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 Mayan Day Category1 comment
category picture9 Jul 2004 @ 17:18
This is a new category for the Mayan Day based on the Tzolkin calendar. The calendar is the primary defining element of a culture and is what creates their reality. You are what you pay attention to and as a collective there is no single element that people pay more attention to than their calendar. It is so ubiquitous that most people aren't even aware of how much of an effect it has on creating their reality. Our Western culture revolves around the Gregorian calendar (est 1582), which revolves around the sun, which constantly reminds us that the center and be all is material with no place for the spiritual.

The Mayan had twenty different calendars. The one most frequently cited is the Haab calendar, which is of the Earth and was used mainly to set the tax days which were a function of the harvest and it wasn't used for much else. It was the only one that archeologists paid much attention to since they couldn't understand anything that wasn't synchronized to the solar year.

The two calendars used most by the Mayans were the Tun (360 days) and was the divine or prophetic calendar, and the Tzolkin (260 days) which was the personal and astrological calendar. This calendar was made up of 13 Personal Intentions, represented by a number; and 20 Astrological Aspects, represented by a sign or glyph. Each of the 260 days in the year had a unique combination. The Mayans also believed that they chose the day on which they were to be born, that this has significance, and since their first name was the number and glyph everybody knew what that significance was.

Each of the articles in this category will be kind of like a daily collective horscope except it will use the Tzolkin calendar.  More >

 Intuition & The Zone5 comments
category picture9 Jul 2004 @ 02:41
The subject of intuition has cropped up in the blogosphere and I just discovered that our individual survival over the next few years could very well depend on developing this skill. For us men, this might be easier to accept if we thought of our intuition as that sports term of "Being In the Zone", that ability to remain cool, calm and collected, or at least functional, when under exreme pressure. With the exponentially increasing rate of change which we are experiencing we will be encountering extreme pressure, and it will only get more intense in the months and years to come.  More >

 What constitutes "DOING"?16 comments
category picture6 Jul 2004 @ 23:45
I've been getting a lot of pressure lately from a certain friend to "do something", it doesn't particularly matter what, or if it is relevant or significant, or if it is the right thing to do or the wrong thing, just as long as it is "doing something." I reply that I am doing something, I'm thinking, I'm reading, I'm analyzing, and once in awhile I write something and it goes out on the web. That doesn't seem to count, it's simply talking, he wants me to do something.

This seemed to be to be one of the central themes, or issues, in Hermann Hesse's "Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game", this differentiation between the world of mind and the world of action. Why is there such an animosity towards the intellectual? Why is it such a taboo to keep digging until you get to the root cause rather than running around trying to stomp out the symptoms? Why does something have to be empirical and destroyable before it is acknowledged as being an action?

Or we could talk about Hesse's book. I know that Ming already has a topic about a game that was inspired by this book, but we could talk about the main concepts of the book itself.  More >

 Sedna4 comments
category picture4 Jul 2004 @ 17:59
The following is the Leo horoscope for the week of July 1st, from

LEO: Astronomers recently discovered a planet-like world orbiting the sun beyond Pluto. They called it Sedna, a name they said was derived from the Inuit deity that created the Arctic's sea creatures. They didn't realize that the myth of Sedna is far more complicated. She is the Dark Goddess, embodiment of the wild female potencies that are feared yet sorely needed by cultures in which the masculine perspective dominates. Dwelling on the edge of life and death in her home at the bottom of the sea, Sedna is both a source of fertile abundance and a mysterious prodigy. Shamans from the world above swim down to sing her songs and comb her long black hair. If they win her favor, she gives them the magic necessary to heal their suffering patients. In the coming weeks, Leo, Sedna is your special ally. Call on her power as your work to cure the part of you that you've thought would always be wounded.


Hhmmmm, verrryyy interesting. Read this in the, which I picked up on the way back from a CD release of my favorite Dark Goddess, Tanya Evanson  More >

 Thankful for Tapestry0 comments
category picture28 Jun 2004 @ 23:24

The Tapestry is a program exploring faith and spirit that airs on Sunday afternoons and is hosted by Mary Hynes. It is an hour of inspiration.

On the June 27th program Harold Kushner was interviewed on latest book The Lord Is My Shepherd: The Healing Wisdom of the Twenty-Third Psalm. Although I haven't read the book I was very impressed by the interview and I will be keeping an eye open for it in the second hand book stores.

The 23rd Psalms is the shortest book in the bible, in HEBREW 57 words, and is also the most well known. Kushner said the Psalm is not literate, but poetry, and poetry is that which is lost in translation. Each of the fifteen lines is explained in a seperate chapter of his book.

This a story of a journey through the valley of the shadow of death, which is life. God's purpose is not to punish people for any transgressions, nor to prevent bad things from happening to those that are true believers, but rather to be there to comfort people and let them know that they are not alone. The world isn't fair, and not everything has a reason; stuff happens. Kushner explains that he stopped trying to justify or provide an explanation to people that have suffered a tragedy and simply made himself available as a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold.

Two of the greatest gifts that God has given us is resiliency and memory. These are two things that cannot be taken from us. Resiliency is what enables to recover from the shock and trauma of life's stress. Memory is what allows us to keep the lessons learned without having to relive the pain that it took to learn them, and also to relive the joy past their physical experience. Above all, resiliency and memory enable us in hindsight to see life as having been worth living regardless of what happens.

Life involves the experience of passing through the valley of the shadow of death, and then emerging out the other side. This is something that each of us has to do for ourselves, it is not something that is done to us, but at the same time it isn't something that we need to do alone. (This is where I had an insight that a relationship is reciprocal, and just as we have faith in God, God has faith in our ability to make it through this journey called life)

Gratitude is the fundamental feeling of religion. We should be grateful for what we get, and not suffer envy for what others have. What we get is a gift from God and we shouldn't show disrespect of this gift by wishing for more. (Kushner talked quite a bit about this but it started blending in with my inner thoughts and I will save those for a seperate article)

Kushner also talked about the meaning of the anointed as the feeling of being special, and that when you receive this gift from God you want to pass it on and make those around you feel special. This process is the potential within each and everyone of us to cultivate the inner Messiah. He mentioned that there are other theologians just as Harvey Cox from the Christian persuasion that are talking about this as an idea whose time has come.

Throughout this interview I noticed a subtle shift from being saved to being healed. Of how wisdom is something that we learn rather than being something that is given to us. And how all of this requires effort and commitment on our part which makes it different from the quick fixes which we have become accustomed to.

Harold Kushner is the Rabbi Laureate of Temple Israel in Natick MA. He is also a well known author and this book is among the top ten best selling religious books of the past year. This makes me feel that there are many others that found his message as heart warming as I did, and for this I am very grateful. In my experience it has been the Rabbis that have been the carriers of the wisdom and values of the Jewish people, and I think we all would benifit by listening to them rather than the politicians. The Rabbis are backed with thousands of years of tradition and that is yet another thing for which I'm grateful.

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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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