Sindy's: Mystical/Unbelievable Newslog    

Monday, February 25, 2002day link 

category pictureby sindy. Inspiration
2002-02-25 13:51:46 -- Grief is a journey you do come through. . . . There are no short cuts through grief. You can't dictate. You simply face each task as you need to, be in control as you get through it, then break down afterwards. But you can't do much more than that.. . .All I would say to those dealing with the pain of loss and bereavement is please be kind to yourself. There will be times when your heart trips, sometimes involuntarily. Just let that happen, and accept. It does get better, become gentler, I promise you. -- Frances Shand Kidd (Mother of Diana, Princess of Wales)  More >

category pictureby sindy. Bloodlines
2002-02-25 13:51:46 -- FROM TWO TO TWELVE STRAND DNA
By Pam Murray, Speaking From Wellspring  More >

Thursday, February 21, 2002day link 

category pictureby sindy. Sindy's Heart
2002-02-25 13:51:46 -- Dearhearts* we all have a time for everything
a time to think a time to love a time to learn
a time to sit and listen.... the human mind and heart
seems complex, but its very simple as we see beyond all that we were thought what we were known to be.... we learn again to walk, how and why we walk again? we must start from thy heart* we alone can do this .. each one that pass your way has a message for you* wheather it be good or bad.. for at the very end you fine *TRUTH~  More >

Saturday, February 16, 2002day link 

category pictureby sindy. Sindy's Heart
2002-02-25 13:51:46 -- THE streams of light  More >

category pictureby sindy. Personal Growth
2002-02-25 13:51:46 -- Some Personal Words
I meditated for many years, and, no matter what I did, could only get so close to the flame. Something was blocking me from making it to my inner core. There was a low temperature place inside me with tightly locked doors. In 1978 I started to practice karma yoga, and still do. My lifestyle and belief system is based on it; of course some days I do better than others. Eventually I discovered writing. I discovered I enjoyed putting words to paper.  More >

category pictureby sindy. Sexuality
2002-02-25 13:51:46 --

We all know that sex feels good but now we have evidence that it can make you live longer too! In a recent study published in the prestigious British Medical Journal it has been shown that men that have frequent sex are less likely to die at an early age. The authors studied nearly 1,000 men aged 45 - 59. The men were divided into three groups: those that had sex twice or more a week, an intermediate group and those that reported sex less than monthly. A decade later it was found that the death rate for the least active men was twice as high as the most active. The researchers adjusted for differences in age, social class, smoking, blood pressure and existing coronary disease  More >

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