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 Automating Mayan1 comment
category picture19 Aug 2004 @ 04:15
For the last couple of months I have been posting the Mayan Days entries based on the Tzolkin calendar. I've been getting this information off of the Mayan Calandar obtainable at the site. I got my copy when I went to a lecture that Ian gave here in Vancouver and he also gave me permission, and even encouraged, me to spread this information through my blog. The Mayan Day is also available at their site, and they do a much nicer job on the graphics than I do.

One advantage of having this on the blog is that anybody can add comments that relate events in the real world that relate to that particular day. I've found this quite interesting, but I have been kind of slack in doing it most days.

I would like to move the Mayan Days over into it's own blog. This would keep it seperate from my own stuff, and it might also encourage more of a collective ownership of the comments. There are quite a few Celestine Prophecy fans on the site and I think they enjoy these thoughts for the days.

To take this one step further I wonder if we could automate the process. It is quite simple each day both the number and the sign are incremented by one. The script would be really simple.

Please comment.

P.S. - I will continue to offer the Mayan Birth Days for anybody that sends a request by PM with their date of birth.  More >

 It's My Birthday5 comments
category picture19 Aug 2004 @ 03:38
Aug 19th 1953 at 6:35 AM. So by the timestamp this is my birthday but in the timezone it won't happen until tomorrow but there is a good chance that I won't be online. So I thought I'd bury this birth report in here.

The 19th is the best day of the month to be born from the Tarot Major Arcana perspective, the only day that gets three cards, the Sun, Wheel of Fortune and Magician. And who better than a Leo to use these cards to full potential, but then who else but a Leo would think that. :-)  More >

 Ascension Jaguar0 comments
category picture19 Aug 2004 @ 01:59
Thursday, 19th Aug -- Ascension Jaguar

Thirteen / Ascension

Going from one step to the next higher step. The energy of Thirteen propels the effort to try something new or to try again. Persons with the energy of Thirteen are always going over the next montain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort.


Born with a deep love of Mother Earth, Jaguar or shaman, is directly tied to the source of all Earth magic. They possess great power of intellect and strength of charactr through integrity. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of jungles, plains and mountains. The spirit of Jaguar inhabits the Mayan temples and is called on to assist in spiritual as well as in material ways. Jaguar is also the god/goddess of gratefulness. Patience born of strength and skill can turn to pounce of quick decision and action. Both bold and stealthful, Jaguars do not often attack directly and communications from them usually contain some mystery. In the absence of integrity, Jaguars power corrupts becoming a search for wealth and fame.

A good day to: Commune and give thanks to Mother Nature.

 All Right In Middle East3 comments
category picture18 Aug 2004 @ 17:29

every thing is all right in the middle east
say the silent left slinking away in denial
settlers stealing from those with the least
two of the few that fear world court trials
a strong codependent bond deep out of sight
defending a doctrinaire that might is right
and an ocean away a smug suger daddy smiles

defending this doctrine that might is right
two of the few that fear world court trials
hiding a codependent bond deep out of sight
are the silent left slinking away in denial
every thing is all right in the middle east
settlers stealing from those with the least
and an ocean away a smug sugar daddy smiles

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 Understanding Reed2 comments
category picture18 Aug 2004 @ 04:24
Wednesday 18th Aug -- Understanding Reed

Twelve / Understanding

This numbers energy is a gift of great capability of retrospection. It is this ability that allows Twelve to connect disassociated parts into a (new) functioning whole. The energy of Twelve is that which presents a new piece of understood information or accumulated experience to be applied.


Reed persons are the spiritual essence, protectors and guiding light for family and home. They are competent speakers who will take up a cause. Very tough and analytical, Reeds endeavor to bring peasce, harmony and order to all of their relations. Reeds are blessed with great skill at negotiations and consoling which are very often put to the test. Although Reeds need a lot of appreciation, many have marriage or business problems because of inflexible views and high expectations, which erode affinity. The lesson for Reed is to be like a garden hose, not a steel pipe.

A good day to: Bless or repair your house.  More >

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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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