Unique Readers:
EXM - 28
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
Editor's note: This posting is very long, maybe 40 pages or so. I have broken it up into parts for distribution on the net, but it is supposed to be considered as a whole. Because it is so long, it would perhaps be better to read it in sections with some time to digest the first part before you go on to the next part.
The last part contains some significant tech that you can use on yourself and others, to make case gain or to prove to yourself there is case gain to be made. It is NOT standard Scientology Technology so be forewarned. However all of the concepts discussed in this posting including the tech concepts can be found in the works of LRH or other Free Zoners.
I suggest you squirrel this posting away, print it out at your leisure, and study it carefully to see if anything useful might be gleaned.
EXM - 28
>I was on lines at the San Diego Org from '73 to '84 and I saw a lot
>of changes take place from bad to worse to much improved. Several SPs
>were cleaned out, ethics, admin and tech gotten in. ^^^^^^^ ^^^
^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^
>> This terminology is interesting. Could you go into detail?
>no. he can't. scientology, like any other cult, uses loaded terms to
>keep their members from thinking.
LOADED TERM is a loaded term and so is CULT for that matter, and both are used by anti cult types to fog the matter.
So is SWAYED and BRAINWASHED, often used by parents of members of any group. In my experience those who use the term brainwashing the most, are not only trying to do the most brainwashing themselves, but have also been the most brainwashed.
Those who think that belief in past lives is brainwashing, have been brainwashed and have brainwashed others in between lives to think so.
> A destructive cult typically has its own "loaded language" of
> words and expressions.
And non destructive cults don't? Every specialized area on earth has a language of its own, the military, every science, every religion, EVERYTHING.
Is the science of human anatomy a destructive cult because it has a complex language of its own?
Does being a cult imply you have a specialized language?
Does having a specialized language imply you are a cult?
Cult is itself a loaded term used by the anti cultists, forgetting that cult comes from the word CULTURE, something these bozos should get a piece of.
>i doubt there is a single scientologist reading this group that could
>explain even these simple loaded terms. Hell, I couldn't even get a
>scientologist to explain 'pc' to me, and this was after i had read a
>number of scientology writings.
>hell, I dare any of you scientology weenies to try and explain either
>'pc' or the quoted loaded terms without using any scientology speak.
>bet you can't do it!
This is beneath contempt, I don't see how bragging about your own stupidity will help your cause any.
Anyhow just to see how low I can go, I undertake to win this bet.
1.) A PC is a Personal Computer upon which terminally dumb idiots write endless drivel because of their MIS UNDERSTOOD WORDS.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist that.
So we will take up each term in order, first defining it in its Scientology jargon, and then reducing it to normal language.
One of the reasons that so much new jargon had to be invented in Scientology is that the field of the human mind has been left to the Religion types and the Psychiatric types for so long that it is still in the dark ages relative to the other physical sciences.
Most people won't even admit to the existence of CONSCIOUSNESS as something real and different from their raw meat brains. They think that Spirits are something you drink. So of course there are no words to describe the various attributes of Spirit or Consciousness, or Spirits (THETANS).
This is not totally correct, because Eastern philosophy and even psychology have a rich language for studying the mind and the soul, its just not in good repute at the moment.
The problem is they never came up with a WORKABLE science of the mind or soul, so they never came up with a worthwhile language to describe it.
Workable means getting rid of all those psychosomatic disturbances in your body such as your eye glasses, your fat, your fear of death, your chronic injustices, your sinusitis, your colds, your headaches, your drug, nicotine, caffeine and aspirin addictions, your thumb sucking, your meat whacking, your nightmares, your daymares, your broken relationships, your cruelty, your lack of memory of your whole track, your guilt, your anger, your fear, your sorrow, your lack of goals, your lack of accomplishments, your despair etc.
Workable means after all the pig shit has been removed, you should be happy to be alive, happy to live forever (which you were going to do anyhow) and well aware of who you are, what you have done, how you got into this mess (of being a body) and how to not have it happen again until you should so wish.
