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 Weapons In Space2 comments
category picture28 Aug 2004 @ 18:29

Weapons in Space Protest Cards

Son of Star Wars is still moving ahead regardless of how many reports that come out that not only will it not work but that it will cost a lot of money which we cannot afford now, as if we ever could. A couple of days ago Canadian member of parliament was chastised for using the phrase not to join in with "The Coalition of the Idiots" in reference to Canada joining the weapons in space initiative. Insuring that Canada stays out of this lunacy is a very reasoanble response that provokes a bit of passion in being heard and considered. Prime Minister Martin made an election promise not to involve Canada in this, and our best insurance against terrorism is not to be accessories to the americans.

The two stanzas that follow are designed to be printed on business size cards. These are memetic word crafts that use the All Your Base craze as a carrier. Align the front and back of the cards so that they share a common top edge and flip along the vertical axis such as turning the pages of a book; this will facilitate the wrap around end effects of the mobius linear lingual. Small batches can be lazer printed, or printed up as business cards for handouts at protests and demonstrations.

all sleepers awake to the paul revere alarm
your being run by cabal with intent of harm
base thoughts and deed on what you remember
are they same as mass media truth dismember
belong by joining emerging underground race
to put a stop to plans for weapons in space
us and earth rise up to preserve this place

mr alarmist sets christian god against alla
mr ahimsa abhors anguish caused by destruoy
reb meme rejuvenate the old fables of aesab
reb mems identify with the hopes of new era
e-cars on virtual web drafting a diagnol eb
ecapsulating what should be seen but is not
ec alpine retreat where g8 courts ch and su

It will be interesting to see if and where these will materialize. The blog with its syndication and mail page feature makes forwarding easy. If it follows the trend of other meme packages it will go through variations. One way to do this is to hotlink the words on a website. Another way is to collect and track card sightings. Expect the unexpected.  More >

 Patience Night0 comments
category picture28 Aug 2004 @ 03:14
Sat 28th Aug -- Patience Night

Nine / Patience

The energy of Nine is one of getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. With the energy of Nine, patience and perseverence found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine.


Bringers of the dawn. Dreamers who bring the new sun to clarify and illuminate the road of life. Thus the insecurities and doubts born of darkness or the sub-conscious mind are dispelled. These persons travel the Void, a place where nothing exists but all potential dwells, the womb of creation. From this void, Night persons bring forth new solutions and artistic inspiration. Night's voyages of dreams build confidence and happiness with a sense of well being. If Night does not bravely journey into the void they may find themselves waundering the darkness of self-doubt and insecurity.

A good day to: Spend time contemplating the stars.

 Justice Wind0 comments
category picture27 Aug 2004 @ 03:35
Friday 27th Aug -- Justice Wind

Eight / Justice

Harmony and balance are the intent of eight. Eights carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demontrated in the statement "As above, so below". From simplicity to infinity, the energy of Eight organizes all levels of creation. Some Eights are "Neat Freaks".


Breath of spirit, breath of life. Winds embody the power of dissemination and planting of good seed or ideas. Dreamers and planners with powerful imaginations. Wind persons make great orators and spread the word of spiritual inspiration as if carried by the wind. Wind is the power behind the movement of natural cycles such as weather, erosion and cultural change. As the wind, these persons are extremely changeable and adaptable. They may appear inconsistent or fickle to others. Wind can be destructive to self and others by putting on airs. When Winds strut and boast, expanding on facts and accomplishments, they are building the dark clouds of trouble that may become hurricanes.

A good day to: Send communications of all kinds.

 Coalition of Idiots3 comments
category picture26 Aug 2004 @ 02:46
Canada's Parrish Attacks U.S. Coalition of `Idiots,' CP Says

Aug. 25 (Bloomberg) -- A Canadian Member of Parliament known for her anti-U.S. statements attacked what she calls ``idiots'' advocating a North American missile defense shield, the Canadian Press reported.

Carolyn Parrish, a Liberal Party member from Ontario who last year publicly called Americans ``bastards,'' is opposed to Canadian participation in a proposed U.S.-led missile defense system in space, the wire service said.

``We are not joining the coalition of the idiots,'' she told a gathering of people opposed to the missile defense plan outside of the House of Commons in Ottawa, according to the report. ``We should be joining the coalition of the wise,'' she said in the report.

Prime Minister Paul Martin later criticized Parrish, saying ``that kind of language'' wasn't appropriate in the debate over missile defense, the wire service reported.  More >

 Reflective Crocodile1 comment
category picture26 Aug 2004 @ 02:32
Thursday 26th Aug - Reflective Crocodile

Seven / Reflective

Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and that which is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. With a keen sense of ethics, seven establishes purpose to current and future goals.


Crocodile receives messages of primal creative force. Simply the beginning of all things. Crocodiles who follow their hearts are seen as genius. There is no order to the primal messages so Crocodile persons should direct their energies toward practical and cooperative efforts to bring productive results. Crocodiles have a strong nurturing energy and will work hard to provide security to family and friends. Being extremely territorial, Crocodiles must watch not to be over protective or too dominating. While in these states, Crocodiles are insecure, indecisive and emotionally volatile.

A good day to: Open to new beginnings.  More >

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    The cosmic orgasm is still a go but that little date with destiny hasn't even got to the restaurant yet so please be patient. Update as of 2007, I think we're at the restaurant. Passion plays out best with patience. Then again, the speed with which this is unfolding we might just have to sweep the dishes off the table and go for it. hehehe


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