Atlantis & Ancient Civilizations: An ancient DISGRACE!!!!    
 An ancient DISGRACE!!!!4 comments
picture10 Dec 2001 @ 12:43, by Roni Gemma

Greed in humans has been & always will be, but I honestly thought we were past this.

Sea :-)

Relics sale unearths a controversy

Paying customers allowed to dig up ruins of Anasazi site
By Jerry Spangler
Deseret News staff writer

State archaeologist Kevin Jones' mantra is simple: Utah's prehistoric heritage is a priceless treasure.

Deseret News graphic
But owners of property on which sits one of Utah's largest prehistoric Anasazi pueblos believe they have found the right price: $2,500 a day per person to dig up relics of the past.
Utah archaeologists call it plundering, and they are decrying efforts by Anasazi Digs, a family-owned business based in San Juan County, to "sell" archaeological excavations wherein paying customers dig in the ruins of Montezuma Village, keeping whatever they find.
According to the company Web site, you can also purchase 1,000-year-old pottery vessels, baskets, animal snares and other artifacts. Or you can use stones from prehistoric buildings to build your own house.
"We decided to give people the opportunity to dig in a site that has never been disturbed, all under the guidelines of a licensed archaeologist," said Howard Ransdell, whose family has owned the property since the mid-1950s and erected fences to keep vandals out over the years.
Archaeologists have a different perspective of Ransdell's plan.
"I hate it. I just hate to see people plundering our sacred heritage for financial gain," Jones said.

"It's the most sickening thing I have ever run across," agreed Ray T. Matheny, a professor of anthropology at Brigham Young University who conducted his own graduate studies at the site 40 years ago. "It's plundering the past in the worst way."
But there is nothing archaeologists can do to stop it. Utah laws protecting antiquities do not apply to private property, with the exception of burials. And lawmakers have been repeatedly reluctant to infringe on the rights of landowners.
"It is unfortunate that historical properties most people would hold in high regard as historical treasures are considered a liability by the landowners," Jones said. "It is unfortunate we do not have better ways to make it attractive to landowners not to plow them under or sell off the artifacts."

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11 Dec 2001 @ 11:32 by sharie : Expert Opinion
Hello Sea, thank you for your article. I want to share my perspective on this.

While archaeologists and anthrolopologists protest the selling of antiquities, let's consider the many *professionally-trained experts* out of work because the landowners are pocketing money, rather than *paying* the *experts* to do the work.

When the highly-prized skeleton of a Tyranosaurus Rex was sold to the Field Museum - the highest bidder! - the experts sanctioned the sale.

Museum Curators, Executives on the Museum's Board of Directors, Anthropologists and Archaeologists stomp their feet, but ask yourself if their prestige, status, and finances aren't being impacted.

Experts cry *foul* when they aren't able to profit from it, professionally or financially.

Thank you for your story.

I've worked with professionals in many fields, and learned to consider the motives of the *experts*.

with love,

13 Dec 2001 @ 14:41 by sea : Sharie
Maybe I misstated myself. It is not the profiteering that i disagree with. That will just be. The property owners have the right to the profit, it is thier land that it is on & therefore thier property. But from an investigative stand point. I do feel that the experts have every right to be the first ones in & digging. I am not going to say they are all-powerfull or rightious in thier pursuits. But they will at least provide proper verifiable documentation of the site before the relics span the globe.

Roni :-)  

13 Dec 2001 @ 15:46 by bushman : I agree with both sides.
I say that because even out here the developments are usualy built on top of ruins and potery shards. I feel its ok to pick this stuff up on private property, but like all the stuff Ive picked up out there, Ive taken it to people around to find out who made it and how old it is, I also mark on a map where I found it. The forest service has most of the land that ruins are on, maybe they should have looked closer , when they had the experts out there years ago, but they didnt. Now they are building on this land, soon famil;ys with childeren will be living there, and to me little Johnny will be out playing with his trucks and find some of these pottery shards, maybe he will be enlightened, by his find, I know I was. I also want to say that a few of the people I showed the pottery shards to, asked if I wanted to sell them, I might have if I was hungry,lol, but I didnt ask them what they are worth in american dollars, I mean besides it being pricless as an artifact, but just how much could you accualy get for an 800 year old chunk of clay?  

6 Feb 2007 @ 13:43 by Pleiadianwaves @ : Who's to say what is what...
...I think about 10 thousand years from now, a team of archeologists will be awed at what they find from the civilations that exist today. The land we stand on now may or may not be here - but lets say it will be. Who is to mandate the person that has rights of any property when it already belongs to someone else? Isn't there plenty to go around? This planet, in essence "belongs" to no one. My feeling is that it is here for all to enjoy...the mysteries, the wonder, the science of it all. I find comments like, "...we should have the right to be the first ones to dig" disturbing. Who's to say who has what right? These are illusionary statements that don't hold any "ground" in a bigger picture. Hell, you can't take it with you anyway.

Profit or no profit, in the name of science or no's amazing what is with held from the general population in the name of science. Why should it be so disturbing that ONE family with hold from science to do what they please - EVEN FOR PROFIT!!  

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