Workable also means revitalizing your long lost original goals and basic purposes, the ones you had when you last felt good about life. Goals are things like 'To speak the Truth', 'To build a new Civilization', 'To do something worthwhile' etc.
Workable also means rehabilitating your art and ability to produce beauty for yourself and your friends. Along with this comes the realization that your life is itself and always has been, a master piece, a work of art, even though it does have its dark moments, like the ones you are living in now.
But Scientology does have other words that are not normal language,
ARC Breaks, a sudden sundering of A, R, C or U.
KRC Breaks, a sudden sundering of K, R, C, or L.
BDH Breaks, a sudden sundering of B, D, H, or E.
There are also terms like PRESENT TIME PROBLEM or PTP for short. A problem is defined as a situation where your goals or INTENTIONS are OPPOSED by someone else's goals or intentions. This is called an intention counter-intention situation. A counter intention is someone else's intention, but it is often used to mean someone else's intention that is opposed to your own. Others of course can have aligned intentions with your own - they agree with you and are fighting with you against those things that oppose you and your goals.
You can also have counter intentions to yourself. You can oppose yourself, and here in lies the magic of Scientology, because once all of the decisions of the being to oppose himself have been alleviated along the whole track, he expands out to a state of full OT. There is nothing holding him down but himself.
Thus helping a person comes down to mainly showing him how to untie his own knots, Gordian Knots though they may be.
The knots consist entirely of his goals and goals in opposition to his goals and the actions he took to deal with the problems these oppositions presented him.
Long term fights between opposing forces that never win and never lose form something in the mind called a GOALS PROBLEMS MASS, its a hunk of mental rock that sticks in your face and you make yourself sick with it, usually to get sympathy from those giving you no sympathy.
They also make you human and prevent you from being a full OT.
Your average Goals Problems Mass (GPM) has a subjective size of about a 10 story building and you are sitting square in the center of it with your body. You have many such GPM's of varying sizes, age and intensity. You have an earliest and most important one too. THAT's the one that Scientology is trying to clear up.
Scientology also has a lot to do with WITHHOLDS, those things that 1.) you have done which you regretted and are trying like hell to never do again, and 2.) those things that you have done or are doing that you don't want others to know about, including yourself.
A MISSED WITHHOLD is when someone ELSE does something that makes you wonder if they know about what you are trying to hide from them. Do they know, do they not know, I don't know! Its your wondering if they know or not, or even if they are just wondering.
An M/U is a misunderstood or not understood word, phrase or idea. For example until I defined M/U, it may have been a misunderstood for you. Worse is when people think they know the meaning of a word but they have it wrong, and the context in which it is used begins to not make sense, so they get foggy and cranky and yawny and they quit.
Ok, a PC is a PRE CLEAR, one who is not yet CLEAR.
A CLEAR is a thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards survival for self on the first dynamic.
You are a THETAN.
A thetan is you and me, we are NOT BODIES, we are IN bodies. A thetan is an awareness of awareness unit, a pride source, a being that is aware of being aware. An exterior thetan is a being who is out of his body. An Operating Thetan is one who has regained his full power over all matter energy space and time as regards survival on all 8 dynamics. They can materialize matter for others, they can move things without the use of a body, they can kill at a distance, they can read minds and they are a real danger to have around if you have anything less than honorable intentions about you.
There is a gradient scale that one progresses through from the human made of meat level, through the Scientology Grades, through the state of Clear, through the lower baby OT levels, up to the real OT levels above OT 8.
Each level or grade is an accomplishment of significance and has an exact End Phenomenon which means that once you attain that you get to go on to the next level.
The Scientology Bridge has been rearranged in recent years, but in general the levels of achievement and their End Phenomenon are as listed below. The term 'release' means that that section of the bank has been keyed out but not yet entirely erased which happens at Grade VII or Clear, but sometimes this can happen earlier.
The Scientology Bridge.
1.) Group Auditing Completion
Knows that Scientology works and should be continued.
2.) Life Repair
Awareness of Truth and the way to Personal Integrity and
Freedom. Check out 110.0 AWARENESS and 100.0 TRUTH on the
Expanded Emotional Tone Scale. ((EXM-3))
3.) Drug Rundown
Free from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and medicine
and free from the need to use them. This includes cigarettes.
