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 Compassion For The Camel0 comments
category picture14 Sep 2004 @ 18:56

an angst wail of why can't we all get along
while ideals are liberally spun like ferris
wheels deals on backs of poor by the strong
trammel of justice blind to wrongs where is
compassion for the camel there just is fear
a final straw ending a free ride draws near
and truth be told comfort's what we cherish

 Understanding Storm0 comments
category picture14 Sep 2004 @ 18:52
Monday 13th Sept - Understanding Storm

Twelve / Understanding

This numbers energy is a gift of great capability of retrospection. It is this ability that allows Twelve to connect disassociated parts into a (new) functioning whole. The energy of Twelve is that which presents a new piece of understood information or accumulated experience to be applied.


Day of the blessings of rain, giver of all life and lightning, a gift of nitrogen to Mother Earth and ozone to Father Sky. Also associated with the moon and the cycles of the moon which are the meter of the feminine aspect of creation. The essense of Storm is the feeling of unity, security and warmth experienced in the home while a tempest of trouble rages in the world outside. Perpetually youthful, Storms exist to experience the ecstasy of freedom. They have a great capability to both learn and teach. Their constant quest for novel experiences often leads to difficult tests and storms of emotion. Looking at these difficulties for the lessons they indeed are, will enrich their lives rather than destroy.

A good day to: Count your lessons as blessings and your enemies as angels.

 Duality Offering0 comments
category picture3 Sep 2004 @ 01:18
Friday 3rd Sep -- Duality Offering

Two / Duality

Mysterious as the question, "To be or not to be? Here is the recognition of the separation of self from all else and the desire to be rejoined. Walking a balance while making choices of all kinds, light/dark, male/female, good/bad, Ying/Yang, is the energy of this number. Experiencing the differences between one and another is the use and purpose of this number's energy.


Also known as the sign of water. Ceremonially, Maya use water as an offering in baptisms and purifications. These ceremonies are done to bring about a collective strength, adaptability and harmony. In sincere appreciation, Offering people gladly give more than they ask for themselves. Offering persons are dynamic communicators with great intelligence making them excellent employers. Like a shaken vessel of water, Offering people regain equilibirium quickly. Also like a body of water, there may be deep undercurrents of emotion and hidden danger. Others perceive these as hidden agendas in Offering people and so extend them little trust and may even slap blame on them.

A good day to: Offer appreciation for all of creation.

 Dick 'N Kenny0 comments
category picture2 Sep 2004 @ 17:12

enron hesitation on an end run and too late
if press house pets turn into feral hyienas
barking at barbarian pounding down the gate
multiple coverups play out political arenas
fools peekaboo and poke persuasive rhetoric
at the naked president whereas the big dick
and kenny boy are artfully dodging subpoena

 Unity Star0 comments
category picture2 Sep 2004 @ 01:00
Thursday 2nd Sept -- Unity Star

One / Unity

The beginning of all things. The first. The whole. The all of one. Assertive and self guided, these persons give a good push to whatever project they are associated. One persons work best when meeting a challenge. Do not expect One persons to be attentive to details or put the finishing touches on things.


Star energy is multiplication of all things to abundance. Star has been associated with the fertility of rabbits for its ability to multiply. As each sun in the sky, Star persons shine equally in all directions. This natural tendency of harmony and balance can become a compulsion, motivating Star to be too agreeable and too generous, rejected gifts cause fear and resentments. when a Star believes it has given too much they are weakened or may even collapse. In this "Black Hole" state, Stars are prone to verbal jousting and arguing to force their point of view on everyone.

A good day to: Ask for abundance in all relations.

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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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