Sindy's: Mystical/Unbelievable Newslog    

Saturday, October 20, 2001day link 

by sindy. Bloodlines
2001-10-20 20:07:22 -- 1. Early evolution must have depended on development of a cell carrying sufficient instructions in its DNA to grow;
2. The random variation and selection proposed by Darwin and Wallace that led to changes in species must have resulted from random changes in the DNA;
3. Faithful reproduction of DNA from generation to generation causes “like to beget like;” 4. The programmed instructions in the genetic endowment in DNA underlie the development of every new plant or animal  More >

pictureby sindy. Quotes/Thoughts
2001-10-20 20:07:22 -- Mitakuye Oyasin.
[We are all related.]
Lakota Belief  More >

pictureby sindy. WORLD NEWS
2001-10-20 20:07:22 -- NOTE: Some of the following events are purely anecdotal and may not have been investigated. Many are simply the witness's initial report. They are included here exactly as they were received and should be considered for information purposes only. With careful investigation, the majority of sightings ultimately turn up a natural or prosaic explanation... but a small number do remain mysterious, highly strange and 'unidentified' in spite of our best efforts.  More >

pictureby sindy. Mystical News
2001-10-20 20:07:22 -- I have deciphered Meroitic based on the most logical path to the decipherment of any dead language. Maurice Pope (1975) , made it clear that before a dead language can be deciphered you most have the right theoretical structure to base your inquiry upon (p.191). There were three preliminary conditions that must be met before any decipherment: 1) confidence that a script can be deciphered; 2) location of proper names must be determined; the grammatical rules of the target language must be known
The Deciphermnet of Meroitic


Clyde Winters  More >

pictureby sindy. Sindy's Funnies
2001-10-20 20:07:22 --  More >

pictureby sindy. Quotes/Thoughts
2001-10-20 20:07:22 --
When life seems hard, Think again:  More >

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