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 Ascension Deer0 comments
category picture1 Sep 2004 @ 02:08
Wednesday 1st Sept -- Ascension Deer

Thirteen / Ascension

Going from one step to the next higher step. The energy of Thirteen propels the effort to try something new or to try again. Persons with the energy of Thirteen are always going over the next montain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort.


Deer are spirit's tool. Silence itself is a spiritual experience for Deer. For Deer life is a pilgrimage. Deer are dominant persons who defend the people and will make sacrifices for others. The spirit of Deer uphold the pillars of the four directions. With the power inherent in the number four, Deer pushes away bad influences or negative energies. Skill and quality of work are very important to Deer. They are presented with tools for every task in life and it is with these that they are able to rise above limitations. Deer has a habit of keeping every tool it has ever used. This leads to clutter and indecision, loss and procastination. When confronted with promises not kept, Deer becomes stubborn, manipulative and evasive.

A good day to: Be of service to others.

 Understanding Transformer4 comments
category picture31 Aug 2004 @ 00:32
Tuesday 31st Aug -- Understanding Transformer

Twelve / Understanding

This numbers energy is a gift of great capability of retrospection. It is this ability that allows Twelve to connect disassociated parts into a (new) functioning whole. The energy of Twelve is that which presents a new piece of understood information or accumulated experience to be applied.


Cycle of life, death and rebirth. Transformer persons achieve goals and emotional wealth. Transformer people can become highly respected businessmen. They have the ability to help others through any and all transitions with tranquility due to their spiritual strength and guidance. Communities often benefit from Transformers discipline and organizational skills. They strengthen the life of pregnant women and guide them through the transitions of maternity. Establishing contact with the ancestors activates innate psychic abilities, gifts to be used as tools to assist others. Transformers can have the ability to send evil intentions telephathically, this is their undoing. From these acts they lose power, easily fall into a victim role and begin to manipulate with a vengeance.

A good day to: Tie all loose ends.  More >

 It's Politics By God0 comments
category picture30 Aug 2004 @ 19:21

the way of god or the way of the terrorists
hubris rhetoricaly questions such indignity
bush agenda speaking god and still persists
from before nicosea jury rigged the trinity
power people since at least osiris and isis
and into time of great debate on what is is
seek control claiming sole link to divinity

 Resolution Serpent0 comments
category picture30 Aug 2004 @ 01:05
Monday 30th Aug -- Resolution Serpent

Eleven / Resolution

Every new creation has to find its space in the universe. In the process of "fitting in", some modifications must occur. These changes are the energy of Eleven. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement. To those born with this energy, some persons are put off by too much change. Maybe you've noticed?


Movement, and the creation of time. Sensual and dramatic, this sun sign embodies intense instinctual wisdom and creates a connection from Earth bound, to Heavonly aspirations. By sincere service to others, Serpent opens and expands it's heart. Serpent, align authority and the truth to bring justice that is quick and sure. Serpents are very adaptable, even fluid until trapped in a corner, then they explode. Serpents, venomous temper poisons himself as well as others by creating resentful, suppressive and even destructive attitudes.

A good day to: Ask for flexibility and fluidity.

 Manifestation Seed0 comments
category picture29 Aug 2004 @ 01:58
Sunday 29th Aug -- Manifestation Seed

Ten / Manifestation
What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of Ten. This is the energy when what has had attention and intention focused upon it becomes real. A powerful energy that carries a great responsiblity.


Family, sexual activity and the magic of germination are the characteristics of this sun sign. Natural net workers Seed people strive to free themselves and others from debt or oppressive patterns of the past. Abundance is gathered by Seed as if with a cast net. Seed persons are public defenders who work toward uniting community by discovering hidden traps and secret influences of others. To generate true abundance Seed must learn to appreciate all gifts and lessons received and conduct profound investigations into its self. In the absence of gratefulness and the courage to face oneself, Seed finds itself in less and less fertile environments.

A good day to: Plant, make new contacts and re-connect with others.

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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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