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 Chains of Gold2 comments
category picture14 Jun 2004 @ 12:10
The forward scout rode over the ridge,
and spied a field of slaves,
the war is won, you're free said he,
take off those chains and walk away,
"are you nuts?" said they,
these chains are solid gold
we never could afford them on our own,
and so they resumed their back breaking toil
burdened down with chains of gold.

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 Critique of Debate9 comments
category picture1 Jun 2004 @ 22:35

I started this article on June 1st and it has been sitting in my pending file. I also had it half written before my computer crashed and I lost everything except the excerpt from below. There is a very good article here that relates to about half a dozen different subjects that are occurring in this blog community right now. That article is going to take a few more days to go from head to keyboard and I want to move on so I'm going to restrict this to an excerpt, an exhibit A, and produce a "publishable" article later.

"You should know and be sure that debates which are designed for the purpose of overcoming and silencing an opponent as well as for displaying one’s excellence and honour, bragging before men, boasting, and being contradictory, or for the sake of winning popular favour, are the source of all traits which are blameworthy....

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 Work Less Party1 comment
category picture31 May 2004 @ 23:30
The Work Less Party of British Columbia was founded because modern Western culture's work ethic — the idea that the worth of a human being depends on the work that he or she does — no longer serves our society well. With vast increases in productivity over the past centuries, we no longer need everyone's efforts directed towards survival. And yet we do not question the work ethic that drives many of us to work long hours at jobs that we don't like, that provide little satisfaction, that harm our health, that take our precious time in exchange for mere consumer goods, that drive the economic engines of over consumption, and that ultimately leave the planet barren.

The Work Less Party stands for the idea that a human being's worth is inherent and not dependent on a job. We believe that working less is indeed a positive contribution to society, and it's definitely more fun!

Yet another reason why Vancouver is such a cool place. This party doesn't stand a chance of getting any seats in the government, but they spread a good message during the promotion. Maybe soon more people will realize that a lot of our problems such as peak oil, pollution, traffic congestion can be solved simply by not engaging in "make work" projects to justify some obsolete Puritan work ethic, but then that was always about social control, rather that society maintenance.

But heh, I do my part, my two goals for decades now have been to 1)learn as much as I can; and 2)contribute as little towards the 'economy' as possible. A few years ago an aunt reminded me that when I was thirteen I would say that I wanted to be an educated bum when I grew up and that I was one of the few people she knew that got what they wanted. :-)  More >

 Likable and Popular1 comment
category picture30 May 2004 @ 01:47
Serendipity is the gift of being able to make delightful discoveries by pure accident, which is how I came across this article on How to be Likable and Popular. Similiar theme to one of Dale Carnegie that recently arose here at NCN. I've run across the Carnegie material before and it has always been associated with selling things and I've always thought of that as being a con game, and I know he says you have to be honest about it but it always struck me as a one sentence addittion intended to cut off any cricism without really changing anything that had already been written. This article by Cottringer seems different to me, as if he starts with the honest and sincere premise rather than tacking it onto the end like a footnote.

Ten points are listed: be honest, be humble, learn empathy, laugh often, be positive, control hostility, be polite, act smart, appear attractive, and listen more. Cottringer is succinct and explains these points quite well so I will restrict the rest of this article to my own opinions and impressions.  More >

 Wild Ride2 comments
category picture28 May 2004 @ 01:10
If the Divine Design was the 'what' then the Wild Ride is the 'why'. It's not about sex as much as union with the cosmic consciousness, part of the whole OrgasmoVolution thing. These are song lyrics and a tribute to the Doors, I think Jim would have liked them. I would be most pleased if there were any musicians that could put this to sound.  More >

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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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