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 Hypatia10 comments
Went to church tonight (CoV) and was mucking around at our 'wiki' when much to my surprise I dis-covered a reference to my favorite Lady of renown.

I don't have any way of knowing how many here, at NCN, are familiar with her story or even care but to me she is greater than any virgin mother and for me she will always kindle joy and deep reverence for woman in my heart of hearts.

That may not mean a lot to you, I understand...

But hopefully at least a few will read herein of her then google hack the way back into that era of disgrace and find her shining eternity therein and maybe be inspired beyond this witless, senseless, world of modern hypocrisy.

WikiWikiWeb is real therefore I am not...  Read More

 9/11 In Context5 comments
9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans
by Max Kolskegg

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades
of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its
coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

It is time to have a hard, clear-eyed look at our situation here in this post-September 11 "brave new world order", on the brink of a huge conflagration in the Middle East, with endless war beyond. The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call. So now let's face the facts. No more self-delusion, no more easy roads. The reality is plain as day, and so therefore is our task.

The rapidly-building worldwide anticapitalist movement (called the "antiglobalization movement" by its enemies both right and left) has forced the planners of capital's predations to abandon all caution and launch, through provocation, a new phase of the global class war. The worldwide revolt against capitalism and the state, increasing inexorably year by year over the last decade, and exemplified most visibly in Seattle, Prague and Genoa, added a final intolerable pressure to the already dismal condition of world capitalism. With profits collapsing, ever-worsening environmental destruction, and looming resource (especially oil) depletion, capital's prospects were poor in any case. Add in mounting autonomous resistance throughout the world, highly conscious of the underlying cause of the planet's many agonies and who is responsible, and suddenly the whole structure is on the brink of collapse.  Read More

 Hacker Generations7 comments
Hacking Culture and the Hunger for Knowledge

Hacker Generations
By Richard Thieme

This article was published simultaneously in the program for Def Con 11 (August 2003), on the hactivismo and Linux World (Australia) web sites, and in the Dutch information security magazine Informatiebeveiliging which is published by Genootschap voor Informatiebeveiligers, an infosec association based in the Netherlands.

Of course I ripped it for you so there is no harm in that, eh? Come on in and feel the deliciousness of 'stolen binary bits.'

Copy lifted/lefted by et moi para su boo boo.

En-Joy!  Read More

 THE LAW5 comments
The Law
[Editor's Note - This section is not intended to give the reader the tools to fully understand the scope and nature of the laws under which the states and the federal government operate. That goal takes years to achieve and I doubt any single resource could make a significant contribution to that end. This section is intended as a "wake-up call" concerning the idiosyncrasies and complexities of the law so that when you come in contact with "law", you are not immediately overwhelmed, and that you have some understanding of the issues you may be facing.]  Read More

 Mugabe's Chinese Puzzle2 comments
Sunday Times SA

'Mugabe's Chinese puzzle'

Thursday July 14, 2005 07:19 - (SA)

By Donwald Pressly

Outspoken Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bulawayo Pius Ncube has released a document which suggests that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's recent attack on the informal sector in his country has a hidden motive - to expand mainland Chinese interests in his country.  Read More

 WHAT IS LAW7 comments
The author consents to republication of this article as long as it not altered or edited. It should not be cited as authority since authority begins with the sovereign reading the article.

Law Is A Practice Without License

I recently attended the memorial service of a man I have held in high regard for some time. His name was Richard Oakes and he was what many would hail as the founding father of Hamline University School of Law. I loved Professor Oakes as a teacher and a mentor. I had the good fortune to study under him, share with him a bit of my life and learn a bit from his. While I drew many lessons from him there is one thing he said in class on a particular spring day, which has remained with me always. It is his words I often borrow for my own whenever I'm drinking coffee with other cops and one of them whines about the inefficiency of our criminal justice system, as did one student in our Criminal Procedure Class, that day back in the spring of 1993. Professor Oakes smiled and responded,

"If you seek efficiency in a criminal justice system, look no further than Nazi Germany. The Gestapo was one of the most efficient law enforcement agencies of the twentieth century. Our nation, on the other hand, was founded on a underlying conflict between the concept of security and the concept of liberty. The principle our system stands for is that the importance of liberty must always be placed above security."