4.) ARC Straightwire, Recall Release
Knows he or she won't get any worse. Straightwire refers to
drawing a straight wire directly from the pc to his memory.
5.) Dianetics Case Completion
A well and happy human being.
6.) Grade 0 Communication, Communications Release
Flow 1: Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any
Flow 2: Willing for others to communicate to him freely
on any subject.
Flow 3: Will permit others to communicate about anything to
others, no jealousy.
Flow 4: Willing to let himself in on anything, willing to
communicate to himself about anything.
The Church has never attained this state and never will.
7.) Grade I Problems, Problems Release
Flow 1: Ability to recognize the source of problems and make
them vanish.
Flow 2: Feels free about any problems others have with him and
recognize the source of them.
Flow 3: Feels free about other's problems with or about others
and can recognize the source of them.
Flow 4: No longer a problem to himself unless he wants to be.
'What distinguishes civilized Man as MAN is that he is mired into PROBLEMS which just get worse the more he "solves" them. The being who can recognize the actual source of problems and so see them vanish is too rare to be easily comprehended. Man solves his problems. A being in a higher state looks at them and they vanish. These are fantastic phenomena here...' -LRH
8.) Grade II Withholds, Relief Release
Freedom from the hostilities and sufferings of life.
Flow 1: Ability to be cause without fear of hurting others.
Flow 2: Is willing for others to be cause over him.
Flow 3: Is willing for others to be cause over others without
feeling the need to intervene.
Flow 4: Is willing to be cause over himself.
9.) Grade III ARC Breaks, Freedom Release
Freedom from the upsets of the past and ability to face
the future.
Flow 1: Ability to face the future. Ability to experience
sudden changes without getting upset.
Flow 2: Allows others the beingness to be the way they are
and to chose their own future; can also cause changes in
another's life with out ill effect.
Flow 3: Is willing for change and interplay to occur between
Flow 4: No longer upset with self.
10.) Grade IV Service Facsimiles, Ability Release
Moving out of fixed conditions and gaining abilities to
do new things.
Flow 1: Ability to do new things. Ability to face life
without need to justify own actions, defend self from others.
Can be right or wrong.
Flow 2: Can tolerate the fixed ideas and habits of others
towards self and does not feel the need to respond in a like
manner. No longer in need to make others guilty.
Flow 3: Can tolerate fixed conditions amongst others and
does not get involved by others efforts to justify, dominate
or be defensive about their actions against others.
Flow 4: No longer trying to win by losing.
11.) Expanded Dianetics, Evil Intentions
Freedom from cruel impulses and chronic unwanted conditions.
Able to act without restraint.
12.) Grade V, Power, Power Release
Ability to handle Power. Freedom from detested parts of the
track. No longer subject to Corruption, Temptation and
The Church has never attained this state and never will.
13.) Grade VA, Power, Power Plus Release
Recovery of Knowledge.
14.) Grade VI, Whole Track, Whole Track Release
Return of powers to act on own determinism. Freedom
from dramatization.
15.) Grade VII, Clear
Ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space
and time as regards survival for self on the first dynamic.
The End Phenomenon of the OT levels were at one time declassified, but are now considered confidential.
16.) OT I
Freedom from the inability to identify self in relation to
others, and the physical universe. They have regained the
ability to be extroverted, and attained the awareness of
one self as a thetan in relation to others and the physical
17.) OT II
Ability to confront and perceive the whole track with
immaculate perception and recall. Ability to see other beings
18.) OT III, Wall of Fire
No more Body Thetans. Freedom from overwhelm and a return
of full self determinism.
19.) OT IV
Awareness of Self as an Immortal Being. Stable
20.) OT V
Freedom from fixated introversion into the MEST universe and
refamiliarizes a thetan exterior with the physical universe.
21.) OT VI
Freedom to operate exterior, gains the ability to operate
fully as a thetan exterior in a pan-determined fashion,
and it also extends the influence of the thetan to the
universe of others. Pan-determined means able to control
and play both sides of a game.
