seven years is presumed to be dead, but the presumption could be rebutted if he/she is found alive; an accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty [at least that’s the way it used to be]. These are sometimes called rebuttable presumptions to distinguish them from absolute, conclusive or irrebuttable presumptions in which rules of law and logic dictate that there is no possible way the presumption can be disproved. However, if a fact is absolute it is not truly a presumption at all, but a certainty.

Once a presumption is relied on by one party, however, the other party is normally allowed to offer evidence to disprove (rebut) the presumption. The presumption is known as a rebuttable presumption. In essence, then, what a presumption really does is place the obligation of presenting evidence concerning a particular fact on a particular party. [Emphasis added; my comments in brackets.]

The above statements regarding presumption are taken from various law dictionaries and show us how presumption is defined in the law and understood by the courts. To continue this discussion we must look at the nature of the "government" and the courts today and then look at the actual presumptions they rely upon regarding the people.  Read More

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