It is suspected that sections of the US military and security agencies have been using synthetic telepathy against 'internal subversives' for at least a decade. If these networks continue to operate unchecked, soon our thoughts may no longer be our own!
So in contemplating the Admin Why (reason for) of the recent BUSH 'Win' I would suggest that you very seriously contemplate some of the 'seeming outlandish' profiles mentioned herein. A little 'serious' research should be enough to let you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are living in perilous times and that your very existence is very much 'at stake.'
Ignorance, you may feel, is bliss but it is NO EXCUSE! Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge form an Ancient tri-angle that helps to keep the denizens of the 'Absu' (Abyss) at bey.
Enjoy... Read More
The fractured funnies of Galacticide recently witnessed on Prime made me stop and think that...
Even if you would like to call your self hue man, wo man, or whatever relates to that, the chances of your be-ing that are few and far between.
At Core this lead to the ultimate solution. You are really living in the past and you should be living in the present. You may think the past is really the most comfortible place to be but that simply is not true.
Fear and fear alone, plus the implant technologies that your Enslavers bought from us to keep the whole sham super spot on shiny techno living color really seems solid and alive, is the only thing separating you from the most glorious thing to behold, ever! Certainly you do'nt really know what that is...yet. But you will!
"The moment you follow someone you cease to follow truth."--J. Krishnamurti in "Truth Is A Pathless Land" Read More
Since 'War Games' are a constant in our lives, in these very interesting times we live in, I thought that you all just might enjoy some hard won wisdom by one of our own.
Especially here at NCN this article may point the way to the discovery of some sense and some clearing away of the mud where the constant bickering and banter between folk is concerned.
True, of late, things seem to have died down. But I see several fronts that are just begging to be addressed. On my 100 X 100 VAB stacks there are a few plugs here and there that I find interesting.
They seem to be moving 'in the oblique,' though their motion is covert, it is nontheless forward...
planning on a major overwhelm of certain 'objectionable parties.'
In the famous words of 'Pudding is Pink' I also say: "Bring it on!"
We are prepared. We are ready. We will win! Read More
The game of life demands that one assume a beingness in order to accomplish a doingness in the direction of havingness.
One needs an identity mainly to get attention.
A valence is defined as "A false identity assumed unwittingly."
An identity is modified by valences. People who are seeking a way out of scarcity of identity may become fixed in false valences.
A rule is that a person assumes the identity of that which gets attention. Read More
"There is only one place that Greatness
exists in this entire Universe and that
place is within YOU. There is no other
place, neither in time nor in space." Read More
How many Americans have seriously had to consider to whom they would turn in exile, or how they would behave under occupation? Read More
George W. Bush belongs to an exclusive membership having inside knowledge, and is on the fast track, so to speak, because of his 'connections' and 'consortium' with the membership of the RTA Incorporated. So as long as you try and understand current 'history' via the past, you will never be able to recognize the newer 'systemic' process being developed right now for the future of this country. And it is an interesting future indeed. Read More
From: Bev Harris, Andy Stephenson, Black Box Voting - Oct 20-22 ‘04
Re: Cleanup Crew
We are gearing up for the Nov. 2 Election. Here are today’s action items for Black Box Voting -- simple, easy to do and will give all groups information on what volunteers can and cannot watch on Election Night in each county. Read More
"The Phoenicians were given an intermediary role "that is not based on any historical information". A role, in other words, of the transporter of wisdom and civilization from the "chosen" people of Israel to the "uncivilized" nations, and specifically the Greeks." Read More
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