 Read More

 Dying With Dignity39 comments
Just as I select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage or my house when I propose to take a residence, so shall I choose my death when I am about to depart from life. Seneca

Many of the most beautiful and meaningful facets of life are the way they are because they are ephemeral. When I was a student in college, often before I went to bed I would listen to Beethoven’s Ninth. There was a chord in the final movement that for me lifted the entire piece to an ecstatic plane. Every time I listened, I anticipated that one chord. It lasted approximately seven seconds, and I always wished the feelings I was experiencing would never end. However, one evening I asked myself what it would be like to experience that chord forever. It was then I realized if the chord were made eternal I would develop a hatred for it. I wouldn’t be able to bear listening to that chord for a day, an hour, minute or even one more measure. The chord was beautiful and meaningful because of its brief but essential relation to the entire piece. It was beautiful and meaningful because of its finitude.
So many of us live our lives striving for the infinite, for our own immortality. We refuse to acknowledge our own passing placement in the web of life, and in doing so we fail to see our own beauty. It has become our mission to forestall death. Everyday we exercise, eat right, take our vitamins in an attempt to suspend the inevitable. However, the fact remains that in the final analysis there is always death. Even people who have accepted this fact often forget their death can be controlled. We can rightfully be concerned with how and when we die. Today we have a responsibility to reconstruct our understandings of death which have been vitiated by denial and fear. To live full, meaningful lives we must embrace our mortality. We must learn to control our dying that we can die well.

Chad Clouse  Read More

Congressional Record -- House June 13, 1967 H7161



(Mr. Rarick (at the request of Mr. Pryor) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the Record and to include extraneous matter.)

Mr. RARICK. Mr. Speaker, arrogantly ignoring clear-cut expressions in the Constitution of the United States, the declared intent of its drafters notwithstanding, our unelected Federal judges read out prohibitions of the Constitution of the United States by adopting the fuzzy haze of the 14th Amendment to legislate their personal ideas, prejudices, theories, guilt complexes, aims, and whims. Through the cooperation of intellectual educators, we have subjected ourselves to accept destructive use and meaning of words and phrases. We blindly accept new meanings and changed values to alter our traditional thoughts. We have tolerantly permitted the habitual misuse of words to serve as a vehicle to abandon our foundations and goals. Thus, the present use and expansion of the 14th Amendment is a sham--H7162 serving as a crutch and hoodwink to precipitate a quasi-legal approach for overthrow of the tender balances and protections of limitation found in the Constitution.

But, interestingly enough, the 14th Amendment--whether ratified or not--was but the expression of emotional outpouring of public sentiment following the War Between Our States. Its obvious purpose and intent was but to free human beings from ownership as a chattel by other humans. Its aim was no more than to free the slaves.

As our politically appointed Federal judiciary proceeds down their chosen path of chaotic departure from the peoples' government by substituting their personal law rationalized under the 14th Amendment, their actions and verbiage brand them and their team as secessionists--rebels with pens instead of guns--seeking to destroy our Union.

They must be stopped. Public opinion must be aroused. The Union must and shall be preserved. Mr. Speaker, I ask to include in the Record, following my remarks, House Concurrent Resolution 208 of the Louisiana Legislature urging this Congress to declare the 14th Amendment illegal. Also, I include in the Record an informative and well-annotated treatise on the illegality of the 14th Amendment--the play toy of our secessionist judges--which has been prepared by Judge Lander H. Perez, of Louisiana.

The material referred to follows:  Read More

 Involuntary Servitude9 comments
Have you unwittingly submitted yourself
to a life of servitude to Big Brother?
by Katman

All rights reserved explicitly without prejudice

UCC 1-103, 1-105, 1-207.

Transmitted to you by:

Vaxen-Var: Stormulf  Read More

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