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 Empowerment Sun4 comments
category picture16 Jul 2004 @ 00:12
July 16th -- Empowerment Sun

Five / Empowerment

At the center of the cube we find Five. Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and applications. Fives are natural net workers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.


Day of the ancestors and connection to their guidance. The divine face of the sun, lord, musician, singer, dancer and marksman. Sun's are artistic, heroic athletes, visionaries with wise judgement who lead and defend the people. So much is expected from themselves and by other people that unfulfilled expectations are a certainty. An accumulation of these disappointments may lead Sun to evade responsibilites, not accept corrections and even build resentment and disdain towards others. Suns should simplify their lives to be able to rise and shine with unconditional love once again.

A good day to: Ask for the wisdom and continued honored memory of our ancestors.  More >

 NCN Blog Comments34 comments
category picture16 Jul 2004 @ 00:02
In the side bar of these blogs, near the bottom, there is a list of recent comments, and this makes it easier to find out what has been added since the last time you have viewed the blog. Without this feature it would not be possible to tell when a comment has been added to articles that have been published in the past and scrolls off the bottom of the page. There is also a "more" link at the end of this comment list which takes you to a new page that not only lists the most recent comments, but also the article that they were added to, as well as the first couple of lines of the comment so that you can get an indication of what the comment is about. This is particularly nice, and especially if the attention grabbing aspect of your comment is placed right up front.

A major design flaw of the comments, imho, is that the owner of the blog is able to edit any comment in their blog. I have never seen this is another blog and it goes totally against the 'you own your own words' principle that originated many years ago on the Well. It opens up the potential for another person to put their words in your mouth so to speak, and to make it look like your signature is assigned to this. I can see the owner having the ability to delete any comment in their blog, primarily for troll control, but leaving yourself open to having your words changed by somebody else and make it look like you made the changes relies too much on the trust of the blog owner.

Although I haven't seen this feature abused here it does depend on the comment poster trusting the blog owner. This creates a crazy making situation where every encounter requires the element of trust, with people that you haven't known long enough or well enough to earn that trust. If there does arise a conflict in the blog community this introduces one more element of ambiguity for which the comment poster has no defense except for the opinion of the community. I can see no benifit from having this feature, and only opens up the potential for discord in the community

Being able to edit your own comments is a nice feature but even this can be abused and most software does not allow it, and in cases where it does it is usually accompanied with a software added notice that informs the reader when the comment was edited. Many communities do not even allow editable comments by the person that made the comment because it opens the possibility to insult a person then change the comment and play innocent, and the end result can be a flame war that disrupts the community. Again, opening the door for crazy making, and removing the right of the individual to have control over their own words.

Comments can also be deleted, either by the writer or the owner of the blog. I can see the benifit of the owner being able to delete another person's comment but even then the software should only delete the body and leave the header along with a date stamp of when and who deleted the comment. It can avoid a lot of community discord.

The policy in my blogs will be that I will not edit anybodies comments in my blog. If I delete any comment I will make a new comment leaving an audit trail of what comment I deleted, when and why.

In my opinion the comment structure of the software should be modified so that trust is not an element in the equation.  More >

 Stability Storm7 comments
category picture15 Jul 2004 @ 00:20
June 15th -- Stability Storm

Four / Stability

The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of Four, sets the parameters which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship.


Day of the blessings of rain, giver of all life and lightning, a gift of nitrogen to Mother Earth and ozone to Father Sky. Also associated with the moon and the cycles of the moon which are the meter of the feminine aspect of creation. The essense of Storm is the feeling of unity, security and warmth experienced in the home while a tempest of trouble rages in the world outside. Perpetually youthful, Storms exist to experience the ecstasy of freedom. They have a great capability to both learn and teach. Their constant quest for novel experiences often leads to difficult tests and storms of emotion. Looking at these difficulties for the lessons they indeed are, will enrich their lives rather than destroy.

A good day to: Count your lessons as blessings and your enemies as angels.  More >

 Action Flint3 comments
category picture14 Jul 2004 @ 00:42
14th July -- Action Flint

Three / Action

Movement, Communication. Three energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression. Communication is how you establish a point of agreement between any point "A" and any point "B". The basic movement being a vibration, Three persons are rhythmic to the core. They are often restless, as motion is their nature. By working closely with the energy of Three, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds.


Mirror of reality. As a struck flint, these persons are the divine sparks of intelligence. Flints innate abilities are utilized to discriminate emotions from facts. Flint persons stand tireless to protect, defend or cure others by personal sacrifice. By courageously wielding the sword of truth, falsehoods are cut away. Flints, it was said, can receive information on inter-personal troubles or the evil plots of others by reflecting in an obsidian mirror. Their valiant service as warriors of the truth must be impeccable or they will experience sufferings of accidents, misunderstandings and gossip.

A good day to: Spend time in reflection and introspection.  More >

 My Connection to Mayan1 comment
category picture13 Jul 2004 @ 11:18
This started in the Unity Wisdom day entry of the Mayan Days category, as a comment, but it was a bit long and more personal than communal, and I'd like to see the Mayan Days migrate to its own blog once it gets established.

I've known about the Mayan for a long time but it was only as an item of interest. There are many things that I find interesting but I don't feel personally attached to them. The Egyptian mthologies fall into that category for me, with Isis and Osiris defining the structure at the start of the patriarchal era and Horus being the emerging story yet to be told at the end of the patriarchal era, which I believe is happening right now. There are so many different philosophies and ideas out there and especially when a person ventures outside of the mainstream, but they don't take on any significance, or motivate a person to become obssesed with them until their is that personal attachment.

My attachment to the Mayan started with the Autumn equinox in 2001, and then has been recently strengthened with a lecture I attended a few days ago. The details of that can be found at in the learning lab section of the site.
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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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