The Night Queen    
 Updat on Chemtrails
category picture23 Oct 2005 @ 14:23
23 Oct 2005 @ 14:14 by kay : Update

I posted the following as an update to "Finally some truth about Chemtrails." I have a couple of posts here about chemtrails. SARS has been since linked to Chemtrails as has the 'Bird Flu'.

Please, if you are interested in the dangers of Chemtrails, check my other posts.

I will shortly be doing a series of Newscasts from Hot Springs, Arkansas on the dangers of Chemtails.

In light of the possible indictments coming forth this next week, I thought that it might be a good idea to bring this particular post to the surface once again. For those of you that are new to this web site and to this post, it is time to begin to dig in and look for the truth.

For those of you who are old friends in this space, I have been committed to helping Wayne deal with his cancer for the past 7 years. I have found it necessary to back off of many activities. After a heroic fight with the 'Big C", Wayne made his transition on April 24, 2005. Since that Time, I have left Arizona and returned to my former home in Arkansas to be near my family, especially my granddaughters. I have returned to Journalism once more having been contributing editor for Arkansas Newspapers and having once done my own programs. I am up and at it once again. I might add that it feels good.

Hold steady and don't enter into fear.

  The Magic of the Raven
picture5 Oct 2004 @ 05:51
I have always had a love for birds and communicate well with them having learned to call the birds to come to me many years ago. I particularly love the majestic Raven with its nearly three foot wingspan.  More >

 Signs in the Sky
picture4 Oct 2004 @ 12:39
"Near the day of the Great Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."
~~pre-Columbian Hopi prophecy

The inside military codeword for the pilots who man the planes that spray the chemtrails is
"Sky Spiders"

Many of the chemtrails have been found to contain polymers that act like spider webs.

Wayne has compiled a lot of info about Chemtrails. what they are and how they are used.

[link]  More >

  Retirement Alternative
category picture29 Sep 2004 @ 22:48
There will be no nursing home in my future.........

When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess Cruise Ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day. I have checked on reservations at Princess and I can get a long-term discount and senior discount price of $135 per day.  More >

 Gorbachev Launches Global Campaign Against WMD
category picture27 Sep 2004 @ 08:36
Come Clean: Gorbachev Launches Global Campaign Against WMD
By Sanjay Suri-Inter-Press Services- Friday 24 September 2004
LONDON - Mikhail Gorbachev is an ex-president going after weapons of mass destruction. But not the way U.S. President George Bush thought he was going after them in Iraq.  More >

 Points of view
category picture26 Sep 2004 @ 04:22

I got this today and found it interesting.

Deb: You were very cautious in your reply to my comments about Clinton. I would be interested in your assessment of him since your do live in Arkansas and have a lot of information that I don't have.  More >

 Fall Equinox 2004 Report: by Barbara Hand Clow
category picture24 Sep 2004 @ 13:55
It's the Fall Equinox, a time to balance and evaluate all the work you've accomplished on your Spring Equinox intentions since the Summer Solstice. What were your intentions at the 2004 Spring Equinox? How did you develop them through the summer? And, now that they have taken visible form, what needs to be finished, changed, or dropped this fall? To be able to go into deep contemplation during the Winter Solstice quarter, it is necessary to round out these intentions and integrate them in your life.  More >

 Laus Deo....Washington Monument
category picture21 Sep 2004 @ 15:36
Laus Deo... Washington Monument

High atop the Washington Monument I thought that you and others may like to see this. One detail that is not mentioned, in DC, there can never be a
building of greater height than the Washington Monument. With all the uproar about removing the ten commandments, etc., this is worth a moment or two of your time. I was not aware of this historical information.  More >

 It has been a long time
category picture18 Sep 2004 @ 22:53
Much has happened while I have been gone. Wayne has been very ill for some time now. But I am happy to say that he is now on the mend. He is on a lecture tour in Montreal speaking to Grad Students at the University about new modes of construction, city planning. Permaculture and the like.  More >

 Algae: Power Plant of the Future?
picture28 Sep 2002 @ 21:52

University of California at Berkeley professor Tasios Melis

Researchers seeking another energy source to ease the world's
dependency on fossil fuels may have found a small answer to a
big problem.

A microscopic green algae -- known to scientists as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and to regular folk as pond scum -- was discovered more than 60 years ago to split water into hydrogen and oxygen under controlled conditions. A recent breakthrough in controlling the algae's hydrogen yield has prompted a Berkeley, California, company to try to be first to commercialize production.  More >

 End of the Fossil-Fuel Era
picture28 Sep 2002 @ 21:44
Today the world gets a glimpse of the future. General Motors' revolutionary Hy-wire car makes its debut at the Paris Motor Show. GM's automobile runs on hydrogen, the most basic and lightest element in the universe. When burned, hydrogen emits only pure water and heat.

For photos of this nifty little car:
[link]  More >

 Dolphins, faries, condors
picture10 Sep 2002 @ 11:54
If you love Dolphins, faries, condors and mermaids, if you love beauty and imagination; if you love a free spirit; if you love the heart of the divine feminine then this web site has a lot to offer you.  More >

  The Visionary art of Daniel Holeman
picture9 Sep 2002 @ 22:16
This art work is among some of the most
spectacular that I have run across. Wonderful for
meditation work. Great music too. Enjoy  More >

 A beatiful Poem
picture8 Sep 2002 @ 23:39
This poem speaks to me about listening to the trees, creeks, the sun, the wind and all the other things that make nature so special.  More >

 Mama Sheep and Baby Lamb
picture8 Sep 2002 @ 10:59
This is an older entry that I have reposted.. It is a true experience from when I was a small girl. Enjoy  More >

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  • The Military and Aliens Beings
  • Four Important Government Bio-sphere Projects

  • 2002-01-17

  • 2002-01-10
  • HR2977/chemtrails/ex.. weapons

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  • Trans-Portals 1

  • 2001-12-31

  • 2001-12-05
  • Interesting reading and check out my "THE Roman Piso ARTICLE SITE"

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