22.) OT VII
Ability to project intention.
24.) OT VIII, Truth Revealed.
The ability to be at cause knowingly and at will over thought,
life, form, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and
objective. It is rare but it has been achieved.
25.) OT IX, Orders of Magnitude
26.) OT X, Character
27.) OT XI, Operating
28.) OT XII, Future
So that is the Scientology Bridge, something you should not dismiss out of hand, and you should watch out for people who do.
Let's get back to the definition of CLEAR. Read More
It will be sufficient to observe briefly, that the Sovereignties in Europe, and particularly in England, exist on feudal principles. That system considers the prince as the Sovereign, and the people as his subjects; it regards his person as the object of allegiance, and excludes the idea of his being on an equal footing with a subject, either in a court of justice or elsewhere. That system contemplates him as being the fountain of honor and authority; and from his grace and grant derives all franchise, immunities and privileges; it is easy to perceive that such a Sovereign could not be amenable to a court of justice, or subjected to judicial control and actual constraint. It was of necessity, therefore, that suability, became incompatible with such Sovereignty. Besides, the prince having all the executive powers, the judgment of the courts would, in fact, be only monitory, not mandatory to him, and a capacity to be advised, is a distinct thing from a capacity to be sued. The same feudal ideas run through all their jurisprudence, and constantly remind us of the distinction between the prince and the subject.
No such ideas obtain here(speaking of America): at the revolution, the Sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the Sovereigns of the country, but they are Sovereigns without subjects (unless the African slaves among us may be so called) and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the Sovereignty. Chisholm v. Georgia (February Term, 1793) 2 U. S. 419, 2 Dall. 419, 1 L. Ed 440.
There are many ways you can give up your Sovereign power and accept the role of "person." One is by receiving STATE benefits. Another is by asking permission in the form of a license or permit from the STATE. Read More
This was sent out over a year ago. Some of the prison bond numbers may be off, because I haven't found a way to confirm them. But I know that they exist.
If I were to ask a Merrill Lynch or AG Edwards or other brokerage agent to look up my name through my social security number, they'd be able to give me my CUSIP number which is the tracking number on all bonds/warrants/contracts having to do with my social security number.
That social security number assigned to the corporation LYNN SCHMALTZ formed by my birth certificate.
I was told by an instructor that a man he knows called him from one of our lovely state penitentiaries. They have prison industries there and he was in the small tractor division.
The prison receives somewhere around 50 cents an hour for the prisoners labor and the prisoners receive around 25 cents per hour. All tractors upon completion are stamped "made in China.' When this man was transferred to the school desk division the same thing happened, "Made in China."
And you thought they had all the slave labor. Who profits? The corporations.........PAINE WEBBER is a comglomerate of over 10,000 corporations. Follow the trail.--Lynn Read More
NOTE: Readers Digest publishes a book "You and the Law" and in it's foreward is an excellent introduction to the history of how our current legal system evolved. I wish I could include it somewhere on this web page, so this is an offering that can be copied without concern of irritating Readers Digest. This is another excellent, if not better, essay on and understanding of how our US legal system evolved and was designed, and intended to function.
Portions of this publication are copyrighted by Delta Spectrum Research.
Permission is hereby granted to any individual or entity to copy this booklet as long as it is presented in its entirety and no pages, quotations, or text are omitted, and that this copyright notice appears in its original form on all copies. Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Delta Spectrum Research
Our goal is to bring this important message to as many Americans as possible. You CAN have an effect on our future by distributing these books.
More copies can be ordered from
Delta Spectrum Research 2100 W. Drake Rd., Suite 402 Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 TDC
(taken from the Constitutional Common Law Library) c/o 18-S Hartford Ave. Enfield, Conn. 06082 Read More
Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition
By Greg Szymanski – The Arctic Beacon June 24, 2005
What happened to William Rodriguez the morning of 9/11 is a miracle. What happened to his story after-the-fact is a tragedy.
But with miracles and tragedies comes truth. And truth is exactly what Rodriguez brings to the whole mystery surrounding 9/11.
Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the jetliner struck the top floors.
He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions.
