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 UPDATE: Ancient News Monthly1 comment
picture12 May 2006 @ 18:37


Let me first welcome all of you. Our first edition of Ancient News Monthly will be published on June 10, 2006 and on the 10th of the month after that.

This new feature I expected to be time consuming and I was right! LOL Instead of a simple web page for this newsletter and emails, I guess you could say I got a 'little' carried away again. As a result the home page for Ancient News Monthly is a full section and has been moved. Please bookmark the new location. 

Our Ancient Forum has been moved to join it, as well as, Sea's Mind (editorials by Sea and Readers), our links section (please submit your links), shopping section and a section for the new Ancient News Monthly Feature Awards.

Also available: The lastest News headlines, updated 4x daily! Weather from the US National Weather Service, polls and more!

This new feature of A&AC is syndicated and fully interactive! This means items published will go out across the net to other syndicated sites and we recieve news headlines 4x daily from other syndicated sites and news agencies!

Non-registered uses will have full viewing use of the above items and more. Registering allows full INTERACTIVE use! Registering is of course free and allows you to post, comment, add news, links, etc.

I do hope you start enjoying all this while I continue to work on our first issue!


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 Ancient News Monthly3 comments
picture8 May 2006 @ 17:27

Ancient News Monthly

     We are pleased to announce Ancient News Monthly! The A&AC monthly Archaeological Newsletter! You, our readers, have requested and we have answered!

     Our first newsletter will be available in June, 2006, on-line here or delivered to your email. Subscriptions are available now for email delivery. Signing up is free and only takes a few minutes.


  • Highlights of the major Archaeological News
    for the month.

  • A featured archaeological web site for your enjoyment!

  • Editorials from Sea and readers.

  • Information about current, on-going research and projects.

  • The latest web news here at A&AC.

  • Each month the older editions will be available here if you missed one or just want to look something up.

  • And anything more we can think of, send your ideas and suggestions!


     We encourage any news, original editorials, pictures, ideas and suggestions!

   Have a favorite web site about archaeology, Atlantis or ancient cultures? Own a web site of your own and feel it's special? Submit it for review and it just might be featured here on Ancient News Monthly!

     *Featured web sites MUST be child safe and viewable by all ages! No violence, pornography, illegal or illicit materials!

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 Ancient Geoglyphs36 comments
picture21 Apr 2006 @ 20:29

Ancient Geoglyphs

Geoglyphs are classified as rock art, which also includes pictographs and petroglyphs. Pictographs are rock paintings while petroglyphs are rock engravings. Cave paintings, drawings, petroglyphs, geoglyphs, hieroglyphs and more have been used all over the world for centuries.
Created by the ancients and left for us to explore and ponder, these symbols held great meaning for those civilizations who created them. Some, like the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, we know to be the cultures written language. Others, like cave drawings, express the daily lives or held religious significance for their designers. There are many however that offers more questions and possible answers then one mind can conceive. Among these are the great Geoglyphs found in locations around the globe.

In South America, the lines at Nazca are of the most famous geoglyphs, but they are hardly the only ones. South of Nazca, about 850 miles, is perhaps the world's largest human figure, etched into the side of Solitary Mountain. The Giant of Atacama at Cerro Unitas, in Chile, about 600 miles south of Nazca, is an incredible 393 feet high and is surrounded by lines similar to those at Nazca. Just 130 miles from Nazca, dug into a sloping hill at Pisco Bay on the Peruvian coast. This drawing looks very much like a candlestick - which gives it the name of "The Candelabra of the Andes". There has been much speculation about the purpose of the 595-foot high candelabra, but no definitive answer. It is constructed in a different manner to the Nazca lines, using trenches up to one meter in depth, and is best viewed from out at sea. It can be seen from as far away as 12 miles. Pottery found near the figure has been carbon dated to 200 BC. Interestingly enough, the Incan city of Cuzco was created in the shape of a puma. Its inhabitants were known as "members of the body of the puma".  Read More

 Cyrstal Skulls - Art or Ancient Tools?6 comments
picture22 Mar 2006 @ 05:01
Once again proud to announce more to intrigue the mind! A new article written with the aid of DaEl Walker. Mr. Walker has researched the Ancient Crystal Skulls for more then 20 years & is currently care taker to five such skulls.

With the aid or DaEl Walker, this newsest addition, we feel, raises questions & thoughts not previously addressed in publications.  Read More

 Greenhouse Theory Smashed by Biggest Stone8 comments
picture15 Mar 2006 @ 01:47
Being aggravated by all the greenhouse & global warming theories lately, I was about due to add a new 'Sea's Mind' topic & may still do so! :) But coming across this article while wishing the so-called experts would just tell us the truth... THAT THEY REALLY HAVE NO CLUE!! Well, let's just say I was relieved to see someone actually looking for something new with this issue.

Greenhouse Theory Smashed by Biggest Stone

A new theory to explain global warming was revealed at a meeting at the University of Leicester (UK) and is being considered for publication in the journal "Science First Hand". The controversial theory has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. According to Vladimir Shaidurov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the apparent rise in average global temperature recorded by scientists over the last hundred years or so could be due to atmospheric changes that are not connected to human emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of natural gas and oil. Shaidurov explained how changes in the amount of ice crystals at high altitude could damage the layer of thin, high altitude clouds found in the mesosphere that reduce the amount of warming solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface.  Read More

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The only stupid question is the question never asked!

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