All these events occurred only seconds before and during the jetliner strike above. And through it all, he now asks a simple question everybody should be asking? How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact?
Rodriguez claims this was impossible and clearly demonstrates a controlled demolition brought down the WTC, saying "Let’s see them (the government) try to wiggle out of this one."
Well, they haven’t wiggled out of it because the government continues to act like Rodriguez doesn’t exist, basically ignoring his statements and the fact he rescued a man burnt and bleeding from the basement explosions.
His eye witness account, ignored by the media and the government, points the finger squarely on an official cover-up at the highest levels since the government contends the WTC fell only from burning jet fuel. And after listening to Rodriguez, it’s easy to see why the Bush administration wants him kept quiet.
Bush wants him quiet because Rodriguez’s account is ‘proof positive’ the WTC was brought down by a controlled demolition, not burning jet fuel. And Bush knows if he’s caught lying about this or caught in a cover-up, it’s just a matter of time before the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
In fact, Rodriguez’s story is so damaging – so damning – it literally blows the lid off the government story, literally exposing the whole 9/11 investigation as a sham and a cover-up of the worst kind.
And it appears the cover-up also extends to the media.
NBC news knew about his story several years ago, even spending a full day at his house taping his comments. But when push came to shove, his story was never aired. Why?
His eyewitness account, backed up by at least 14 people at the scene with him, isn’t speculation or conjecture. It isn’t a story that takes a network out on a journalistic limb. It’s a story that can be backed up, a story that can be verified with hospital records and testimony from many others.
It’s a story about 14 people who felt and heard the same explosion and even saw Rodriguez, moments after the airplane hit, take David to safety, after he was burnt so bad from the basement explosion flesh was hanging from his face and both arms
So why didn’t NBC or any other major news outlets cover the story? They didn’t run it because it shot the government story to hell and back. They didn’t run it because "the powers at be" wouldn’t allow it.
Since 9/11, Rodriguez has stuck to his guns, never wavering from what he said from day one. Left homeless at times, warned to keep quiet and subtly harassed, he nevertheless has continued trying to tell get his message out in the face of a country not willing to listen.
Here is his story: Read More
The HU
from The Whirling Dervishes : Being an account of the Sufi order known as the Mevlevis and its founder the poet and mystic Mevlana Jalalúddin Rumi
by Shems Friedlander
"When the Sheik arrives at his post, he bows, sits on the post, and kisses the floor. All the turners sit, and their cloaks are put on them by those who did not turn in the fourth selam. They have returned to their tombs but in an altered state. The Sheik recites the Fathia, the first sura of the Koran, and all the dervishes kiss the floor and rise. The Sheik then sounds a prayer to Mevlana and Shams Tabriz and begins the sound "HU". The dervishes join in sounding the "HU" which is all the names of God in one." Read More
V E R I C O M M sm "Quid veritas est?"
The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views and opinions of VERICOMM or the editors, unless otherwise noted.
The following is reproduced here with the express permission of the author.
Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for non-commercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unaltered. Read More
Since the URL, in the wide spread article "License to Chill--Hackers Hamstring Rights Violators," to 'HESSLA' was 'flubbed' I thought it most appropos to entrain it here at ye good old NCN.
Seeing as how many of the software engineers, hackers, geeks, freaks, nerds and just general mis-fits which climb these sacred walls, virtual though they may be, are interested in open source anything I felt it my duty to just go ahead and post it here. Enjoy, if you like such stuff. GTH if you don't. ;)
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document. You may use content from this license document as source material for your own license agreement, but you may not use the name "Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement ," ("HESSLA") or any confusingly similar name, trademark or service-mark, in connection with any license agreement that is not either (1) a verbatim copy of this License Agreement, or (2) a license agreement that contains only additional terms expressly permitted by The HESSLA. Read More
License To Chill -- Hackers Hamstring Rights Violators
SUMMARY: International hacker organization issues software license that allows the group or its licensees to take human rights violators to court.
CROSSHAIRS: This story is important for anyone interested in hacking, human rights, information security, open-source software, Internet censorship, international law, international politics, or technology transfer. Read More
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